10 research outputs found

    Obtaining and evaluating breeding material for the creation of F1 hybrids of Chinese cabbage (<i>B. rapa</i> ssp. <i>pekinensis</i>) with resistance to stress factors

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    Relevance and purpose of the study. Chinese cabbage is a vegetable crop with a high content of vitamins and low calorie content, valued for its ability to receive several crops per year and high productivity. Recently, there has been a reduction in the supply of the vegetable to Russia. There are less than 70 varieties and hybrids of the crop in the State Register of Selection Achievements, many of them are susceptible to the most important diseases. It is necessary to meet consumer demand with new commercial hybrids with resistance to stressors. The aim of the study was to evaluate and obtain genotypes with a set of valuable economic traits, including resistance to clubroot, powdery mildew, and early bolting.Materials and methods. The Chinese cabbage lines of various degrees of inbred and DH, as well as hybrid combinations from crossing these lines, were used as plant material. The lines were obtained in 2019-2020, the breeding material for them was selected on the ground infected with clubroot and with tolerance to tip burn of heads. To achieve the goal, the following methods were applied: plants cultivation; DNA isolation (CTAB method); PCR analysis; electrophoresis and visualization of results; productivity assessment and dispersion analysis; obtaining doubled haploids in culture of isolated microspores in vitro, assessment of resistance/susceptibility to powdery mildew.Results. 2 genotypes with high productivity and alignment in turnover summer-autumn 2022 and a genotype exceeding 3 standards in head weight in turnover spring-summer 2022 were recommended; as a result of molecular genotyping, 41 lines were differentiated according to the clubroot resistance gene CRb; DH plants for 4 genotypes with resistance to early bolting were obtained, their responsiveness to embryogenesis was studied; 18 lines were evaluated for resistance to powdery mildew, 7 genotypes with resistance to the disease were identified

    Маркер-опосредованный отбор при создании устойчивых к пероноспорозу линий закрепителей стерильности лука репчатого (A. cepa L.)

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    Relevance. F1 hybrids breeding programs of onion are based on the use of nuclear cytoplasmic male sterility (NCMS). Breeding and seed production based on NCMS suggest a development of a female sterile maternal line, a maintainer line and a paternal component. The development of an isogenic pair of sterile line – maintainer line is one of the most labor-, time-consuming and intellectually-intensive stages of a breeding program, the implementation of which becomes more complicated with an increase in the number of traits / genes for which selection is carried out.Methods and results. This paper presents a genetic scheme for the development of a Downy mildewresistant (pathogen P. destructor) maintainer line of onion using marker-assisted selection (MAS). F2 populations were obtained from the cross of the female maintainer inbred line, Bn1- (13) (genotype – cytN msms pdpd) and male inbred line resistant to Downy mildew, No. 136 (genotype – cytT MsMs PdPd). DNA marker DMR1 were used for Downy mildew resistance gene Pd, jnurf13 – for maintainer gene ms and marker system 5`cob: orfA501 – for N, S and T cytoplasms. It was shown that the MAS application allow to develop a stable Downy mildew resistant maintainer line cytN msms PdPd in two generations.Актуальность. Селекционные программы по созданию F1 гибридов лука репчатого строятся на основе использования ядерно-цитоплазматической мужской стерильности (ЯЦМС). Селекция и семеноводство на основе ЯЦМС предполагают трехлинейную схему – стерильную материнскую линию, закрепитель стерильности и отцовский компонент. Создание изогенной пары стерильная линия – закрепитель стерильности – один из наиболее трудо-, время- и интелектуальноемких этапов селекционной программы, выполнение которого усложняется с увеличением числа признаков/генов, по которым проводится отбор.Материал исследований и результаты. В данной работе представлена схема создания устойчивой к пероноспорозу (возб. P. destructor) линии закрепителя стерильности лука репчатого с применением маркер-опосредованного отбора по ядерному гену устойчивости к пероноспорозу Pd (молекулярный маркер DMR1), ядерному гену закрепления стерильности ms (молекулярный маркер jnurf13) и по цитоплазматическим генам, определяющим N, S и T цитоплазмы (маркерная система 5`cob:orfA501). В результате гибридизации инбредной линии лука репчатого №136 (генотип – цитT MsMs PdPd) с геном Pd устойчивости к пероноспорозу и донора аллелей закрепления стерильности (ms), инбредной линии лука репчатого Бн1-(13) (генотип – цитN msms pdpd) получены расщепляющиеся популяции F2, из которых маркер-опосредованным отбором выделены гомозиготные по устойчивости к пероноспорозу линии – закрепители стерильности – цитN msms PdPd. Показано, что наследование гена устойчивости к пероноспорозу Pd в расщепляющихся популяциях от самоопыления гетерозигот Pdpd нестабильно и имеет существенное отклонение от менделевского распределения доминантных и рецессивных признаков в потомстве F2 при моногенном наследовании. Применение маркер-опосредованного отбора по целевым генам позволило создать устойчивую линию закрепитель стерильности цитN msms PdPd за два поколения

    On the anniversary of the breeder Grigory Fedorovich Monakhos

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    On March 20, 2024, an outstanding Russian breeder Grigory Fedorovich Monakhos, Head of a scientific school in the field of vegetable breeding, turned 70 years old. The labor, scientific and pedagogical activities of Grigory Fedorovich for more than forty years have been associated with «Timiryazevka” – the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Grigory Fedorovich is the author/co-author of more than 70 hybrids of vegetable crops, of which more than 40 are of white cabbage. In his breeding work, G.F. Monakhos paid the greatest attention to the most complex aspects: the genetic resistance of plants to phytopathogens and pests. Under his leadership, 18 candidates of science defended their theses. G.F. Monakhos is a co-author of more than 130 publications, including a textbook and educational manuals. Grigory Fedorovich is a member of the editorial boards of scientific journals “Izvestiya of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy” and “Potato and Vegetables”

    Получение и оценка селекционного материала для создания F1 гибридов капусты пекинской (B.rapa ssp. pekinensis) c устойчивостью к стрессовым факторам

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    Relevance and purpose of the study. Chinese cabbage is a vegetable crop with a high content of vitamins and low calorie content, valued for its ability to receive several crops per year and high productivity. Recently, there has been a reduction in the supply of the vegetable to Russia. There are less than 70 varieties and hybrids of the crop in the State Register of Selection Achievements, many of them are susceptible to the most important diseases. It is necessary to meet consumer demand with new commercial hybrids with resistance to stressors. The aim of the study was to evaluate and obtain genotypes with a set of valuable economic traits, including resistance to clubroot, powdery mildew, and early bolting.Materials and methods. The Chinese cabbage lines of various degrees of inbred and DH, as well as hybrid combinations from crossing these lines, were used as plant material. The lines were obtained in 2019-2020, the breeding material for them was selected on the ground infected with clubroot and with tolerance to tip burn of heads. To achieve the goal, the following methods were applied: plants cultivation; DNA isolation (CTAB method); PCR analysis; electrophoresis and visualization of results; productivity assessment and dispersion analysis; obtaining doubled haploids in culture of isolated microspores in vitro, assessment of resistance/susceptibility to powdery mildew.Results. 2 genotypes with high productivity and alignment in turnover summer-autumn 2022 and a genotype exceeding 3 standards in head weight in turnover spring-summer 2022 were recommended; as a result of molecular genotyping, 41 lines were differentiated according to the clubroot resistance gene CRb; DH plants for 4 genotypes with resistance to early bolting were obtained, their responsiveness to embryogenesis was studied; 18 lines were evaluated for resistance to powdery mildew, 7 genotypes with resistance to the disease were identified.Актуальность и цель исследования. Капуста пекинская – овощная культура с высоким содержанием витаминов и низкой калорийностью, ценится за возможность получать несколько урожаев в год и высокую продуктивность. В последнее время поставки овоща в Россию сократились. В Госреестре менее 70 сортов и гибридов культуры, многие восприимчивы к важнейшим заболеваниям. Необходимо удовлетворить потребительский спрос и пополнить Госреестр новыми продуктивными коммерческими гибридами с устойчивостью к стрессорам. Цель исследования состояла в оценке и создании генотипов с набором ценных хозяйственных признаков, включая устойчивость к киле, мучнистой росе, раннему стеблеванию.Материалы и методы. В качестве растительного материала были использованы линии капусты пекинской различной степени инбредности и DH, а также гибридные комбинации от скрещивания этих линий. Линии получены в 2019-2020 годах, селекционный материал для них отбирали на провокационных фонах по устойчивости к киле и толерантности к внутреннему ожогу кочанов. Использовали следующие методы: выращивание растений; выделение ДНК (метод СТАВ); ПЦР-анализ; электрофорез и визуализация результатов; оценка продуктивности и дисперсионный анализ; создании удвоенных гаплоидов в культуре изолированных микроспор in vitro; оценка устойчивости / восприимчивости к мучнистой росе.Результаты. Рекомендованы 2 генотипа с высокой продуктивностью и выровненностью в обороте лето-осень 2022 года, выявлен генотип, превысивший 3 стандарта по массе кочана в обороте весна-лето 2022 года; в результате молекулярного генотипирования проведена дифференциация 41 линии по гену устойчивости к киле CRb; получены DH растения для 4 генотипов с устойчивостью к стеблеванию, изучена их отзывчивость к эмбриогенезу; проведена оценка 18 линий на устойчивость к мучнистой росе, выделены 7 генотипов с устойчивостью к заболеванию


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    The line fixers of sterility from the other pairs with genotype TsitNrfrf are encouraged to use for off-patent biological copyright protection paternal pollinating lines. In this case, the F1 hybrids will always have a TsitSrfrf genotype and will be sterile, which makes it impossible to obtain F2 progeny.Предложена схема скрещиваний для создания закрепителя стерильности при ядерно-цитоплазматическом типе контроля стерильности у редиса. Показана необходимость отсутствия S-аллелей у закрепителя стерильности. Приведены результаты генетико-селекционной работы по созданию коллекции изогенных пар: цмс – закрепитель стерильности.  На основе изогенной пары Мс2 Зк2 выделены две перспективные гибридные комбинации, включенные в Госреестр под названиями F1 Марс и F1 Файер

    Methodological approaches for producing doubled haploids in sugar beet and red beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

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    The in vitro production of doubled haploids is a biotechnological path of an accelerated development of parental lines in F1-hybrid breeding programs. Unlike the traditional inbreeding method requiring 5 to 6 generations to reach a suf­ficient homozygosity of lines, the number of generations to produce pure lines of beet by haploid technologies is reduced to 2. The production of doubled haploids by gynogenesis is the most common biotechnological approach in sugar and red beets. Protocols for the production of doubled haploids for B. vulgaris species are few and have been developed mainly for sugar beets. There are no protocols for the production of doubled haploids for red beet (B. vulgaris convar. esculenta Salisb.), and the protocols developed for sugar beet (B. vulgaris convar. saccharifera Alef.) are ineffective for red beet, even though these two crops belong to the same species. The greatest success has been achieved in the production of doubled haploids by gynogenesis through isolated ovule culture, especially in sugar beet. Studies on the production of doubled haploids by androgenesis were actively carried out in the 1970s and 1980s and did not lead to the production of regenerated plants. However, at present, there is renewed interest among researchers in this approach, and scientists in different countries are conducting studies of Beta vulgaris androgenesis through isolated microspore culture. This article provides an overview of studies devoted to the production of doubled haploids, addressing the main problems of doubled haploid technologies, and methods to increase the frequency of embryogenesis and doubled haploid plant formation in B. vulgaris crops

    Marker-assisted breeding of onion (<i>A. cepa L.</i>) maintainer line resistant to Downy mildew

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    Relevance. F1 hybrids breeding programs of onion are based on the use of nuclear cytoplasmic male sterility (NCMS). Breeding and seed production based on NCMS suggest a development of a female sterile maternal line, a maintainer line and a paternal component. The development of an isogenic pair of sterile line – maintainer line is one of the most labor-, time-consuming and intellectually-intensive stages of a breeding program, the implementation of which becomes more complicated with an increase in the number of traits / genes for which selection is carried out.Methods and results. This paper presents a genetic scheme for the development of a Downy mildewresistant (pathogen P. destructor) maintainer line of onion using marker-assisted selection (MAS). F2 populations were obtained from the cross of the female maintainer inbred line, Bn1- (13) (genotype – cytN msms pdpd) and male inbred line resistant to Downy mildew, No. 136 (genotype – cytT MsMs PdPd). DNA marker DMR1 were used for Downy mildew resistance gene Pd, jnurf13 – for maintainer gene ms and marker system 5`cob: orfA501 – for N, S and T cytoplasms. It was shown that the MAS application allow to develop a stable Downy mildew resistant maintainer line cytN msms PdPd in two generations


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    The line fixers of sterility from the other pairs with genotype TsitNrfrf are encouraged to use for off-patent biological copyright protection paternal pollinating lines. In this case, the F1 hybrids will always have a TsitSrfrf genotype and will be sterile, which makes it impossible to obtain F2 progeny