215 research outputs found

    Cultural continuities and discontinuities at the Neolithic transition in Eastern Iberia: an analysis of the morphometry of geometric microliths

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    The main goal of this paper is to explore possible cultural continuities and discontinuities at the Neolithic transition in Eastern Iberia. To address this issue, we introduce a twofold methodology, consisting of Geometric Morphometrics and the use of the self-developed Geomeasure system, to examine evolutionary patterns in geometric microliths. These are a specific type of arrowhead shared by both the last hunter-gatherers and the first farmers from two reference sites in the region: Cueva de la Cocina and Cova de l’Or (Eastern Iberia). Although advances in research have contributed to a better comprehension of this process, there are still unanswered questions, especially when the study is approached from a regional perspective. Such is the case for the Neolithisation of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula, and the way in which the previous Mesolithic population interacted—if they interacted at all—with the first farmers. In this case, some sites present archaeological contexts that have been catalogued as acculturation contexts. This has traditionally been the case for phase C of Cueva de la Cocina (Spain), although recent research points to the possibility that the content of this specific deposit is the result of post-depositional processes. Here we try first to understand the cultural evolutionary patterns and relations between the different geometric microlith technocomplexes and, second, to address the specific problem of the interpretation of taphonomic disturbances in the archaeological record. We use the Cueva de l’Or and the Cueva de la Cocina for comparison, and our conclusions raise serious doubts about the existence of an acculturation phase at the latter

    Palinología del paleolítico medio y superior de Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante)

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    Es presenten els resultats pal.linológics de una secció estratigrafica que correspon al paleolltic superior de la Cova Beneito (Muro, Alacant), la qual completa la seqüencia paleolítica que ara inclou nivells musterians, aurinyacians, solutrians, gravetians i solutreo-gravetians. La secció pol.linífera s'hi tmba escassament a 1-2 m d'una altra estudiada anterionnent, la qual va resultar esteril. Els espectres pol.línics mostren que el paleolltic superior de la zona es va desenvolupar en condicions d’aridesa ambiental prou marcades, la qual cosa està en corrodància amb les dades que s'observen a altres diagrames pol.linics per a l'estadi isotbpic 2 en domini continental. Dins d'un context global, la seqüencia de la Cova Beneito dóna suport a la hipòtesi que durant l'intetpleniglacial wunnià es produrien expansions, no necessàriament, coetànies, de nuclis de vegetació mediterrània, l'amplitud i duració de les quals dependrien de les condicions locals.In this study, the palynology of an Upper Paleolithic stratigraphical section from Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante) is presented. It completes all the Paleolithic record including Mousterian, Aurignacian, Solutrian, Gravettian and Solutreo Gravenian industries. The polliniferous section is placed 1-2 m apart from a former one which became sterile. According to the pollen spectra, the Upper Paleolithic environment could have been one of severe aridity. This agrees with the conventional palynology in continental domain for the isotopic stage 2. Overall, the Beneito pollen record supports the view that, during the middle last glacial stage, Mediterranean vegetation couM have been widespread, but with the response of vegetation to the climatic change largely depending on local conditions.Se presentan los resultados palinológicos de una sección estratigráfica correspondiente al Paleolítico superior de Cova Beneito (Muro, Alicante), completando así la secuencia paleolítica que ahora incluye niveles musterienses, auriñacienses. solutrenses, gravetienses y solutreo-gravetienses. La sección polinífera se halla apenas a 1-2 m de otra estudiada anteriormente, la cual resultó estéril. Los espectros polínicos muestran que el Paleolítico Superior de la zona se desarrolló en condiciones de aridez ambiental bastante marcadas, lo cual concuerda con los datos que se manejan en otros diagramas polínicos para el estadio isotópico 2 en dominio continental. En un contexto global, la secuencia de Cova Beneito sirve de apoyo a la hipótesis de que durante el interpleniglacial wurmiense se produjeron expansiones, no necesariamente coetáneas, de núcleos de vegetación mediterránea cuya amplitud y duración dependerían de las condiciones locales

    Heat Transfer in an Upper Convected Maxwell Fluid with Fluid Particle Suspension

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    An analysis is carried out to study the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow and heat transfer characteristics of an electrically conducting dusty non-Newtonian fluid, namely, the upper convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid over a stretching sheet. The stretching velocity and the temperature at the surface are assumed to vary linearly with the distance from the origin. Using a similarity transformation, the governing nonlinear partial differential equations of the model problem are transformed into coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations and the equations are solved numerically by a second order finite difference implicit method known as the Keller-box method. Comparisons with the available results in the literature are presented as a special case. The effects of the physical parameters on the fluid velocity, the velocity of the dust particle, the density of the dust particle, the fluid temperature, the dust-phase temperature, the skin friction, and the wall-temperature gradient are presented through tables and graphs. It is observed that, Maxwell fluid reduces the wall-shear stress. Also, the fluid particle interaction reduces the fluid temperature in the boundary layer. Furthermore, the results obtained for the flow and heat transfer characteristics reveal many interesting behaviors that warrant further study on the non-Newtonian fluid flow phenomena, especially the dusty UCM fluid flow phenomena

    Relationship between anthropometric parameters, physiological responses, routes and competition results in formula windsurfing

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    Formula windsurfing is faster than the Olympic version, due to anumber of unique differences. This study was designed to identify the importance of anthropometric and cardiac factors on the final result of the European Formula Windsurf Championships (2007). We selected 45 competitors (30 amateurs and 15 professionals) of 30±9.77 years of age, a height of 182.6±0.06 cm, a weight of 81.67±7.35 kg and a BMIof 24.7±2.1 kg. They were divided into three groups (PG: 15; TG: 45and GPSG: 12). We followed the recommendations of Carter and Marfell-Jones for the anthropometric measurements. The route, speed, distance and heart rate were recorded using an FRWD W600 GPS (Global Positioning System) unit. The anthropometric measurements indicate a professional profile with 2.3±0.4 endomorphy 5±0.8 mesomorphy and 2.4±0.6 ectomorphy. Arm span and fat mass show a significant (p≤0.02) and very significant (p≤0.005) correlation with the final classification. The average speed was 11.84±2.38 km·h–1, the heart rate varied from 128 to 180 b·min–1 and the average was 127.62±13.73 b·min–1. The distances covered (12784.77±5522.19 m) and the times used for the races (2049.3±989.68 s) were very variable. This will assist not only in initial selection for the sport, but also in the design of training programmes which further develop that morphology, where possible, in the pursuit of improved performance

    An interdisciplinary vision of "Cova Beneito"

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    Aquest freball ofereix una visió interdisciplimiria i global dels nivells del paleolític mijà i superior de la cova Beneito (Muro del Comtat, Alacant). L'estudi sedimentològic, palinològic i faunístic de la seua dilatada estratigrafia aporta dades imprescindibles per al reconeixement de l'lnterestadial II-III, per a la consolidació de la climatoestratigrafia del Pleistocé Superior i, a més, una comprensió millor de la relació home-medi. El desenvolupamenr cultural ofereix altenatives interessants per a la seqüència mediterrànea i aporta la novetat de I'Aurinyacià evolucionat final a l'ambit valencià. S'hi dedica una apartat a l'estudi d'una tomba ritual secundària solutriogravetiana.The present work attempts to offer an interdisciplinary and global vision on the levels of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic period in "Cova Beneito" (Muro-Alicante-Spain). The sedimentological, palynological and faunistic study of its vast stratigraphy bring forward essential facts for the identification of the midlast glacial stage and for strengthening of the climatostratigraphy of the Upper Pleistocene, as well as for a better reconstruction of the retationship between man and environment. The cultural development supplies interesting alternatives to the Mediterranean sequence, and brings out the novelty of the Evolued Aurignacian in the Valencian area. There is a special section on the study of a secondary Solutrean-Gravettian ritual burial.El presente trabajo ofrece una visión interdisciplinar y global de los niveles del Paleolítico Medio y Superior de Cova Beneito (Muro- Alicante). El estudio sedimentológico, palinológico y faunístico de su dilatada estratigrafía aportan datos imprescindibles para el reconocimiento del Interestadial II-III y el afianzamiento de la climatoestratigrafía del Pleistoceno Superior, así como para una mejor comprensidn de la relación hombre-medio. El desarrollo cultural ofrece alternativas interesantes a tu secuencia mediterránea, aportando la novedad del Auriñaciense evolucionado final al ámbito valenciano. Se dedica un apartado al estudio de un enterramiento ritual secundario Solútreogravetiense

    Computational analysis of third-grade liquid flow with cross diffusion effects: application to entropy modeling

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    The key goal of this current study is to analyze the entropy generation with cross diffusion effects. The third-grade type non-Newtonian fluid model is used in this study. The current flow problem is modelled with stretching plate. Modified Fourier heat flux is replaced the classical heat flux. The appropriate transformation is availed to convert the basic boundary layers equations into ODEs and then verified by homotopy algorithm. The consequences of various physical quantities on temperature, velocity, entropy and concentration profile are illustrated graphically

    A comparative framework: how broadly applicable is a 'rigorous' critical junctures framework?

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    The paper tests Hogan and Doyle's (2007, 2008) framework for examining critical junctures. This framework sought to incorporate the concept of ideational change in understanding critical junctures. Until its development, frameworks utilized in identifying critical junctures were subjective, seeking only to identify crisis, and subsequent policy changes, arguing that one invariably led to the other, as both occurred around the same time. Hogan and Doyle (2007, 2008) hypothesized ideational change as an intermediating variable in their framework, determining if, and when, a crisis leads to radical policy change. Here we test this framework on cases similar to, but different from, those employed in developing the exemplar. This will enable us determine whether the framework's relegation of ideational change to a condition of crisis holds, or, if ideational change has more importance than is ascribed to it by this framework. This will also enable us determined if the framework itself is robust, and fit for the purposes it was designed to perform — identifying the nature of policy change

    Boundary layer flow of nanofluid over an exponentially stretching surface

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    The steady boundary layer flow of nanofluid over an exponential stretching surface is investigated analytically. The transport equations include the effects of Brownian motion parameter and thermophoresis parameter. The highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations are simplified with the help of suitable similarity transformations. The reduced equations are then solved analytically with the help of homotopy analysis method (HAM). The convergence of HAM solutions are obtained by plotting h-curve. The expressions for velocity, temperature and nanoparticle volume fraction are computed for some values of the parameters namely, suction injection parameter α, Lewis number Le, the Brownian motion parameter Nb and thermophoresis parameter Nt

    A Mouse Model of Heritable Cerebrovascular Disease

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    The study of animal models of heritable cerebrovascular diseases can improve our understanding of disease mechanisms, identify candidate genes for related human disorders, and provide experimental models for preclinical trials. Here we describe a spontaneous mouse mutation that results in reproducible, adult-onset, progressive, focal ischemia in the brain. The pathology is not the result of hemorrhage, embolism, or an anatomical abnormality in the cerebral vasculature. The mutation maps as a single site recessive locus to mouse Chromosome 9 at 105 Mb, a region of shared synteny with human chromosome 3q22. The genetic interval, defined by recombination mapping, contains seven protein-coding genes and one processed transcript, none of which are changed in their expression level, splicing, or sequence in affected mice. Targeted resequencing of the entire interval did not reveal any provocative changes; thus, the causative molecular lesion has not been identified

    Autism spectrum disorder in fragile X syndrome: Communication, social interaction, and specific behaviors

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    The present study extends our previous work on social behavior impairment in young males with fragile X syndrome (FraX). Specifically, we evaluated whether the autistic phenomenon in FraX is expressed as a range of behavioral impairments as in idiopathic autism (Aut). We also examined whether there are behaviors, identified as items of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), that in FraX predispose to or differentiate subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Finally, regression models were utilized to test the relative contribution of reduced communication and socialization skills to ADI-R scores and diagnoses. A cohort of 56 boys (3-8 years) with FraX was examined in terms of scores on measures of cognition (IQ was a co-variate in most analyses.), autistic behavior, problem/aberrant behavior, adaptive behavior, and language development. We found that, indeed, in terms of problem behavior and adaptive skills, there is a range of severity from FraX þ Aut to FraX þ PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) to FraX þ none. ADI-R items representing ''Play'' types of interaction appear to be ''susceptibility'' factors since they were abnormal across the FraX cohort. Integrated regression models demonstrated that items reflecting complex social interaction differentiated the FraX þ ASD (Aut þ PDD) subgroup from the rest of the FraX cohort, while abnormalities in basic verbal and non-verbal communication distinguished the most severely affected boys with FraX þ Aut from the milder FraX þ PDD cohort. Models incorporating language, adaptive communication, and adaptive socialization skills revealed that socialization was not only the main influence on scores but also a predictor of ASD diagnosis. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that the diagnosis of ASD in FraX reflects, to a large extent, an impairment in social interaction that is expressed with variable severity in young males with FraX. ß 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc