46 research outputs found

    Modulation of RECK levels in Xenopus A6 cells: effects on MT1-MMP, MMP-2 and pERK levels

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    Background: MT1-MMP is a cell-surface enzyme whose regulation of pro-MMP-2 and ERK activation position it as a key facilitator of ECM remodelling and cell migration. These processes are modulated by endogenous MMP inhibitors, such as RECK, a GPI-anchored protein which has been shown to inhibit both MT1-MMP and MMP-2 activity. Our previous studies have revealed a link between MT1-MMP levels, and pro-MMP-2 and ERK activation in mammalian cells, as well as MT1-MMP and RECK co-localization in Xenopus embryos. We here investigated how modulation of RECK would impact MT1-MMP and MMP-2 levels, as well as ERK signalling in Xenopus A6 cells. Results: We used a Morpholino approach to knockdown RECK, plasmid transfection to overexpress RECK, and PI-PLC treatment to shed RECK from the cell surface of Xenopus A6 cells. RECK reduction did not alter pERK or MT1-MMP levels, nor MMP-2 activity as measured by zymography; thus RECK-knockdown cells maintained the ability to remodel the ECM. RECK overexpression and PI-PLC treatment both increased ECM remodelling potential through increased MT1-MMP protein and relative MMP-2 activation levels. Conclusions: RECK changes that reduce the ability of the cell to remodel the ECM (overexpression and cell surface shedding) are compensated for by increases in MT1-MMP, and MMP-2 levels as seen by zymography

    Stable expression of α1-antitrypsin Portland in MDA-MB-231 cells increased MT1-MMP and MMP-9 levels, but reduced tumour progression.

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    The membrane bound matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP plays roles in modulating cell movement, independent of its abilities to remodel the extracellular matrix. Unlike many MMPs, MT1-MMP is activated in the Golgi prior to secretion by a pro-protein convertase, primarily furin. Regulation of the activation of pro-MT1-MMP has been methodically investigated, as altering the level of the active protein has broad implications in both activating other proMMPs, including pro-MMP-2, and many subsequent remodelling events. Our previous work in MCF-7 cells has demonstrated that modest, and not extremely high, levels of active MT1-MMP manifests into altered cell morphology and movement. At this low but optimal amount of MT1-MMP protein, changes to MT1-MMP levels are always mirrored by MMP-9 and pERK levels, and always opposite to MMP-2 levels. In this study, stable expression of the furin inhibitor α1- antitrypsin Portland (α1-PDX) in MDA-MB-231 cells increased overall MT1-MMP levels, but cells maintained a 21% proportion of pro-MT1-MMP. The increase in MT1- MMP was mirrored by increases in MMP-9 and pERK, but a decrease in MMP-2. These changes were associated with increased NF-κB transcription. In vitro analysis showed that α1-PDX decreased cell protrusions and migration, and this manifested as decreased tumourigenesis when examined in vivo using a chick CAM assay

    Functional characterization of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) N- and C-terminal domains during xenopus laevis development

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    Extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling is essential for facilitating developmental processes. ECM remodeling, accomplished by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), is regulated by endogenous tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). While the TIMP N-terminal domain is involved in inhibition of MMP activity, the C-terminal domain exhibits cell-signaling activity, which is TIMP and cell type dependent. We have previously examined the distinct roles of the Xenopus laevis TIMP-2 and -3 C-terminal domains during development and here examined the unique roles of TIMP-1 N- and C-terminal domains in early X. laevis embryos. mRNA microinjection was used to overexpress full-length TIMP-1 or its individual N- or C-terminal domains in embryos. Full-length and C-terminal TIMP-1 resulted in increased lethality compared to N-terminal TIMP-1. Overexpression of C-terminal TIMP-1 resulted in significant decreases in mRNA levels of proteolytic genes including TIMP-2, RECK, MMP-2, and MMP-9, corresponding to decreases in MMP-2 and -9 protein levels, as well as decreased MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities. These trends were not observed with the N-terminus. Our research suggests that the individual domains of TIMP-1 are capable of playing distinct roles in regulating the ECM proteolytic network during development and that the unique functions of these domains are moderated in the endogenous full-length TIMP-1 molecule. © 2014 M. A. Nieuwesteeg et al

    Less is more: Low expression of MT1-MMP is optimal to promote migration and tumourigenesis of breast cancer cells

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    Background: Membrane Type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a multifunctional protease implicated in metastatic progression ostensibly due to its ability to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) components and allow migration of cells through the basement membrane. Despite in vitro studies demonstrating this principle, this knowledge has not translated into the use of MMP inhibitors (MMPi) as effective cancer therapeutics, or been corroborated by evidence of in vivo ECM degradation mediated by MT1-MMP, suggesting that our understanding of the role of MT1-MMP in cancer progression is incomplete. Methods: MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cell lines were created that stably overexpress different levels of MT1-MMP. Using 2D culture, we analyzed proMMP-2 activation (gelatin zymography), ECM degradation (fluorescent gelatin), ERK signaling (immunoblot), cell migration (transwell/scratch closure/time-lapse imaging), and viability (colorimetric substrate) to assess how different MT1-MMP levels affect these cellular parameters. We also utilized Matrigel 3D cell culture and avian embryos to examine how different levels of MT1-MMP expression affect morphological changes in 3D culture, and tumourigenecity and extravasation efficiency in vivo. Results: In 2D culture, breast cancer cells expressing high levels of MT1-MMP were capable of widespread ECM degradation and TIMP-2-mediated proMMP-2 activation, but were not the most migratory. Instead, cells expressing low levels of MT1-MMP were the most migratory, and demonstrated increased viability and ERK activation. In 3D culture, MCF-7 breast cancer cells expressing low levels of MT1-MMP demonstrated an invasive protrusive phenotype, whereas cells expressing high levels of MT1-MMP demonstrated loss of colony structure and cell fragment release. Similarly, in vivo analysis demonstrated increased tumourigenecity and metastatic capability for cells expressing low levels of MT1-MMP, whereas cells expressing high levels were devoid of these qualities despite the production of functional MT1-MMP protein. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that excessive ECM degradation mediated by high levels of MT1-MMP is not associated with cell migration and tumourigenesis, while low levels of MT1-MMP promote invasion and vascularization in vivo

    Characterization of Xenopus Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-2: A Role in Regulating Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity during Development

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    Frog metamorphosis is totally dependent on thyroid hormone (T3) and mimics the postembryonic period around birth in mammals. It is an excellent model to study the molecular basis of postembryonic development in vertebrate. We and others have shown that many, if not all, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which cleave proteins of the extracellular matrix as well as other substrates, are induced by T3 and important for metamorphosis. MMP activity can be inhibited by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs). There are 4 TIMPs in vertebrates and their roles in postembryonic development are poorly studied.We analyzed the TIMP2 genes in Xenopus laevis and the highly related species Xenopus tropicalis and discovered that TIMP2 is a single copy gene in Xenopus tropicalis as in mammals but is duplicated in Xenopus laevis. Furthermore, the TIMP2 locus in Xenopus tropicalis genome is different from that in human, suggesting an evolutionary reorganization of the locus. More importantly, we found that the duplicated TIMP2 genes were similarly regulated in the developing limb, remodeling intestine, resorbing tail during metamorphosis. Unexpectedly, like its MMP target genes, the TIMP2 genes were upregulated by T3 during both natural and T3-induced metamorphosis.Our results indicate that TIMP2 is highly conserved among vertebrates and that the TIMP2 locus underwent a chromosomal reorganization during evolution. Furthermore, the unexpected upregulation of TIMP2 genes during metamorphosis suggests that proper balance of MMP activity is important for metamorphosis

    The role of SPARC in extracellular matrix assembly

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    SPARC is a collagen-binding matricellular protein. Expression of SPARC in adult tissues is frequently associated with excessive deposition of collagen and SPARC-null mice fail to generate a robust fibrotic response to a variety of stimuli. This review summarizes recent advancements in the characterization of the binding of SPARC to collagens and describes the results of studies that implicate a function for SPARC in the regulation of the assembly of basal lamina and fibrillar collagen in the ECM. Potential cellular mechanisms that underlie SPARC activity in ECM deposition are also explored

    Molecular and cellular basis of tissue remodeling during amphibian metamorphosis

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    Amphibian metamorphosis involves systematic transformations of various tadpole organs1 tissues. Three major types of changes take place during this process. These are remodeling, resorption, and de novo development, all of which appear to involve both cell proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death). All metamorphic changes are controlled by thyroid hormone (T3) and are organ-autonomous. Recent studies using primary cell cultures and a stably transformed cell line from tadpole tissues have implicated that T3 induces apoptosis cell-autonomously. This T3-induced, metamorphosis-associated apoptosis is similar to cell death in other animal species and involves similar cell death executioners. Both the activation of these executioners and the pathways leading to cell proliferation and differentiation are believed to be through transcriptional regulation by T3 receptors (TRs). TRs can activate or repress target gene transcription depending upon the presence or absence of T3, respectively. Many direct T3-response genes have been isolated and found to encode a variety of proteins that can affect both intra- and extra-cellular events. The determinations of the identities of these response genes through sequence analyses and studies on their expression profiles during development have provided strong clues toward their roles in metamorphosis. However, future studies using organ and cell culture systems andlor transient or stable transgenic technologies are required to understand how these genes transduce the T3 signal to activate the downstream cell death and proliferation/differentiation pathways