2,672 research outputs found

    The H\"older Inequality for KMS States

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    We prove a H\"older inequality for KMS States, which generalises a well-known trace-inequality. Our results are based on the theory of non-commutative LpL_p-spaces.Comment: 10 page

    Fredholm determinants and the statistics of charge transport

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    Using operator algebraic methods we show that the moment generating function of charge transport in a system with infinitely many non-interacting Fermions is given by a determinant of a certain operator in the one-particle Hilbert space. The formula is equivalent to a formula of Levitov and Lesovik in the finite dimensional case and may be viewed as its regularized form in general. Our result embodies two tenets often realized in mesoscopic physics, namely, that the transport properties are essentially independent of the length of the leads and of the depth of the Fermi sea.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, reference added, credit amende

    Laboratory Measurement of the Pure Rotational Transitions of the HCNH+ and its Isotopic Species

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    The pure rotational transitions of the protonated hydrogen cyanide ion, HCNH+, and its isotopic species, HCND+ and DCND+, were measured in the 107 - 482 GHz region with a source modulated microwave spectrometer. The ions were generated in the cell with a magnetically confined dc-glow discharge of HCN and/or DCN. The rotational constant B0 and the centrifugal distortion constant D0 for each ion were precisely determined by a least-squares fitting to the observed spectral lines. The observed rotational transition frequencies by laboratory spectroscopy and the predicted ones are accurate in about 30 to 40 kHz and are useful as rest frequencies for astronomical searches of HCNH+ and HCND+.Comment: 14 pages in TeX, 1 figures in JPE

    Gauge theory in deformed N=(1,1) superspace

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    We review the non-anticommutative Q-deformations of N=(1,1) supersymmetric theories in four-dimensional Euclidean harmonic superspace. These deformations preserve chirality and harmonic Grassmann analyticity. The associated field theories arise as a low-energy limit of string theory in specific backgrounds and generalize the Moyal-deformed supersymmetric field theories. A characteristic feature of the Q-deformed theories is the half-breaking of supersymmetry in the chiral sector of the Euclidean superspace. Our main focus is on the chiral singlet Q-deformation, which is distinguished by preserving the SO(4) Spin(4) ``Lorentz'' symmetry and the SU(2) R-symmetry. We present the superfield and component structures of the deformed N=(1,0) supersymmetric gauge theory as well as of hypermultiplets coupled to a gauge superfield: invariant actions, deformed transformation rules, and so on. We discuss quantum aspects of these models and prove their renormalizability in the abelian case. For the charged hypermultiplet in an abelian gauge superfield background we construct the deformed holomorphic effective action.Comment: 1+60 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Supernova Neutrino Oscillations

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    Observing a high-statistics neutrino signal from a galactic supernova (SN) would allow one to test the standard delayed explosion scenario and may allow one to distinguish between the normal and inverted neutrino mass ordering due to the effects of flavor oscillations in the SN envelope. One may even observe a signature of SN shock-wave propagation in the detailed time-evolution of the neutrino spectra. A clear identification of flavor oscillation effects in a water Cherenkov detector probably requires a megatonne-class experiment.Comment: Proc. 129 Nobel Symposium "Neutrino Physics", 19-24 Aug 2004, Swede

    One-loop divergences in the two-dimensional non-anticommutative supersymmetric sigma-model

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    We discuss the structure of the non-anticommutative N=2 non-linear sigma-model in two dimensions, constructing differential operators which implement the deformed supersymmetry generators and using them to reproduce the classical action. We then compute the one-loop quantum corrections and express them in a more compact form using the differential operators.Comment: 20pp, 8 figures, uses LaTeX. Title expanded to clarify conten

    Ionization Potential of the Helium Atom

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    Ground state ionization potential of the He^4 atom is evaluated to be 5 945 204 221 (42) MHz. Along with lower order contributions, this result includes all effects of the relative orders alpha^4, alpha^3*m_e/m_alpha and alpha^5*ln^2(alpha).Comment: 4 page

    Evaluations on underdetermined blind source separation in adverse environments using time-frequency masking

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    The successful implementation of speech processing systems in the real world depends on its ability to handle adverse acoustic conditions with undesirable factors such as room reverberation and background noise. In this study, an extension to the established multiple sensors degenerate unmixing estimation technique (MENUET) algorithm for blind source separation is proposed based on the fuzzy c-means clustering to yield improvements in separation ability for underdetermined situations using a nonlinear microphone array. However, rather than test the blind source separation ability solely on reverberant conditions, this paper extends this to include a variety of simulated and real-world noisy environments. Results reported encouraging separation ability and improved perceptual quality of the separated sources for such adverse conditions. Not only does this establish this proposed methodology as a credible improvement to the system, but also implies further applicability in areas such as noise suppression in adverse acoustic environments

    Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in the Periodic Anderson Model

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    We study ground state properties of periodic Anderson model in a two-dimensional square lattice with variational Monte Carlo method. It is shown that there are two different types of quantum phase transition: a conventional antiferromagnetic transition and a Fermi-surface reconstruction which accompanies a change of topology of the Fermi surface. The former is induced by a simple back-folding of the Fermi surface while the latter is induced by localization of ff electrons. The mechanism of these transitions and the relation to the recent experiments on Fermi surface are discussed in detail.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Vacuum Structures in Hamiltonian Light-Front Dynamics

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    Hamiltonian light-front dynamics of quantum fields may provide a useful approach to systematic non-perturbative approximations to quantum field theories. We investigate inequivalent Hilbert-space representations of the light-front field algebra in which the stability group of the light-front is implemented by unitary transformations. The Hilbert space representation of states is generated by the operator algebra from the vacuum state. There is a large class of vacuum states besides the Fock vacuum which meet all the invariance requirements. The light-front Hamiltonian must annihilate the vacuum and have a positive spectrum. We exhibit relations of the Hamiltonian to the nontrivial vacuum structure.Comment: 16 pages, report \# ANL-PHY-7524-TH-93, (Latex
