14 research outputs found

    Gli effetti sul flusso aereo nasale della turbinoplastica inferiore in corso di rinosettoplastica

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    La rinoplastica è una procedura chirurgica molto comune e al tempo stesso di elevata complessità. Uno degli aspetti più discussi di tale chirurgia sono gli insoddisfacenti esiti funzionali dovuti spesso ad un eccessivo restringimento dell’area della valvola nasale. Alcune procedure, come la turbinoplastica inferiore, possono favorire la prevenzione di tali problematiche ostruttive. L’intento del presente studio è quello di indagare gli effetti della turbinoplastica inferiore sulla resistenza nasale e sull’ostruzione respiratoria. In 50 pazienti è stata effettuata un’analisi preoperatoria e sei mesi dopo rinoplastica con turbinoplastica inferiore mediante rinomanometria anteriore attiva. Nessuno dei pazienti ha lamentato sintomatologia ostruttiva nasale nel preoperatorio o nel corso del postoperatorio. In accordo con i dati rinomanometrici sia le resistenze inspiratorie che quelle espiratorie hanno presentato valori migliori nel postoperatorio, ma solo le resistenze espiratorie hanno presentato una significatività statistica (p = 0,034). Le differenze in termini di flusso nasale fra maschi, femmine e differenti gruppi di età non sono state significative (p > 0,05). In conclusione dai dati del nostro studio emerge che la rinosettoplastica, associate a turbinoplastica parziale non ha un impatto negativo sulla funzionalità nasale ed in particolare sul flusso aereo attraverso le cavità nasali

    The association between depression, anxiety and substance use among Canadian post-secondary students

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    Sarvenaz Esmaeelzadeh,1 John Moraros,1 Lilian Thorpe,2 Yelena Bird1 1School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; 2Community Health and Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Purpose: This study aims to examine the association between depression, anxiety and substance use among Canadian post-secondary students.Methods: This study used data from the spring 2016, American College Health Association – National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II) survey. It includes 43,780 college students from 41 Canadian post-secondary institutions. The exposure variables of interest were alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use, and the outcome variables of interest were diagnosis or treatment for depression and/or anxiety. Descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to analyze our data. Results: Our study found that 14.7% of post-secondary students were diagnosed or treated for depression and 18.4% for anxiety within the past 12 months. Among current (past 30 days) substance use, it was reported that alcohol (69.3%), cannabis (17.9%) and tobacco (11%) were the most common. There was a significant association between depression and current tobacco use (OR =1.36, 95% CI: 1.22–1.52, P<0.001) and current cannabis use (OR =1.17, 95% CI: 1.05–1.31, P<0.001). There was also a gender-specific association between anxiety and female alcohol users (OR =1.41, 95% CI: 1.24–1.62, P<0.001).Conclusion: The results of this study found significant associations between depression, tobacco use and cannabis use, and anxiety and alcohol use among post-secondary students. These conditions should be screened concurrently for improved outcomes among this vulnerable population. Keywords: depression, anxiety, alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, post-secondary student

    Investigation of Heavy Metals Concentrations in Different Tissues of Persian Jird as Bioindicator Species in Darreh Zereshk, Yazd

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    In this study, the concentrations of Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Sr and Mg in hair, lung and femur tissues of Persian Jird as bioindicator species in different regions of Darreh Zereshk copper mine were investigated. In summer of 2012, a systematic random sampling was performed by using snap trap in different parts of the copper mine. Wet digestion method and ICP-OES instrument were applied for measurement of metal concentrations in different tissues. The concentrationS of Cd and Pb were reported below the detection limit of instrument. Results indicated that Ni and Cu in hair tissue and Mg and Sr in femur tissue of Persian Jird accumulate significantly more than in other tissues (PSr>Cr>Cu>Ni in different tissues. Generally, the female of Persian Jirds accumulate more heavy metals than males. The concentration of Cu in hair tissue of the first three regions and the concentration of Ni, Sr and Cr in the fourth region showed a significant difference compared with other regions

    Evaluating the efficacy of probiotic on treatment in patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) - A pilot study

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    Background & objectives: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) leads to several gastrointestinal (GI) problems and complications leading to malabsorption. The effectiveness of probiotics in the treatment of SIBO syndrome has not been well studied. This pilot study was aimed to assess the efficacy of a probiotic consisting of lactobacilli in the treatment of SIBO. Methods: In this study, 30 cases suffering from chronic abdominal pain or diarrhoea and with a positive hydrogen breath test were randomized in a double-blind manner into two groups: probiotic drug user and control group. After an initial 3-week aggressive therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics, a 15-day maintenance antibiotic therapy with lactol was administered for the study group and the same regimen without lactol for the control group. After six months the HBT result and the GI symptoms were analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results: The result of hydrogen breath test and the clinical symptoms in patients receiving the maintenance regimen with lactol probiotic showed a better response. The hydrogen breath test turned negative in 93.3 per cent of those receiving lactol compared to 66.7 per cent of the controls. In all the cases receiving lactol, the abdominal pain disappeared completely ( p =0.002). In addition, other GI problems including flatulence, belching and diarrhoea significantly improved in the study group ( p <0.05). Interpretation & conclusions: Based on the preliminary data it seems that adding lactol probiotic to the maintenance therapy of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth patients on routine antibiotic therapy will be beneficial in preventing the complications of this syndrome

    Osteoblast cell response to nanoscale SiO2/ZrO2 particulate-reinforced titanium composites and scaffolds by powder metallurgy

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    The strength of porous pure titanium (Ti) scaffold decreases dramatically with the introduction of porosity and might become lower than that of natural bone when with high porosity. To simultaneously meet the requirements of low-elastic modulus and appropriate strength for implant materials, it is necessary to develop new biocompatible Ti-based composites that are stronger than those currently available while providing low-elastic modulus and adequate strength when they are scaffolded into a porous structure. In this study, new particulatereinforced Ti-based composites with nanoscale oxide particles of SiO2 and ZrO2 were prepared using a powder metallurgical method. The strengths of the new particulatereinforced titanium composites were found to be signifi- cantly higher than that of a pure Ti. Cell culture results revealed that the articulate-reinforced titanium composites showed excellent biocompatibility and cell adhesion. Human osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells grew and spread well on the surfaces of the new titanium composites. The present study illustrated the feasibility of using the particulate-reinforced titanium composites as an orthopaedic implant materia