9,091 research outputs found

    Black Holes with Multiple Charges and the Correspondence Principle

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    We consider the entropy of near extremal black holes with multiple charges in the context of the recently proposed correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski, including black holes with two, three and four Ramond-Ramond charges. We find that at the matching point the black hole entropy can be accounted for by massless open strings ending on the D-branes for all cases except a black hole with four Ramond-Ramond charges, in which case a possible resolution in terms of brane-antibrane excitations is considered.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac, minor correction

    Where is the Information Stored in Black Holes?

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    It is shown that many modes of the gravitational field exist only inside the horizon of an extreme black hole in string theory. At least in certain cases, the number of such modes is sufficient to account for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. These modes are associated with sources which carry Ramond-Ramond charge, and so may be viewed as the strong coupling limit of D-branes. Although these sources naturally live at the singularity, they are well defined and generate modes which extend out to the horizon. This suggests that the information in an extreme black hole is not localized near the singularity or the horizon, but extends between them.Comment: 21 pages, reference corrected and comment adde

    Strong Correlations in Actinide Redox Reactions

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    Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions of the redox couples An(VI)/An(V), An(V)/An(IV), and An(IV)/An(III), where An is an element in the family of early actinides (U, Np, and Pu), as well as Am(VI)/Am(V) and Am(V)/Am(III), are modeled by combining density functional theory with a generalized Anderson impurity model that accounts for the strong correlations between the 5f electrons. Diagonalization of the Anderson impurity model yields improved estimates for the redox potentials and the propensity of the actinide complexes to disproportionate.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure, 3 tables. Corrections and clarifications; this version has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Comment on Counting Black Hole Microstates Using String Dualities

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    We discuss a previous attempt at a microscopic counting of the entropy of asymptotically flat non-extremal black-holes. This method used string dualities to relate 4 and 5 dimensional black holes to the BTZ black hole. We show how the dualities can be justified in a certain limit, equivalent to a near horizon limit, but the resulting spacetime is no longer asymptotically flat.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac. v(2) typo correcte

    A Correspondence Principle for Black Holes and Strings

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    For most black holes in string theory, the Schwarzschild radius in string units decreases as the string coupling is reduced. We formulate a correspondence principle, which states that (i) when the size of the horizon drops below the size of a string, the typical black hole state becomes a typical state of strings and D-branes with the same charges, and (ii) the mass does not change abruptly during the transition. This provides a statistical interpretation of black hole entropy. This approach does not yield the numerical coefficient, but gives the correct dependence on mass and charge in a wide range of cases, including neutral black holes.Comment: 24 pages, one typo correcte

    Black Hole Entropy and Superconformal Field Theories on Brane-Antibrane Systems

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    We obtain the enropy of Schwarzschild and charged black holes in D>4 from superconformal gases that live on p=10-D dimensional brane-antibrane systems wrapped on T^p. The preperties of the strongly coupled superconformal theories such as the appearance of hidden dimensions (for p=1,4) and fractional strings (for p=5) are crucial for our results. In all cases, the Schwarzschild radius is given by the transverse fluctuations of the branes and antibranes due to the finite temperature. We show that our results can be generalized to multicharged black holes.Comment: 24 pages in phyzzx.te

    An Equivalence Between Momentum and Charge in String Theory

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    It is shown that for a translationally invariant solution to string theory, spacetime duality interchanges the momentum in the symmetry direction and the axion charge per unit length. As one application, we show explicitly that charged black strings are equivalent to boosted (uncharged) black strings. The extremal black strings (which correspond to the field outside of a fundamental macroscopic string) are equivalent to plane fronted waves describing strings moving at the speed of light.Comment: 10 page
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