7 research outputs found

    Effect of genetic specifics of patients on myocardial contractility after acute myocardial infarction: a literature review

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    In this literature review, we analyzed studies on the influence of genetic specifics of patients on the restoration of myocardial contractility after acute myocardial infarction. Data on the influence of genetic characteristics on the myocardial repair, remodeling process, and the restoration of cardiac contractility are presented. The use of genetic methods in the examination of patients and further consideration of individual characteristics when prescribing therapy will make it possible to implement a personalized approach to each patient. This will improve the effectiveness of treatment and the disease prognosis


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    Aim. To evaluate short- and long-term prognosis of myocardial infarction (MI) depending on occurrence of pathologic Q-wave on ECG and time of its appearance.Material and methods. 616 patients with initial ST-elevated MI were included into the study — 254 women and 362 men, aged 62.1±11.2. All patients were split up three groups depending on occurrence of pathologic Q-wave on ECG and time of its appearance. First group consisted of 311 patients with early Q-wave (during first 6 hours from onset of MI symptoms). Second group consisted of 120 patients with late Q-wave (from 6 to 24 hours from onset of MI symptoms). Third group consisted of 185 patients with non-Q-wave MI.Results. The hospital lethality in the patients with early Q-wave was significantly higher than this in patients of the second and the third groups. However, we didn’t reveal significant differences between patients with late Q-wave and patients without Q-wave on ECG. The incidences of cardiac death (sudden death and fatal MI), non-fatal MI and hospitalization because of unstable angina was assessed during next two years. During the follow-up period patients of three groups had similar incidences of the non-fatal MI and hospitalization because of unstable angina. However, incidence of cardiac death was significantly higher in early Q-wave group in comparison with non-Q-wave group.Conclusion. Occurrence of pathologic Q-wave on ECG and time of its appearance should be taken into account to assessed short- and long-term prognosis of MI

    Организация реабилитации больных острым коронарным синдромом в Красноярском крае

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    Aim. To evaluate the program of rehabilitation services for patients with ACS over the last six years in the Krasnoyarsk Region.Methods. Data from the National report on the key performance indicators of the Regional Vascular Centers and Primary Vascular Departments of the Krasnoyarsk Region from 2012 to 2017; National reports on the population health of the Krasnoyarsk Region from 2012 to 2017; reports of the healthcare institutions providing outpatient rehabilitation for patients with ACS in the Krasnoyarsk Region were included in the analysis.Results. Over the past six years the number of patients with ACS decreased in the Krasnoyarsk Region. There were 15,923 patients suffered from ACS in 2012, in 2013 - 13,119, in 2014 - 11,192, in 2015 - 11,019, in 2016 - 10,985, and in 2017 - 9,903. The number of patients with ACS decreased due to the exclusion of patients with unstable angina (UA), while the number of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remained constant and varied from 5,000 to 5,500 patients. The majority of ACS patients were treated in the Regional Vascular Centers and Primary Vascular Departments where they successfully underwent Phase 1 of the rehabilitation program. At di, all patients were referred to Phase 2 of the rehabilitation program (in-patient) performed in the sanatorium “Yenissei” and “Krasnoyarsk Zagoije”. Phase 3 of the rehabilitation program was provided in the Center of modern cardiology and Professorial Clinic of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky. The number of ACS patients who underwent rehabilitation after hospital discharge increased over the last years: 5.9% - in 2012, 8.8% - in 2013, 11.9% - in 2014, 13.1% - in 2015, 14.4% - in 2016, 17.1% in 2017.Conclusion. The majority of patients with acute coronary syndrome (76.4-81.2%) underwent Phase 1 (early in-patient) rehabilitation in the Regional Vascular Centers and Primary Vascular Departments. The number of ACS patients who underwent Phase 2 rehabilitation had been increasing annually. Over the past 6 years the percentage of patients had increased from 5.9% to 17.1%. However, only one-sixth of patients with ACS underwent Phase 3 rehabilitation after hospital discharge. Therefore, the improvements in the management of Phase 2 (in-patient) and Phase 3 the (outpatient) through the integration with the regional hospitals of the Krasnoyarsk Region, increase in the numbers of government contracts in Krasnoyarsk, and formation of the reliable continuity between Phase 2 and Phase rehabilitation are required.Цель. Проанализировать проведение реабилитационных мероприятий у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом (ОКС) за последние шесть лет в Красноярском крае.Материалы и методы. Нами были проанализированы: «Отчеты об основных показателях регионального сосудистого центра (РСЦ) и первичных сосудистых отделений (ПСО).. .Красноярского края за 2012-2017 гг.»; «Государственные доклады о состоянии здоровья населения Красноярского края в 2012-2017 гг.»; отчеты лечебных учреждений, занимающихся реабилитацией пациентов ОКС на амбулаторном этапе в Красноярском крае.Результаты. В течение последних шести лет количество пациентов ОКС в Красноярском крае снижалось. В 2012 г. их было 15923 человека, в 2013 г. - 13119, в 2014 г. - 11192, 2015 г. - 11019, 2016 г. - 10985, 2017 г. - 9903. Количество больных с ОКС снизилось за счет пациентов с нестабильной стенокардией, количество больных с острым инфарктом миокарда все эти годы было постоянным и колебалось от 5 до 5,5 тысячи человек. Большинство пациентов с ОКС получали лечение в РСЦ или ПСО, где в полном объеме прошли первый этап реабилитации. После выписки из стационара пациенты проходили второй этап реабилитации в санаториях «Енисей» и «Красноярское Загорье», третий этап - в «Центре современной кардиологии» и Профессорской клинике медицинского университета. Количество пациентов с ОКС, прошедших реабилитацию после выписки из стационара, за эти годы увеличивалось: в 2012 г. 5,9%, в 2013 г. -8,8%, в 2014 г. - 11,9%, в 2015 г. - 13,1%, в 2016 г. - 14,4%, в 2017 г. - 17,1%.Заключение.Большинство пациентов с ОКС (76,4-81,2%) проходят в полном объеме первый (ранний стационарный) этап реабилитации в РСЦ/ПСО. Наблюдается ежегодный рост числа пациентов с ОКС, прошедших после выписки из стационара кардиореабилитацию. За 6 лет этот показатель увеличился с 5,9% до 17,1%. В то же время только одна шестая часть больных ОКС проходят реабилитационные мероприятия после выписки из клиники. Необходимо совершенствовать работу второго (стационарного) и третьего (амбулаторного) этапов реабилитации за счет вовлечения в процесс реабилитации лечебных учреждений в регионах края, увеличения объемов госзаказа в краевом центре и улучшения преемственности между вторым и третьим этапами реабилитации


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    Aim. To evaluate the incidence of cardiac rupture (CR) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) as well as predisposing factors during 15-year follow-up.Material and methods. 1453 patients with acute MI who were admitted to Krasnoyarsk cardiological center during 1989, 1993 and 2003 years were studied. All patients were divided into three groups: group I - 447 patients, who were on treatment in 1989, group II - 475 patients of 1993, and group III – 531 patients of 2003. There were no differences in groups on patient sex, location and depth of MI, previous MI, arrhythmias, heart failure and diabetes mellitus.Results. CR was found in 18 of 447 patients (4%) of group I (1989), in 16 of 475 patients (3,4%) of group II (1993) and in 10 of 531 patients (1,9%) of group 3 (2003), (p1,3 &lt;0,05). Incidence of CR significantly decreased from 1989 to 2003 in female patients (7,2%; 5,7% and 1,6% in 1989, 1993 and 2003, respectively; p1,3 &lt; 0,01, p2,3 &lt; 0,05). Incidence of CR in male patients didn’t changed (2,5%, 1,8% and 2,1%, respectively). The average blood pressure (BP) during the first day of MI in female patients was higher than this in male ones in 1989 and 1993. There were no significant differences in BP between women and men in 2003. Heart rate (HR) during the first day of MI in female patients was higher than this in male patients in 1989. However in 1993 and 2003 there were no differences in HR between women and men. MI therapy more often included betablockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, intravenous nitrates, statins, thrombolythics and anticoagulants in 2003 than in 1989 and 1993.Conclusion. Effective BP and HR control is the most effective way to prevent CR in patients with MI.</p


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    The electrocardiogram remains a crucial tool for the identification of myocardial ischemia. Important information for patient management and prognosis determination can be derived from the stress testing electrocardiogram. Leads with ST-segment elevation indicate the ischemia related coronary artery.</p