59 research outputs found

    The climatonomy of a needle ice event: An experiment in simulation climatology

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    Soil surface temperature, net radiation and surface heave are used to evaluate a computer simulation of a needle ice event at Vancouver, Canada. The simulation which includes fusion and soil water flow effects, provides a working example of a simulation-sensitivity experiment in climatology and therefore has implications which transcend the rather restricted subject of diurnal soil frost effects. Die Temperatur der BodenoberflĂ€che, die Strahlungsbilanz und die Bodenbewegung werden in einem Rechenmodell benĂŒtzt, das die Eisnadelbildung in Vancouver, Kanada, simuliert. Das Modell, welches den Gefriervorgang und den Effekt der Wasserströmung im Boden einbezieht, stellt ein Beispiel eines Simulations- und SensitivitĂ€tsexperiments in der Klimatologie dar, welches ĂŒber die Belange des beschrĂ€nkten Sachgebietes der Bodenfrosteffekte hinausgeht.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41665/1/704_2005_Article_BF02253559.pd

    The simulation of diurnal surface thermal contrast in sea ice and tundra terrain

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    A simple surface climate simulator has the capacity to model the thermal contrast produced by stratification, variable sea ice or active layer thickness and albedo in the environment of the Alaskan North Slope. These simulations form the background for modeling the probable effects of terrain modifications produced by Arctic construction. This strategy should allow investigators to estimate the most appropriate times for the discrimination of specific targets using thermal imagery as a prospecting medium and facilitate the interpretation of existing imagery. Lastly, the scheme allows investigators of surface modification effects to select probable subsets of processes for field evaluation by examining the sensitivity of the thermal response to variations of the input properties over their anticipated ranges in conjunction with estimates of the local meteorological environment. This sequence can also be used to test the physical validity of process arguments used in the interpretation of thermal contrast in reconnaissance imagery. Ein einfaches Modell des Bodenklimas besitzt die FĂ€higkeit, den thermischen Kontrast, der durch Stratifikation, variable Eisbedeckung oder aktive Schichtdecke und Albedo in der Umgebung des Nordhanges Alaskas hervorgerufen wird, abzubilden. Die Modellrechnungen bilden die Basis fĂŒr eine AbschĂ€tzung des Effektes von VerĂ€nderungen des GelĂ€ndes im Zusammenhang mit Bauarbeiten in der Arktis. Mit diesem Modell sollte es auch möglich sein, die gĂŒnstigsten Zeiten fĂŒr die unterschiedliche Behandlung spezifischer Zielgebiete unter Anwendung von Temperaturabbildungen als Aufschließungsmittel ausfindig zu machen und die Interpretation der bestehenden Temperaturabbildungen zu erleichtern. Letzten Endes erlaubt das Modell, auf Grund einer Untersuchung der Empfindlichkeit der thermischen Reaktion auf Änderungen der Anfangsbedingungen in ihrem möglichen Variationsbereich im Zusammenhang mit den örtlichen meteorologischen Bedingungen die Auswahl von Teilprozessen bei der Untersuchung von Auswirkungen der VerĂ€nderungen der OberflĂ€chenschicht des Bodens. Mittels dieses Modells kann auch die physikalische Richtigkeit verschiedener Argumente geprĂŒft werden, die in der Interpretation von Temperaturunterschieden, welche bei Gebietsuntersuchungen auftreten, angewendet werden.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41668/1/704_2005_Article_BF02243724.pd


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    . Urban areas have been conceived of as monolithic heat islands because traditional ground observation techniques do not lend themselves to more specific analyses. Observations of urban energy-exchange obtained from calibrated electro-optical scanners combined with energy budget simulation techniques provide tools to relate the urban land use mosaic to the heat island phenomenon. Maps of surface energy-related phenomena were made from airborne scanner outputs for selected flightpaths across the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Conditions for the flight time were simulated according to the various types of land use using an energy budget simulation model which lends itself to extrapolation of simulated grid-point conditions into a map form. Maps made by simulation compare sufficiently well with those made by aerial observation to encourage further refinement of the simulation approach.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72392/1/j.1467-8306.1976.tb01110.x.pd

    Micrometeorological observations of a soil surface during the partial phases of the total solar eclipse of March 7, 1970

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    Simultaneous observations of net radiation and temperature for the entire partial eclipse were obtained at a site with maximum obscuration of 92% of the direct solar radiation. A strongly negative net radiation of −96 mly/min comparable to nocturnal conditions (−110 mly/min) was found at minimum light. Since lowlight levels under normal daytime conditions (thick clouds) coincide with weak temperature gradients, organisms with both optical and thermal sensors may show a confused behavior under eclipse conditions. The contribution of direct solar radiation to the net radiation was computed using limb-darkened solar eclipse functions (included in an appendix) which show considerable departures from the uniform disk approximation. Gleichzeitige Beobachtungen der Strahlungsbilanz und der Temperatur wurden fĂŒr die Dauer der partiellen Phase der Sonnenfinsternis an einem Beobachtungsort angestellt, an dem zur Zeit der maximalen Finsternis 92% der direkten Sonnenstrahlung ausfielen. Eine stark negative Strahlungsbilanz von −96 mly/min, die nĂ€chtlichen Bedingungen (−110 mly/min) entspricht, wurde zum Zeitpunkt minimaler Einstrahlung vorgefunden. Da niedrige Lichtwerte unter normalen Tageslichtbedingungen (bei dichter Bewölkung) mit schwachen Temperaturgradienten zusammenfallen, können Organismen mit optischen und thermichen Sensoren unter den Bedingungen einer Sonnenfinsternis unregelmĂ€ĂŸig reagieren. Der Beitrag der direkten Sonnenstrahlung zur Strahlungsbilanz wude mittels einer im Anhang angefĂŒhrten Funktion berechnet, welche auf der Randverdunkelung der Sonne beruht. Diese Funktion zeigt bedeutsame Abweichungen gegenĂŒber der Annahme einer gleichmĂ€ĂŸigen Sonnenscheibe.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41664/1/704_2005_Article_BF02242882.pd

    Field observations of soil temperature and water tension feedback effects on needle ice nights

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    Numerous laboratory studies have indicated that thermal gradients may produce appreciable soil water movement in the absence of a strong suction field. In addition the soil water flow and thermal properties are physically interrelated. This paper presents field data taken during needle ice events at Vancouver, Canada, and yields an indication of the magnitude of interaction between the thermal and water flow properties. This feedback determines the state of soil frost hazard in a location where damage to plant material is produced by ice frost hazard in a location where damage to plant material is produced by ice needle growth. Further apparently anomalous interruption in the normal parabolic temperature-time pattern during radiation events is interpreted as the product of water flow down a thermal gradient. Zahlreiche Laboratoriumsstudien deuteten darauf hin, daß thermische Gradienten selbst bei Abwesenheit starker SaugkrĂ€fte bedeutsame Wasserbewegungen im Boden hervorrufen können. Überdies stehen die Strömung des Bodenwassers und die thermischen Eigenschaften des Bodens damit in physikalischem Zusammenhang. Die vorliegende Arbeit enthĂ€lt Meßdaten, die wĂ€hrend der Bildung von Nadeleis in Vancouver, Kanada, gewonnen wurden und grĂ¶ĂŸenordnungsmĂ€ĂŸige Beziehungen zwischen WĂ€rme- und Wasserstrom im Boden angeben. Die RĂŒckkopplung zwischen den beiden Strömen bestimmt die Bodenfrostgefahr an Orten, wo PflanzenschĂ€den durch Eisnadelbildung hervorgerufen werden. Eine offensichtlich abnormale Unterbrechung des normalen Temperatur-Zeit-VerhĂ€ltnisses wĂ€hrend des Ausstrahlungsvorganges wird als Effekt der Wasserströmung entsprechend einem einem thermischen Gradienten interpretiert.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41661/1/703_2005_Article_BF02247747.pd

    A study of time dependence during serial needle ice events

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    Soil surface temperature, net radiation and soil heave data during a series of eleven consecutive needle ice growth-melt cycles at Vancouver, Canada, were studied using computer-graphic techniques. A method of analyzing the morphologic evolution of a needle growth using surface temperature and soil heave data is presented. Lastly, an atmospheric-geomorphic correlation matrix derived partially from the analysis of surface temperature-heave data is used to highlight the importance of afternoon evaporation in determining the course of an individual needle ice event within an event series. Bodentemperatur, Strahlungsbilanz und Bodenbewegungsdaten aus Vancouver, Kanada, werden fĂŒr eine Serie von elf aufeinanderfolgenden Wachstums- und Schmelzzyklen von Eisnadeln graphisch wiedergegeben. Eine Methode zur Analyse der morphologischen Entwicklung des Nadelwachstums mit Hilfe von Bodentemperaturen und Bodenbewegungsdaten wird beschrieben. Schießlich wird eine Korrelationsmatrize zwischen atmosphĂ€rischen und geomorphologischen Daten teilweise aus den Daten der Bodentemperatur und Bodenbewegung abgeleitet und dazu benĂŒtzt, die Bedeutung der Verdunstung am Nachmittag fĂŒr den Verlauf der Nadelbildung innerhalb der beschriebenen Serie zu demonstrieren.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41660/1/703_2005_Article_BF02250898.pd

    The observation and simulation of diurnal surface thermal contrast in an Alaskan alpine pass

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    A simple surface climate simulator was employed in the analysis of thermal regimes in rough alpine terrain at Chitistone Pass, Alaska. The simulator favorably abstracts observations of thermal regimes on flat and sloping surfaces with variable thermal and radiative properties. It is shown that slope and exposure control variations in surface thermal regimes. The simulator predicts these controls and it is suggested that simulation of surface thermal regimes can be performed before and after field investigations, thus increasing the effective information content of thermal maps acquired using aircraft and orbital platforms. It is concluded that the removal by spatial filtering of the low frequency effects of slope and exposure on thermal maps is necessary before site material effects can be discriminated and analyzed. Ein einfaches Rechenmodell des Bodenklimas wurde auf die Analyse des Temperaturregimes im unebenen Terrain des Chitistone-Passes in Alaska angewandt. Das Modell bildet die beobachteten Temperaturregime ebener und geneigter BodenflĂ€chen mit verĂ€nderlichen WĂ€rmeleit- und Strahlungscharakteristiken zufriedenstellend ab. Es wird gezeigt, daß Hangneigung und Hanglage im wesentlichen das Bodentemperaturregime bedingen. Das Modell sagt diese Bedingungsfaktoren richtig voraus. Es wird daher vorgeschlagen, daß Modellrechnungen vor und nach Feldmessungen angestellt werden sollten, um den effektiven Informationsgehalt der Temperaturverteilungskarten zu erhöhen, die von Flugzeugen oder Satelliten vermessen wurden. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß die UnterdrĂŒckung niederfrequenter Effekte von Hangneigung und Hanglage auf die kartographisch festgehaltene Temperaturverteilung notwendig ist, bevor Bodenbeschaffenheitseffekte diskriminiert und analysiert werden können. Diese UnterdrĂŒckung kann durch rĂ€umliche Filterung geschehen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41669/1/704_2005_Article_BF02243725.pd

    Soil temperature and electric potential during diurnal and seasonal freeze-thaw

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    Combined measurements of soil temperature and electric potential in the upper 15 cm of a glacial sandy-loam soil were made during the winters of 1986-1987 and 19871988 at the University of Michigan Botanical Gardens using an electronic data acquisition system at frequencies varying from 10 min to daily (midnight). Most of the data was collected at hourly intervals.Analysis of temperature-potential time series at two locations with probes at (0, 3, 6, 9) and (0, 5, 10, 15) cm depths indicated that the variation of electric potential relative to the potential of a 1.5 m ground spike could be interpreted as the response of an electrolytic concentration cell without transference formed by a probe and the ground spike. As the electrolyte concentration is much greater at the ground spike, and electric potential varies inversely with concentration, the potentials at the soil probes varied over the range of approximately 300-700 mV in a manner consistent with the behavior of a concentration cell.The rapid and systematic pattern of potential variation during freeze-thaw events demonstrates that the effects of electrolyte concentration and dilution are products of evaporation-distillation, the melting of frost-purified ice, soil water advection to the freezing-evaporating region, concentrated electrolyte expulsion from the freezing region and the infiltration of rain and snow melt waters.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/27857/1/0000269.pd

    Gradient mapping of pattern ground characteristics from a photomosaic of the IBP tundra biome site near Barrow, Alaska

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    An air photographic mosaic covering an area of 44.5×10 5 m 2 was subdivided into 741 rectangular cells (60×100 m). Pattern frequency, center relief, shape, and wedge image clarity were tabulated using three states for each character on a nominal scale. These state variables were converted to an interval scale by the application of a spatial smoothing filter. The new values were subjected to a principal components analysis which indicated that a parsimonious classification of pattern spatial variation could be constructed by equally weighting the first three nominal variables (frequency, relief, shape). The maps derived from this scheme indicate the areas on the tundra surface where polygon evolution may be occurring at the present time.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43203/1/11004_2005_Article_BF02082889.pd

    The soil electric potential signature of summer drought

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    During the period from late April to early August, a timeseries of soil electric potential measurements in the upper 15 cm of mineral soil were collected daily at the University of Michigan Botanical Gardens using an automatic data collection system. These data, after conversion to a surrogate measure of electrolyte concentration, provide a unique record of the 1988 summer drought in a continental location. The effects of rainfall-dewfall electrolyte dilution, evaporation-induced electrolyte concentration and upward-downward soil water advection are well-illustrated in the data. These observations demonstrate that soil electric potential is an easily measured variable of high information content, especially when collected with other system-linked environmental data.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41671/1/704_2004_Article_BF00866203.pd
