14 research outputs found

    Decolorization of synthetic melanoidins-containing wastewater by a bacterial consortium

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    The presence of melanoidins in molasses wastewater leads to water pollution both due to its dark brown color and its COD contents. In this study, a bacterial consortium isolated from waterfall sediment was tested for its decolorization. The identification of culturable bacteria by 16S rDNA based approach showed that the consortium composed of Klebsiella oxytoca, Serratia mercescens, Citrobacter sp. and unknown bacterium. In the context of academic study, prevention on the difficulties of providing effluent as well as its variations in compositions, several synthetic media prepared with respect to color and COD contents based on analysis of molasses wastewater, i.e., Viandox sauce (13.5% v/v), caramel (30% w/v), beet molasses wastewater (41.5% v/v) and sugarcane molasses wastewater (20% v/v) were used for decolorization using consortium with color removal 9.5, 1.13, 8.02 and 17.5%, respectively, within 2 days. However, Viandox sauce was retained for further study. The effect of initial pH and Viandox concentration on decolorization and growth of bacterial consortium were further determined. The highest decolorization of 18.3% was achieved at pH 4 after 2 day of incubation. Experiments on fresh or used medium and used or fresh bacterial cells, led to conclusion that the limitation of decolorization was due to nutritional deficiency. The effect of aeration on decolorization was also carried out in 2 L laboratory-scale suspended cell bioreactor. The maximum decolorization was 19.3% with aeration at KLa = 2.5836 h-1 (0.1 vvm)

    Inheritance, expression, and silencing of a chitinase transgene in rice

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    The inheritance and expression of a transgene locus consisting of multiple copies of a rice chitinase gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter was studied in the T<sub>3</sub> and T<sub>4</sub> generations of a transformed line that expressed the chitinase at a high level. All T<sub>3</sub> progeny of a homozygous T<sub>2</sub> parent expressed the chitinase constitutively at 3 weeks after germination, but a proportion of the progeny had undetectable levels of chitinase 8 weeks after germination, indicating silencing of the transgene. Transgene silencing was also observed among progeny of a hemizygous parent. However, we did not observe chitinase gene silencing among progeny of another homozygous line that expressed the transgenic chitinase at a five- to tenfold lower level. Thus, expression level, rather than copy number, of the transgene appears to be critical for silencing. Silencing was observed in the leaf, sheath, and root tissues of the plant, indicating that it is not restricted to specific tissues. Silencing was first observed in the youngest leaves and only later in the oldest leaves of the same plant. There was co-silencing of the selectable marker gene, hpt, which is also driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Unlike the two transgenes (chitinase and marker), the resident homologous chitinase gene with seed-specific expression and two nonhomologous chitinase genes induced in the leaves upon pathogen infection were not silenced. The silent phenotype was inherited in the T<sub>4</sub> generation plants, while progeny of expressing plants exhibited silencing. The chitinase transgene appeared intact, and no evidence for gross alterations or methylation of CCGG sites was found. The silent phenotype could not be reversed by treatment with 5-azacytidine. Northern blot analysis and nuclear run-on transcription studies indicated that silencing occurred at the transcriptional level. The implications of transgene silencing in genetic engineering of monocot plants for disease resistance are discussed