7 research outputs found

    The relationship between employee motivation and job involvement

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    The study aims to assess the current level of, and relationship between, employee motivation and job involvement.  This cross-sectional study was undertaken in a financial institution from which 145 employees were drawn using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using the Employee Motivation Questionnaire (Fourie, 1989) and the Job Involvement Questionnaire (Lodahl and Kejner, 1965) and, was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  The results indicate that significant intercorrelations exist amongst the majority of dimensions and sub-dimensions of employee motivation and job involvement.  Recommendations are graphically presented to provide practitioners and managers with guidelines for enhancing employee motivation and job involvement respectively

    The relationship between job insecurity and burnout

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    Organisational survival has necessitated more flexible practices (short-term contracts and outsourcing) and, the need for an effective workforce that is able to work continuously under immense pressure.  Whilst the former has raised feelings of job insecurity, the latter has resulted in burnout.  This study aims to assess levels of job insecurity and burnout amongst 87 employees in a training and development environment, relationships between these two key dimensions and the impact of biographical variables.  Data, collected using the Job Insecurity Questionnaire (JIQ) and the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), reflects a significant relationship between these dimensions.  The study provides recommendations for reducing their catastrophic individual and organisational consequences

    The prevalence and nature of sexual harassment in the workplace: A model for early identification and effective management thereof

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    This study investigates the prevalence and nature of sexual harassment and, assesses the impact of supervisory relations, levels of interaction, appearance and personality and types of behaviour. The study was undertaken at a tertiary institution using a sample of 74 employees, drawn by means of simple random sampling. Data was collected using a self-developed questionnaire, which was statistically tested and, analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate that the sub-dimensions of the study impact significantly on sexual harassment. Based on the findings, a model for early identification and effective management of sexual harassment in the workplace was generated

    The management of change at selected higher education institutions: An exploration of the critical ingredients for effective change management

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    The study investigates management’s perception of the change management process in terms of the impact of communication, behaviour, feelings and knowledge of staff and management, staff participation in the change process and overall attitude of staff. The perceived impact of the new situation and perceived acceptance and understanding of the change process were assessed. The subjects comprised of Management Committee (Manco), Deans and Directors of administrative sections from three tertiary institutions in KwaZulu-Natal. Data was collected using questionnaires, which were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results shed light on the critical ingredients for effective change management. Opsomming Die onderhawige studie ondersoek bestuur se persepsie van die veranderingsbestuursproses in terme van die impak op kommunikasie, gedrag, gevoelens en kennis van personeel en bestuur, personeeldeelname in die veranderingsproses en oorkoepelende houdings van die personeel. Die waargenome impak van die nuwe konteks en waargenome aanvaarding en begrip van die veranderingsproses is beoordeel. Die deelnemers het bestaan uit die bestuurskomitee, dekane en direkteure van administratiewe afdelings van drie tersiêre instellings in KwaZulu-Natal. Die data is met behulp van vraelyste ingesamel wat deur middel van beskrywende en inferensiële statistiesemetodes ontleed is. Die resultate werp lig op die kritieke bestanddele vir doeltreffende veranderingsbestuur

    The perceived impact of downsizing and organisational transformation on survivors

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    Change is a way of life and the ability to manage change is a key factor in organisational survival and effectiveness. This article evaluates the ‘survivor syndrome’ and assesses the impact of the process of downsizing and transformation on communication, trust, survivor commitment and loyalty, morale and career advancement opportunities. The study was conducted using a stratified random sample of 361 employees/survivors in a branch of a motor manufacturer that had undergone major transformation. Data was collected using a self-developed questionnaire and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study generates a framework/model of critical change implementation factors and recommendations that will enable change managers to sense, adjust, respond and implement change timeously so as to gain strategic and competitive advantage. Opsomming Verandering is ’n lewenswyse en die vermoë om te verander is ’n kernaspek in organisasieverandering en -oorlewing. In hierdie artikel word die ‘oorlewingsindroom’ beoordeel en word die impak van die afskalingsproses en transformasie op kommunikasie, vertroue, ‘oorlewende’ toewyding en lojaliteit, moraal en loopbaanvorderingsgeleenthede takseer. Die studie is uitgevoer, met die gebruik van ’n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van 361 werknemers/’oorlewendes’ in ’n afdeling van ’n motorvervaardiger wat ingrypende transformasie ondergaan het. Data is ingesamel by wyse van ’n selfontwikkelde vraelys en ontleed aan die hand van beskrywende en inferensiële statistiek. Die studie het ’n raamwerk/model van kritieke veranderingsimplementeringsfaktore en aanbevelings gegenereer wat veranderingsbestuurders in staat sal stel om die gewaarwording, aanpassing, reaksie en implementering van verandering tydig te doen sodat strategiese en mededingingsvoordeel behaal kan word