4,295 research outputs found

    Generalized Galileon cosmology

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    We study the cosmology of a generalized Galileon field Ï•\phi with five covariant Lagrangians in which Ï•\phi is replaced by general scalar functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) (i=1,...,5). For these theories, the equations of motion remain at second-order in time derivatives. We restrict the functional forms of fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) from the demand to obtain de Sitter solutions responsible for dark energy. There are two possible choices for power-law functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi), depending on whether the coupling F(Ï•)F(\phi) with the Ricci scalar RR is independent of Ï•\phi or depends on Ï•\phi. The former corresponds to the covariant Galileon theory that respects the Galilean symmetry in the Minkowski space-time. For generalized Galileon theories we derive the conditions for the avoidance of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with scalar and tensor perturbations as well as the condition for the stability of de Sitter solutions. We also carry out detailed analytic and numerical study for the cosmological dynamics in those theories.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Cosmological perturbation in f(R,G) theories with a perfect fluid

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    In order to classify modified gravity models according to their physical properties, we analyze the cosmological linear perturbations for f(R,G) theories (R being the Ricci scalar and G, the Gauss-Bonnet term) with a minimally coupled perfect fluid. For the scalar type perturbations, we identify in general six degrees of freedom. We find that two of these physical modes obey the same dispersion relation as the one for a non-relativistic de Broglie wave. This means that spacetime is either highly unstable or its fluctuations undergo a scale-dependent super-luminal propagation. Two other modes correspond to the degrees of freedom of the perfect fluid, and propagate with the sound speed of such a fluid. The remaining two modes correspond to the entropy and temperature perturbations of the perfect fluid, and completely decouple from the other modes for a barotropic equation of state. We then provide a concise condition on f(R,G) theories, that both f(R) and R+f(G) do fulfill, to avoid the de Broglie type dispersion relation. For the vector type perturbation, we find that the perturbations decay in time. For the tensor type perturbation, the perturbations can be either super-luminal or sub-luminal, depending on the model. No-ghost conditions are also obtained for each type of perturbation.Comment: 12 pages, uses RevTe

    Tracing a relativistic Milky Way within the RAMOD measurement protocol

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    Advancement in astronomical observations and technical instrumentation implies taking into account the general relativistic effects due the gravitational fields encountered by the light while propagating from the star to the observer. Therefore, data exploitation for Gaia-like space astrometric mission (ESA, launch 2013) requires a fully relativistic interpretation of the inverse ray-tracing problem, namely the development of a highly accurate astrometric models in accordance with the geometrical environment affecting light propagation itself and the precepts of the theory of measurement. This could open a new rendition of the stellar distances and proper motions, or even an alternative detection perspective of many subtle relativistic effects suffered by light while it is propagating and subsequently recorded in the physical measurements.Comment: Proceeding for "Relativity and Gravitation, 100 Years after Einstein in Prague" to be published by Edition Open Access, revised versio

    Impulsive gravitational waves of massless particles in extended theories of gravity

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    We investigate the vacuum pp-wave and Aichelburg-Sexl-type solutions in f(R) and the modified Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity with both minimal and nonminimal couplings between matter and geometry. In each case, we obtain the necessary condition for the theory to admit the solution and examine it for several specific models. We show that the wave profiles are the same or proportional to the general relativistic one

    Relativistic Charged Spheres II: Regularity and Stability

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    We present new results concerning the existence of static, electrically charged, perfect fluid spheres that have a regular interior and are arbitrarily close to a maximally charged black-hole state. These configurations are described by exact solutions of Einstein's field equations. A family of these solutions had already be found (de Felice et al., 1995) but here we generalize that result to cases with different charge distribution within the spheres and show, in an appropriate parameter space, that the set of such physically reasonable solutions has a non zero measure. We also perform a perturbation analysis and identify the solutions which are stable against adiabatic radial perturbations. We then suggest that the stable configurations can be considered as classic models of charged particles. Finally our results are used to show that a conjecture of Kristiansson et al. (1998) is incorrect.Comment: revtex, 13 pages. five EPS figures. Accepted by CQ

    Can we see naked singularities?

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    We study singularities which can form in a spherically symmetric gravitational collapse of a general matter field obeying weak energy condition. We show that no energy can reach an outside observer from a null naked singularity. That means they will not be a serious threat to the Cosmic Censorship Conjecture (CCC). For the timelike naked singularities, where only the central shell gets singular, the redshift is always finite and they can in principle, carry energy to a faraway observer. Hence for proving or disproving CCC the study of timelike naked singularities will be more important. Our results are very general and are independent of initial data and the form of the matter.Comment: 10 page

    The post-Newtonian limit in C-theories of gravitation

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    C-theory provides a unified framework to study metric, metric-affine and more general theories of gravity. In the vacuum weak-field limit of these theories, the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameters β\beta and γ\gamma can differ from their general relativistic values. However, there are several classes of models featuring long-distance modifications of gravity but nevertheless passing the Solar system tests. Here it is shown how to compute the PPN parameters in C-theories and also in nonminimally coupled curvature theories, correcting previous results in the literature for the latter.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; To appear in PRD as a rapid communicatio

    Density perturbations in general modified gravitational theories

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    We derive the equations of linear cosmological perturbations for the general Lagrangian density f(R,ϕ,X)/2+Lcf (R,\phi, X)/2+L_c, where RR is a Ricci scalar, ϕ\phi is a scalar field, and X=−(∇ϕ)2/2X=-(\nabla \phi)^2/2 is a field kinetic energy. We take into account a nonlinear self-interaction term LcL_c recently studied in the context of "Galileon" cosmology, which keeps the field equations at second order. Taking into account a scalar-field mass explicitly, the equations of matter density perturbations and gravitational potentials are obtained under a quasi-static approximation on sub-horizon scales. We also derive conditions for the avoidance of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with propagation speeds. Our analysis includes most of modified gravity models of dark energy proposed in literature and thus it is convenient to test the viability of such models from both theoretical and observational points of view.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Cosmological dynamics of fourth order gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term

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    We consider cosmological dynamics in fourth order gravity with both f(R)f(R) and Φ(G)\Phi(\mathcal {G}) correction to the Einstein gravity (G\mathcal{G} is the Gauss-Bonnet term). The particular case for which both terms are equally important on power-law solutions is described. These solutions and their stability are studied using the dynamical system approach. We also discuss condition of existence and stability of de Sitter solution in a more general situation of power-law ff and Φ\Phi.Comment: published version, references update

    The Formation of non-Keplerian Rings of Matter about Compact Stars

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    The formation of energetic rings of matter in a Kerr spacetime with an outward pointing acceleration field does not appear to have previously been noted as a relativistic effect. In this paper we show that such rings are a gravimagneto effect with no Newtonian analog, and that they do not occur in the static limit. The energy efficiency of these rings can, depending of the strength of the acceleration field, be much greater than that of Keplerian disks. The rings rotate in a direction opposite to that of compact star about which they form. The size and energy efficiency of the rings depend on the fundamental parameters of the spacetime as well as the strength the acceleration field.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 diagram. Figures are included in the text using the "graphicx" package. If you do not have this package you can use epsfig, or another package as long as you alter the tex file appropriately. Alternatively you could print the figures out seperatel
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