1,507 research outputs found

    Qubit-oscillator system under ultrastrong coupling and extreme driving

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    We introduce an approach to studying a driven qubit-oscillator system in the ultrastrong coupling regime, where the ratio g/Ωg/\Omega between coupling strength and oscillator frequency approaches unity or goes beyond, and simultaneously for driving strengths much bigger than the qubit energy splitting (extreme driving). Both qubit-oscillator coupling and external driving lead to a dressing of the qubit tunneling matrix element of different nature: the former can be used to suppress selectively certain oscillator modes in the spectrum, while the latter can bring the qubit's dynamics to a standstill at short times (coherent destruction of tunneling) even in the case of ultrastrong coupling.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figures (published version

    Decoherence in quantum dots due to real and virtual transitions: a non-perturbative calculation

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    We investigate theoretically acoustic phonon induced decoherence in quantum dots. We calculate the dephasing of fundamental (interband or intraband) optical transitions due to real and virtual transitions with higher energy levels. Up to two acoustic phonon processes (absorption and/or emission) are taken into account simultaneously in a non-perturbative manner. An analytic expression of acoustic phonon induced broadening is given as a function of the electron-phonon matrix elements and is physically interpreted. The theory is applied to the dephasing of intersublevel transitions in self-assembled quantum dots.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent pumping of a Mott insulator: Fermi golden rule versus Rabi oscillations

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    Cold atoms provide a unique arena to study many-body systems far from equilibrium. Furthermore, novel phases in cold atom systems are conveniently investigated by dynamical probes pushing the system out of equilibrium. Here, we discuss the pumping of doubly-occupied sites in a fermionic Mott insulator by a periodic modulation of the hopping amplitude. We show that deep in the insulating phase the many-body system can be mapped onto an effective two-level system which performs coherent Rabi oscillations due to the driving. Coupling the two-level system to the remaining degrees of freedom renders the Rabi oscillations damped. We compare this scheme to an alternative description where the particles are incoherently pumped into a broad continuum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct observation of quantum phonon fluctuations in a one dimensional Bose gas

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    We report the first direct observation of collective quantum fluctuations in a continuous field. Shot-to-shot atom number fluctuations in small sub-volumes of a weakly interacting ultracold atomic 1D cloud are studied using \textit{in situ} absorption imaging and statistical analysis of the density profiles. In the cloud centers, well in the \textit{quantum quasicondensate} regime, the ratio of chemical potential to thermal energy is μ/kBT4\mu/ k_B T\simeq4, and, owing to high resolution, up to 20% of the microscopically observed fluctuations are quantum phonons. Within a non-local analysis at variable observation length, we observe a clear deviation from a classical field prediction, which reveals the emergence of dominant quantum fluctuations at short length scales, as the thermodynamic limit breaks down.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (Supplementary material 3 pages, 3 figures

    Noncovariant gauge fixing in the quantum Dirac field theory of atoms and molecules

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    Starting from the Weyl gauge formulation of quantum electrodynamics (QED), the formalism of quantum-mechanical gauge fixing is extended using techniques from nonrelativistic QED. This involves expressing the redundant gauge degrees of freedom through an arbitrary functional of the gauge-invariant transverse degrees of freedom. Particular choices of functional can be made to yield the Coulomb gauge and Poincar\'{e} gauge representations. The Hamiltonian we derive therefore serves as a good starting point for the description of atoms and molecules by means of a relativistic Dirac field. We discuss important implications for the ontology of noncovariant canonical QED due to the gauge freedom that remains present in our formulation.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figure

    Low-decoherence flux qubit

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    A flux qubit can have a relatively long decoherence time at the degeneracy point, but away from this point the decoherence time is greatly reduced by dephasing. This limits the practical applications of flux qubits. Here we propose a new qubit design modified from the commonly used flux qubit by introducing an additional capacitor shunted in parallel to the smaller Josephson junction (JJ) in the loop. Our results show that the effects of noise can be considerably suppressed, particularly away from the degeneracy point, by both reducing the coupling energy of the JJ and increasing the shunt capacitance. This shunt capacitance provides a novel way to improve the qubit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of random interactions in spin baths on decoherence

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    We study the decoherence of a central spin 1/2 induced by a spin bath with intrabath interactions. Since we are interested in the cumulative effect of interaction and disorder, we study baths comprising Ising spins with random ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions between the spins. Using the resolvent operator method which goes beyond the standard Born-Markov master equation approach, we show that, in the weak coupling regime, the decoherence of the central spin at all times is entirely determined by the local-field distribution or equivalently, the dynamical structure factor of the Ising bath. We present analytic results for the Ising spin chain bath at arbitrary temperature for different distributions of the intrabath interaction strengths. We find clear evidence of non-Markovian behavior in the low temperature regime. We also consider baths described by Ising models on higher-dimensional lattices. We find that interactions lead to a significant reduction of the decoherence. An important feature of interacting spinbaths is the saturation of the asymptotic Markovian decay rate at high temperatures, as opposed to the conventional Ohmic boson bath.Comment: 13 page

    Emission spectrum of a dressed exciton-biexciton complex in a semiconductor quantum dot

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    The photoluminescence spectrum of a single quantum dot was recorded as a secondary resonant laser optically dressed either the vacuum-to-exciton or the exciton-to-biexciton transitions. High-resolution polarization-resolved measurements using a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer reveal splittings of the linearly-polarized fine-structure states that are non-degenerate in an asymmetric quantum dot. These splittings manifest as either triplets or doublets and depend sensitively on laser intensity and detuning. Our approach realizes complete resonant control of a multi-excitonic system in emission, which can be either pulsed or continuous-wave, and offers direct access to the emitted photons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature can enhance coherent oscillations at a Landau-Zener transition

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    We consider sweeping a system through a Landau-Zener avoided-crossing, when that system is also coupled to an environment or noise. Unsurprisingly, we find that decoherence suppresses the coherent oscillations of quantum superpositions of system states, as superpositions decohere into mixed states. However, we also find an effect we call "Lamb-assisted coherent oscillations", in which a Lamb shift exponentially enhances the coherent oscillation amplitude. This dominates for high-frequency environments such as super-Ohmic environments, where the coherent oscillations can grow exponentially as either the environment coupling or temperature are increased. The effect could be used as an experimental probe for high-frequency environments in such systems as molecular magnets, solid-state qubits, spin-polarized gases (neutrons or He3) or Bose-condensates.Comment: 4 Pages & 4 Figs - New version: introduction extended & citations adde

    State-dependent rotations of spins by weak measurements

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    IIt is shown that a weak measurement of a quantum system produces a new state of the quantum system which depends on the prior state, as well as the (uncontrollable) measured position of the pointer variable of the weak measurement apparatus. The result imposes a constraint on hidden-variable theories which assign a different state to a quantum system than standard quantum mechanics. The constraint means that a crypto-nonlocal hidden-variable theory can be ruled out in a more direct way than previously.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Substantially revised to concentrate on weak measurement transformation of states and application to crypto-nonlocal hidden-variable theor