181 research outputs found

    Linac4 DTL Prototype: Theoretical Model, Simulation and Low Energy Measurements

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    A one meter long hot prototype of the LINAC4 DTL, built in a collaboration with INFN Legnaro, was delivered to CERN in 2008. It was then copper plated at CERN is and is presently prepared for high-power testing at the CERN test stand in SM18. In this paper we present 2D/3D simulations and the first RF low-power measurements to verify the electromagnetic properties of the cavity and to tune it before the high-power RF tests. In particular, the influence of the post couplers was studied in order to guarantee stabilization of the accelerating field during operation. We present an equivalent circuit model of the DTL, together with a comparison of 3D simulations and measurement results for the hot model

    A Search for Instantons at HERA

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    A search for QCD instanton (I) induced events in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) at HERA is presented in the kinematic range of low x and low Q^2. After cutting into three characteristic variables for I-induced events yielding a maximum suppression of standard DIS background to the 0.1% level while still preserving 10% of the I-induced events, 549 data events are found while 363^{+22}_{-26} (CDM) and 435^{+36}_{-22} (MEPS) standard DIS events are expected. More events than expected by the standard DIS Monte Carlo models are found in the data. However, the systematic uncertainty between the two different models is of the order of the expected signal, so that a discovery of instantons can not be claimed. An outlook is given on the prospect to search for QCD instanton events using a discriminant based on range searching in the kinematical region Q^2\gtrsim100\GeV^2 where the I-theory makes safer predictions and the QCD Monte Carlos are expected to better describe the inclusive data.Comment: Invited talk given at the Ringberg Workshop on HERA Physics on June 19th, 2001 on behalf of the H1 collaboratio

    RF Structures for Linac4

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    Linac4 is proposed to replace the existing proton linac at CERN (Linac2). Using an increased injection energy of 160 MeV instead of 50 MeV, Linac4 is expected to double the beam intensity in the PS Booster (PSB) and will thus be the first step towards higher brightness beams in the LHC. In this paper we re-assess the choice of RF structures for Linac4. Different accelerating structures for different energy ranges are compared in terms of RF efficiency, ease of construction and alignment, and necessary infrastructure. Eventually we present the final choice for Linac4

    Construction Status of Linac4

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    The civil engineering works of the Linac4 linear accelerator at CERN started in October 2008 and regular machine operation is foreseen for 2013. Linac4 will accelerate H−ions to an energy of 160 MeV for injection into the PS Booster (PSB). It will thus replace the ageing Linac2, which presently injects at 50 MeV into the PSB, and it will also represents the first step in the injector upgrade for the LHC aiming at increasing its luminosity. This paper reports on the status of the design and construction of the main machine elements, which will be installed in the linac tunnel from the beginning of 2012 onwards, on the progress of the civil engineering and on the ongoing activities at the Linac4 test stand

    Plans for a Superconducting H−^{-} LINAC (SPL) at CERN

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    As part of the upgrade of the LHC injector complex at CERN, the construction of a 4 GeV Superconducting Proton Linac (the SPL, in fact an H- accelerator) is planned to begin in 2012. Depending upon physics requests, it should be upgradeable to 5 GeV and multi-MW beam power at a later stage. The construction of Linac4, its low energy front end, has started at the beginning of 2008. A full project proposal with a cost estimate for the low power version of the SPL aimed at improving LHC performance has to be ready for mid-2011. As a first step towards that goal, essential machine parameters like RF frequency, cooling temperature and accelerating gradient have recently been revisited and plans have been drawn for designing and testing critical components

    Choice of Frequency, Gradient and Temperature for a Superconducting Proton Linac

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    The construction of a Superconducting Proton Linac is planned at CERN during the next decade. It is foreseen to be constructed in two stages: a low duty cycle, low-power linac (LPSPL) as an injector for a new 50 GeV synchrotron (PS2) replacing the present PS, which could be upgraded to a high-duty cycle, high-power linac (HPSPL), for the needs of future facility(ies) requiring a multi-MW beam power. In this paper we present the criteria which were used to choose the frequency, gradient, and cryogenic temperature of the SPL. Since these questions are common to other proposed high-power proton linacs, they may also be of use for other projects with similar specifications. The various design options are discussed as well as their impact on beam dynamics, cavity performance, power consumption, cryogenics,and overall efficiency
