76 research outputs found


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    This article relates the results of some research, the first phase of which has been presented in a CIE Convention in 2002. The subject of the research is the study of the materials usually employed for light diffusion, in particular the commercial and exhibition applications. In both cases, the role these materials have in the removal of the most damaging component of light, that is the power issued in UV fields, is pivotal. Altogether, the research involved different types of glass, micro-drilled metal plates, plastic materials and film

    Bioclimatic design, assisted by numerical simulation in a transient state

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    The bioclimatic design aims to realize designing, localizative technological, plant-engineering choices, in order to have a housing model that satisfies comfort requisites through microclimate passive control and the control of the energy for heating plants. The study in this field is booming and, thanks to fast and effective calculation systems, the researchers can achieve reliable outcomes in reasonable times. Starting by a good thermal-energetic design and a bit of intuition, the bioclimatic design issue has been tackled scientifically and sistematically. So, we reached spe-cific and general conclusions useful to quantify and select the most used technics in this field. Our work doesn’t aim at a strict demonstration but at a study through which verify, understand and in-crease the knowledge of thermal-energetic phenomenon of building-environmental interaction. Many of the simulations in transient state have been made on matters we considered the most influential on the global behaviours of residential buildings. The matters on which we focused are: thermal cover (ther-mal insulation and inertia), glazed surfaces, screenings (static and mobile), in direct geothermal energy, vent (natural and artificial, diurnal and nocturnal). All this work has the aim to create the right balance between naatural cooling and heating during a while year, in order to guarantee thermal comfort to residents, thereby decreasing to a minimum the use of plants during the summer and the winter. The consequent designing-technical choices come from scrupulous interpretation of the outcomes, achieved by extrapolating from generic treatment the compatibility with the climatic conditions. In this per-spective, the authors, with the research, are using their knowledges to get innovative outcomes and integrate the research with empirical matters. residential buildings. The matters on which we focused are: thermal cover (ther-mal insulation and inertia), glazed surfaces, screenings (static and mobile), in direct geothermal energy, vent (natural and artificial, diurnal and nocturnal). All this work has the aim to create the right balance between naatural cooling and heating during a while year, in order to guarantee thermal comfort to residents, thereby decreasing to a minimum the use of plants during the summer and the winter. The consequent designing-technical choices come from scrupulous interpretation of the outcomes, achieved by extrapolating from generic treatment the compatibility with the climatic conditions. In this per-spective, the authors, with the research, are using their knowledges to get innovative outcomes and integrate the research with empirical matters

    Solar cooling design: a case study

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    Throughout the years various methods have been used for heat prevention and indoor temperature control in the summer in Mediterranean, tropical and subtropical countries. The alternative cooling strategies are based on various passive and low energy cooling technologies for protection of the buildings via design measures or special components to moderate the thermal gains, or to reject the excess heat to the ambient environment. All these techniques aim to reduce summer cooling loads and electricity demand for air conditioning. During the summer, in Mediterranean, tropical and subtropical countries, the demand for electricity increases because of the extensive use of heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) systems, which increase the peak electrical load, causing several problems in the electricity supply. The cooling of buildings can be efficiently addressed by referring to the concepts of energy efficiency and use of renewable sources. A particular method is the use of absorption chillers capable of using the thermal energy for producing chilled water. So, an integration of the system with renewable energy is possible: the absorption chiller can be supplied with thermal energy captured by solar collectors. This last mode of operation leads to the solar cooling systems. The use of solar energy to drive cooling cycles for space conditioning of most buildings is an attractive concept, since the cooling load coincides generally with solar energy availability and therefore the cooling requirements of a building are roughly in phase with the solar radiation. Moreover, they are energy efficient and environmentally safe. The purpose of this paper is to describe a solar cooling system to be installed on the roof of a building in Rome, the headquarters of the State Monopoly of Italy

    Un nuovo approccio metodologico al problema del controllo dei flussi dispersi: il regolamento tecnico d’attuazione della Legge della Regione Lazio 23/2000

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    Il presente lavoro nasce dalla recente esperienza degli autori all’interno di una commissione della Regione Lazio, preposta alla redazione del regolamento tecnico d’attuazione della Legge regionale 13 Aprile 2000 n.23 in tema di inquinamento luminoso. Tale regolamento nasce in un momento in cui la legislazione regionale in materia è abbastanza diversificata ed offre una serie di spunti di riflessione. Evitando di presentare un quadro di riferimento comparativo sullo stato dell’arte in materia, per il quale si rimanda ai riferimenti bibliografici, lo scopo del presente lavoro consiste nell’evidenziare una serie di elementi metodologici innovativi su cui si basa la redazione del regolamento. Tuttavia il Regolamento Tecnico d’Attuazione rappresenta uno strumento legislativo che non consente di sviluppare e di rendere operativo integralmente quanto verrà illustrato nell’articolo, in quanto vincolato ai contenuti della Legge a cui fa riferimento, limitata peraltro ad un ambito regionale. Il lavoro apre la strada, pertanto, ad alcuni possibili sviluppi futuri e ad un quadro legislativo più ampio, da costruire nel più breve tempo possibile

    Strumenti per la progettazione illuminotecnica: un confronto tra software scientifici e software commerciali

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di verificare in fase progettuale prima e di collaudo poi, l’attendibilità di alcuni programmi commerciali per la progettazione illuminotecnica di ambienti confinati, mediante l’utilizzo di software di ultima generazione, come LIGHTSCAPE 3.2 e LUMEN MICRO 2000, i cui dati di output vengono confrontati con misure sperimentali in campo ad impianto ultimato. L’ambiente preso in esame per effettuare la comparazione tra i risultati ottenuti con i vari software è la torre di controllo di un aeroporto italiano, quindi un ambiente confinato con la classica forma pentagonale e delimitato da pareti in vetro antiriflesso inclinate rispetto alla verticale. La norma a cui si è fatto riferimento nella progettazione è la UNI 10380:1994/A1:199


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    This work was about the study of the variations of the climatic parameters in an urban area bordering a green area. The problem of the great urbanization of the territory led to the registration of high temperatures in the cities, during the summer. Such a phenomenon, called “heat island”, is caused by the employment of those materials used for the urbanization of the territory, that have different responses to the solar radiations that influences the naked soil or on a soil with vegetation. Actually, the presence of a green area in a territory strongly urbanized changes its environmental parameters and those of a bordering zone. In particular, it is possible to record the variation of air and soil temperature and the variation of the wind speed and direction. It as been studied a typical urban context, in which a green area is surrounded by an urbanized area constituted by buildings, car parks and streets totally asphalted. Then the effect of different types of vegetation on the urban area climate has been evaluated, with the help of numerical analysis, and, moreover, the influence area of a specific green area on the bordering urban context has been studied. The computational model employed is the software ENVI-MET that successfully reproduces the interaction among urban surfaces, the vegetation and the atmosphere. The outcomes achieved help to understand how a green area modifies a city climate, making an area climatically more benign both under the comfort point of view for the people living there and under the energetic point of view

    Acoustic design of a long shape multipurpose and divisible hall

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    An huge industrial complex in Milan, constituted by many communicating buildings which cover an area of 14.000 square meters, is going to be transformed in a cultural centre dedicated to music, theatre and art expositions. The main hall is a long parallelepiped space (hall 1- dimensions: 130m x 19m x 22m) covered by a shed structure. The project previews that the hall will be divided in two “theatre style” halls (hall 2 - dimensions: 70m x 19m x 22m; hall 3 – dimensions: 50m x 19m x 22m), with sloped seating obtained by means of hydraulic platforms and, in particular conditions, like rock concerts or exhibitions the partition walls will be removed, the platforms will be led down and the hall will be used as single ambient. Hall 2 and mostly hall 1 are characterised by a very long shape, which causes problems connected with direct sound power and correct diffusion of sound density. A system of reflectors arranged over the public has been designed to reinforce the contribution of early reflections and to reduce virtually the volume of the halls in different configurations. The architectural acoustic methods have been integrated by electronic tools and a public address system, which permit to reach all listeners with a suitable dose of direct sound, elaborated in such a way as to create different virtual halls. This system allows to reach two important goal: the acoustic correction of an environment whose geometrical characteristics aren’t compatible with acoustics qualifications and an high flexibility in room use in accordance with customer requests
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