287 research outputs found

    Global geometry of the 2+1 rotating black hole

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    The generic rotating BTZ black hole, obtained by identifications in AdS3 space through a discrete subgroup of its isometry group, is investigated within a Lie theoretical context. This space is found to admit a foliation by two-dimensional leaves, orbits of a two-parameter subgroup of SL(2,R) and invariant under the BTZ identification subgroup. A global expression for the metric is derived, allowing a better understanding of the causal structure of the black hole.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Holographic Chern-Simons Theories

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    Chern-Simons theories in three dimensions are topological field theories that may have a holographic interpretation for suitable chosen gauge groups and boundary conditions on the fields. Conformal Chern-Simons gravity is a topological model of 3-dimensional gravity that exhibits Weyl invariance and allows various holographic descriptions, including Anti-de Sitter, Lobachevsky and flat space holography. The same model also allows to address some aspects that arise in higher spin gravity in a considerably simplified setup, since both types of models have gauge symmetries other than diffeomorphisms. In these lectures we summarize briefly recent results.Comment: 20 pp, invited lectures prepared for the 7th Aegean Summer School "Beyond Einstein's Theory of Gravity", 201

    Warped symmetries of the Kerr black hole

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    Supersymmetric G\"odel and warped black holes in string theory

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    It is observed that three-dimensional G\"odel black holes can be promoted to exact string theory backgrounds through an orbifold of an hyperbolic asymmetric marginal deformation of the SL(2,R) WZW model. Tachyons are found in the spectrum of long strings. Uplifting these solutions in type IIB supergravity, extremal black holes are shown to preserve one supersymmetry in accordance with the BTZ limit. We also make connections with some recently discussed warped black hole solutions of topologically massive gravity, showing that they actually correspond to quotients of spacelike squashed AdS_3.Comment: 15 page

    The Fuzzy Sphere: From The Uncertainty Relation To The Stereographic Projection

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    On the fuzzy sphere, no state saturates simultaneously all the Heisenberg uncertainties. We propose a weaker uncertainty for which this holds. The family of states so obtained is physically motivated because it encodes information about positions in this fuzzy context. In particular, these states realize in a natural way a deformation of the stereographic projection. Surprisingly, in the large jj limit, they reproduce some properties of the ordinary coherent states on the non commutative plane.Comment: 18 pages, Latex. Minor changes in notations. Version to appear in JHE

    Three-dimensional black holes from deformed anti-de Sitter

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    We present new exact three-dimensional black-string backgrounds, which contain both NS--NS and electromagnetic fields, and generalize the BTZ black holes and the black string studied by Horne and Horowitz. They are obtained as deformations of the Sl(2,R) WZW model. Black holes resulting from purely continuous deformations possess true curvature singularities. When discrete identifications are introduced, extra chronological singularities appear, which under certain circumstances turn out to be naked. The backgrounds at hand appear in the moduli space of the Sl(2,R) WZW model. Hence, they provide exact string backgrounds and allow for a more algebraical CFT description. This makes possible the determination of the spectrum of primaries.Comment: JHEP style, 33 pages, 1 figur

    Absorption cross section in the topologically massive gravity at the critical point

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    The absorption cross section for the the warped AdS3_3 black hole background shows that it is larger than the area even if the s-wave limit is considered. It raises some question whether the deviation from the areal cross section is due to the warped configuration of the geometry or the rotating coordinate system, where these two effects are mixed up in the warped AdS3_3 black hole. So, we study the low-frequency scattering dynamics of propagating scalar fields under the warped AdS3_3 background at the critical point which reduces to the BTZ black hole in the rotating frame without the warped factor, which shows that the deformation effect at the critical point does not appear.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    The Spectrum of Strings on Warped AdS_3 x S^3

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    String theory on NS-NS AdS_3 x S^3 admits an exactly marginal deformation which breaks the SL(2,R)_R x SL(2,R)_L isometry of AdS_3 down to SL(2,R)_R x U(1)_L. The holographic dual is an exotic and only partially understood type of two-dimensional CFT with a reduced unbroken global conformal symmetry group. In this paper we study the deformed theory on the string worldsheet. It is found to be related by a spectral flow which is nonlocal in spacetime to the undeformed worldsheet theory. An exact formula for the spectrum of massive strings is presented.Comment: 26 pages, no figure
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