26 research outputs found

    Real-time simulation of parameter-dependent fluid flows through deep learning-based reduced order models

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    Simulating fluid flows in different virtual scenarios is of key importance in engineering applications. However, high-fidelity, full-order models relying, e.g., on the finite element method, are unaffordable whenever fluid flows must be simulated in almost real-time. Reduced order models (ROMs) relying, e.g., on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) provide reliable approximations to parameter-dependent fluid dynamics problems in rapid times. However, they might require expensive hyper-reduction strategies for handling parameterized nonlinear terms, and enriched reduced spaces (or Petrov–Galerkin projections) if a mixed velocity–pressure formulation is considered, possibly hampering the evaluation of reliable solutions in real-time. Dealing with fluid–structure interactions entails even greater difficulties. The proposed deep learning (DL)-based ROMs over-come all these limitations by learning, in a nonintrusive way, both the nonlinear trial manifold and the reduced dynamics. To do so, they rely on deep neural networks, after performing a former dimensionality reduction through POD, enhancing their training times substantially. The resulting POD-DL-ROMs are shown to provide accurate results in almost real-time for the flow around a cylinder benchmark, the fluid–structure interaction between an elastic beam attached to a fixed, rigid block and a laminar incompressible flow, and the blood flow in a cerebral aneurysm

    Deep-HyROMnet: A Deep Learning-Based Operator Approximation for Hyper-Reduction of Nonlinear Parametrized PDEs

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    To speed-up the solution of parametrized differential problems, reduced order models (ROMs) have been developed over the years, including projection-based ROMs such as the reduced-basis (RB) method, deep learning-based ROMs, as well as surrogate models obtained through machine learning techniques. Thanks to its physics-based structure, ensured by the use of a Galerkin projection of the full order model (FOM) onto a linear low-dimensional subspace, the Galerkin-RB method yields approximations that fulfill the differential problem at hand. However, to make the assembling of the ROM independent of the FOM dimension, intrusive and expensive hyper-reduction techniques, such as the discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM), are usually required, thus making this strategy less feasible for problems characterized by (high-order polynomial or nonpolynomial) nonlinearities. To overcome this bottleneck, we propose a novel strategy for learning nonlinear ROM operators using deep neural networks (DNNs). The resulting hyper-reduced order model enhanced by DNNs, to which we refer to as Deep-HyROMnet, is then a physics-based model, still relying on the RB method approach, however employing a DNN architecture to approximate reduced residual vectors and Jacobian matrices once a Galerkin projection has been performed. Numerical results dealing with fast simulations in nonlinear structural mechanics show that Deep-HyROMnets are orders of magnitude faster than POD-Galerkin-DEIM ROMs, still ensuring the same level of accuracy

    Deep learning-based reduced order models in cardiac electrophysiology

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    Predicting the electrical behavior of the heart, from the cellular scale to the tissue level, relies on the numerical approximation of coupled nonlinear dynamical systems. These systems describe the cardiac action potential, that is the polarization/depolarization cycle occurring at every heart beat that models the time evolution of the electrical potential across the cell membrane, as well as a set of ionic variables. Multiple solutions of these systems, corresponding to different model inputs, are required to evaluate outputs of clinical interest, such as activation maps and action potential duration. More importantly, these models feature coherent structures that propagate over time, such as wavefronts. These systems can hardly be reduced to lower dimensional problems by conventional reduced order models (ROMs) such as, e.g., the reduced basis method. This is primarily due to the low regularity of the solution manifold (with respect to the problem parameters), as well as to the nonlinear nature of the input-output maps that we intend to reconstruct numerically. To overcome this difficulty, in this paper we propose a new, nonlinear approach relying on deep learning (DL) algorithms—such as deep feedforward neural networks and convolutional autoencoders—to obtain accurate and efficient ROMs, whose dimensionality matches the number of system parameters. We show that the proposed DL-ROM framework can efficiently provide solutions to parametrized electrophysiology problems, thus enabling multi-scenario analysis in pathological cases. We investigate four challenging test cases in cardiac electrophysiology, thus demonstrating that DL-ROM outperforms classical projection-based ROMs

    Reduced order modeling of nonlinear microstructures through Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

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    We apply the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method for the efficient simulation of several scenarios undergone by Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems, involving nonlinearites of geometric and electrostatic nature. The former type of nonlinearity, associated to the large displacements of the devices, leads to polynomial terms up to cubic order that are reduced through exact projection onto a low-dimensional subspace spanned by the Proper Orthogonal Modes (POMs). On the contrary, electrostatic nonlinearities are modeled resorting to precomputed manifolds in terms of the amplitudes of the electrically active POMs. We extensively test the reliability of the assumed linear trial space in challenging applications focusing on resonators, micromirrors and arches also displaying internal resonances. We discuss several options to generate the matrix of snapshots using both classical time marching schemes and more advanced Harmonic Balance (HB) approaches. Furthermore, we propose a comparison between the periodic orbits computed with POD and the invariant manifold approximated with Direct Normal Form approaches, further stressing the reliability of the technique and its remarkable predictive capabilities, e.g., in terms of estimation of the frequency response function of selected output quantities of interest

    Deep learning-based reduced order models for the real-time simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of microstructures

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    We propose a non-intrusive deep learning-based reduced order model (DL-ROM) capable of capturing the complex dynamics of mechanical systems showing inertia and geometric nonlinearities. In the first phase, a limited number of high fidelity snapshots are used to generate a POD-Galerkin ROM which is subsequently exploited to generate the data, covering the whole parameter range, used in the training phase of the DL-ROM. A convolutional autoencoder is employed to map the system response onto a low-dimensional representation and, in parallel, to model the reduced nonlinear trial manifold. The system dynamics on the manifold is described by means of a deep feedforward neural network that is trained together with the autoencoder. The strategy is benchmarked against high fidelity solutions on a clamped-clamped beam and on a real micromirror with softening response and multiplicity of solutions. By comparing the different computational costs, we discuss the impressive gain in performance and show that the DL-ROM truly represents a real-time tool which can be profitably and efficiently employed in complex system-level simulation procedures for design and optimization purposes

    Uncertainty quantification for nonlinear solid mechanics using reduced order models with Gaussian process regression

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    Uncertainty quantification (UQ) tasks, such as sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation, entail a huge computational complexity when dealing with input-output maps involving the solution of nonlinear differential problems, because of the need to query expensive numerical solvers repeatedly. Projection-based reduced order models (ROMs), such as the Galerkin-reduced basis (RB) method, have been extensively developed in the last decades to overcome the computational complexity of high fidelity full order models (FOMs), providing remarkable speed-ups when addressing UQ tasks related with parameterized differential problems. Nonetheless, constructing a projection-based ROM that can be efficiently queried usually requires extensive modifications to the original code, a task which is non-trivial for nonlinear problems, or even not possible at all when proprietary software is used. Non-intrusive ROMs – which rely on the FOM as a black box – have been recently developed to overcome this issue. In this work, we consider ROMs exploiting proper orthogonal decomposition to construct a reduced basis from a set of FOM snapshots, and Gaussian process regression (GPR) to approximate the RB projection coefficients. Two different approaches, namely a global GPR and a tensor-decomposition-based GPR, are explored on a set of 3D time-dependent solid mechanics examples. Finally, the non-intrusive ROM is exploited to perform global sensitivity analysis (relying on both screening and variance-based methods) and parameter estimation (through Markov chain Monte Carlo methods), showing remarkable computational speed-ups and very good accuracy compared to high-fidelity FOMs

    Management of TENORM in a crude refinery

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    A multi-step project has been developed by eni r&m to define a TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) management system in refinery plants, compliant with Italian regulations and international guidelines. The project involves a preliminary survey on refineries to detect, on the basis of the production process, the sections at risk of TENORM accumulation; this analysis is followed by the consequent formation/information to the workers, dose assessment for workers and the public, introduction of radiometric characterization before release of potentially contaminated waste