7,553 research outputs found

    Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians and Weak-Strong Duality : Sine Gordon and Massive Thirring Models

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    The formalism of spacetime dependent lagrangians developed in Ref.1 is applied to the Sine Gordon and massive Thirring models.It is shown that the well-known equivalence of these models (in the context of weak-strong duality) can be understood in this approach from the same considerations as described in [1] for electromagnetic duality. A further new result is that all these can be naturally linked to the fact that the holographic principle has analogues at length scales much larger than quantum gravity. There is also the possibility of {\it noncommuting coodinates} residing on the boundaries. PACS: 11.15.-q: 11.10/EfComment: Latex, 16 pages, article shortened, references added, minor typos correcte

    Prinosi čestica, skaliranje antiprotona i prosječni poprečni impulsi u sudarima olovoā€“olovo na visokoj energiji: modelska studija

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    The study aims at explaining the behaviour of some of the very important observables measured in the latest lead-lead collisions at CERN in the light of a variety of the sequential chain model. Calculated values, to our surprise, are in excellent agreement with the measurements, especially when the effect of cascading and rescattering is empirically introduced in the calculations of the average transverse momenta. Implications of the results are discussed.PokuÅ”avamo objasniti svojstva nekih vrlo važnih opservabli koje su u CERNu mjerili u najnovijim sudarima olovoā€“olovo i to na osnovi inačice modela lančastih nizova. Na naÅ”e iznenađenje, izračunate su vrijednosti u izvrsnom skladu s ishodima mjerenja, posebice kada se kaskade i viÅ”estruko rasprÅ”enje iskustveno uvedu u račun poprečnih impulsa. Raspravljaju se posljedice usporedbi

    Mnogobrojna tvorba piona i kaona u visokoenergijskim sudarima jezgra-jezgra: ishodi mjerenja i posebni modeli

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    The pion and kaon rapidity densities and the nature of kaon-pion ratios offer two very prominent and crucial physical observables on which modestly sufficient data for heavy nucleus collisions are available to date. In the light of two sets of models - one purely phenomenological and the other with a modest degree of a dynamical basis - we try to examine the state of agreement between calculations and experimental results obtainable from the past and the latest measurements. Impact and implications of all these would also finally be spelt out.Gustoće rapidnosti piona i kaona i narav omjera kaona i piona pružaju dvije vrlo važne fizičke opservable za koje su dosada postignuti brojni podaci mjerenjem sudara teÅ”kih jezgri. Ispitujemo skladnost teorije polazeći od dva skupa modela, jednog potpuno fenomenoloÅ”kog i drugog s umjerenim stupnjem dinamike, i eksperimentalnih podataka poznatih iz ranijih i nedavnih mjerenja. Raspravlja se njihova važnost i sljedbe

    Antibaryon yields in ultrahigh-energy collisions and the astroparticle implications

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    Some of the most recent results on antibaryon production in some ultrahigh-energy nuclear collisions are being analysed on the basis of a particle production model which has had some intrinsic features of non-standard nature. It is seen that the model could accommodate the data without any induction of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) ideas which have, truly speaking, become a fad in the domain of the ultrahigh-energy nuclear collisions with some probable implications for or impact upon astroparticle physics

    On Time-dependent Collapsing Branes and Fuzzy Odd-dimensional Spheres

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    We study the time-dependent dynamics of a collection of N collapsing/expanding D0-branes in type IIA String Theory. We show that the fuzzy-S^3 and S^5 provide time-dependent solutions to the Matrix Model of D0-branes and its DBI generalisation. Some intriguing cancellations in the calculation of the non-abelian DBI Matrix actions result in the fuzzy-S^3 and S^5 having the same dynamics at large-N. For the Matrix model, we find analytic solutions describing the time-dependent radius, in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. Investigation of the physical properties of these configurations shows that there are no bounces for the trajectory of the collapse at large-N. We also write down a set of useful identities for fuzzy-S^3, fuzzy-S^5 and general fuzzy odd-spheres.Comment: 35 pages, latex; v2: discussion in Appendix B on the large-N limit of the associator is modified, main results of paper unchange
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