10 research outputs found
Gestion Responsable d'un Système d'Information Aide à La Sensibilisation sur la Sante Sexuelle et Reproductive
Actuellement, les systèmes d’information sont devenusindispensable pour les organisations, qui constituent unenécessité afin de prendre des décisions de meilleurequalité. C’est pour cette raison que l’orientation versl’informatisation des processus est obligatoire.Cependant, toutes les organisations cherchent un systèmed’information qui permet une évolution, undéveloppement et une amélioration de leur processusmétier. La raison pour laquelle on pense à mettre en placeun système d’information de sensibilisation pour qu’ilpuisse sensibiliser les citoyens vis-à-vis des maladiescontagieuses et infectieuses telles que le SIDA (VIH),l’hépatite (A - B – C). Cela permet de faire la conceptiond’un système d’information de sensibilisation adaptatifqui répond aux besoins des utilisateurs et qui induisentdes changements profonds sur les organisations privées etpubliques et sur la société en général.L'objectif de ce papier est d’étudier la gestion qui estresponsable du système d'information qui aide a lasensibilisation sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive. Cetteétude permet de se caractériser par l'emploi detechnologies de l'information et de la communicationvisant à améliorer les processus, la communication entreusagers et systèmes d’informations ou entre d’autressystèmes d’informations et l'efficacité de l'administration,que ce soit en termes de délais, de qualité, ou deproductivité des agents publics pour la protection de lagénération
Public management at the service of improving energy optimization: Case of Moroccan universities
Public management can play an important role in improving the energy optimization of Moroccan universities. By adopting efficient management practices and implementing appropriate energy policies, universities can reduce their energy consumption, decrease their carbon footprint and realize financial savings., while taking into consideration the examples or the cases of the universities having shared their experiences. Among the elements that we have noticed present in the majority of university establishments is the presence of a long-term energy strategy for universities, setting clear objectives in terms of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This strategy should include specific measures such as installing energy efficient lighting systems, using renewable energy sources, improving the efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In this article we will try to emphasize the key elements of the success of public management with reference to energy optimization by taking into consideration the case of Moroccan universities
The philosophy of energy consumption in North Africa, contribution of artificial intelligence
Some people in North Africa have been accustomed to getting everything, from the consumption of various goods, to luxurious housing, to travel from one country to another, unaware that the necessities of this way of life are very energy intensive. These countries, too, are unaware of the importance and necessity of opening up to each other in order to work together to raise awareness of energy consumption. Through this research, which is based on a scientific approach combining technology, human and social sciences and statistical studies, we have tried to highlight the importance of logical energy consumption while explaining that the consequences will be unexpected in the future in the event of an energy shortage in North Africa
Cybersecurity in the Context of Moroccan Energy Companies
The aim of this research is to assess the level of maturity of Moroccan companies in the energy sector in terms of cybersecurity and to identify the factors influencing their abilities to implement effective security measures to address the risks associated with cyber-attacks. To achieve this, we have adopted an exploratory approach. A questionnaire was sent to energy sector companies in Morocco to investigate their cybersecurity practices. This entails examining the current security measures in place, security policies and procedures, as well as employee training programs. Furthermore, we are exploring the human and financial factors that can influence the ability of energy companies to implement effective security measures against cyberattacks. The results clearly indicate that most of these companies demonstrate a high level of maturity in terms of cybersecurity. However, several significant factors influence their ability to implement effective security measures. Among these factors, the lack of qualified personnel, the high costs associated with acquiring and implementing security technologies, as well as expenses related to training and awareness, can be mentioned
Immersive Technologies in Adult Learning as an Innovative Marketing Tool in the Educational Market
У статті розглядається економічна організація та ефективність навчання дорослих з використанням технологій віртуальної реальності. Основним драйвером розвитку ринку імерсивного навчання є попит з боку корпорацій. Для більшості шкіл і університетів це все ще дорого, але компанії, навпаки, бачать у ньому спосіб скоротити витрати. Імерсивне навчання – це метод, який використовує штучне або змодельоване середовище, що дозволяє учням повністю зануритися в процес навчання. Окрім створення середовища без відволікань, це може порушити монотонність навчання та розвитку за допомогою стимулюючих візуальних ефектів. Імерсивне навчання може зробити навчання більш продуктивним і цінним за рахунок збільшення залучення студентів. У статті також розглядаються чинники, які роблять імерсивні технології інноваційним інструментом для використання в маркетингових стратегіях навчальних закладів та для просування освітнього контенту. Імерсивне навчання – це динамічна стратегія, яка може покращити електронне навчання та зробити революцію у світі освіти. Цей метод має великий потенціал, щоб стати лідером у майбутньому навчання та допомогти досягти його важливих цілей. Навчання VR особливо затребуване в галузях з високою плинністю кадрів: воно знижує витрати на постійне навчання нових співробітників. Їхні бізнес-застосування майже безмежні: від комплектування замовлень і хірургічних операцій до цифрових близнюків до моделювання та відстеження виробничих підприємств, ланцюгів поставок та інших складних систем. AR і VR значно підвищують цінність і зручність, які створюють ці можливості. Ці технології покращують те, як користувачі візуалізують і отримують доступ до всіх нових даних моніторингу, як вони отримують і виконують інструкції та посібники з продукту, а також як вони взаємодіють. Зроблено висновок, що за допомогою імерсивних технологій в освітньому маркетингу освітній ринок розвиватиметься, збільшуватиметься та змінюватиметься під впливом інновацій. Також вважається, що гроші, витрачені на такі технології, вважаються не витратами, а інвестиціями в розвиток компанії та людини.The article reviews the economic organization and effectiveness of adult education using virtual reality technologies. The main driver of the development of the immersive learning market is the demand from corporations. It is still expensive for most schools and universities, but companies, on the contrary, see it as a way to reduce costs. Immersive learning is a method that uses an artificial or simulated environment that allows students to become fully immersed in the learning process. In addition to creating a distraction-free environment, it can break the monotony of learning and development through stimulating visuals. Immersive learning can make learning more productive and valuable by increasing student engagement. The article also considers the factors that make immersive technologies an innovative tool for use in the marketing strategies of educational institutions and for the promotion of educational content. Immersive learning is a dynamic strategy that can improve e-learning and revolutionize the world of education. This method has great potential to lead the future of learning and help achieve its important goals. VR training is especially in demand in industries with a high line staff turnover: it reduces the cost of continuous training of new employees. Their business applications are almost limitless, from order picking and surgical operations to digital twins to modelling and tracking manufacturing plants, supply chains and other complex systems. AR and VR significantly increase the value and convenience that these opportunities create. These technologies improve how users visualize and access all new monitoring data, how they receive and follow instructions and product manuals, and how they interact. It was concluded that with immersive technologies in educational marketing, the educational market would develop, increase and change under the influence of innovations. It is also believed that the money spent on such technologies is not considered an expense but an investment in the development of the company and the person
Public management at the service of improving energy optimization: Case of Moroccan universities
Public management can play an important role in improving the energy optimization of Moroccan universities. By adopting efficient management practices and implementing appropriate energy policies, universities can reduce their energy consumption, decrease their carbon footprint and realize financial savings., while taking into consideration the examples or the cases of the universities having shared their experiences. Among the elements that we have noticed present in the majority of university establishments is the presence of a long-term energy strategy for universities, setting clear objectives in terms of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This strategy should include specific measures such as installing energy efficient lighting systems, using renewable energy sources, improving the efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In this article we will try to emphasize the key elements of the success of public management with reference to energy optimization by taking into consideration the case of Moroccan universities
Blockchain-based medical and water waste management conception
The revolutionary technology blockchain began with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin but has since expanded beyond the worlds of finance and banking. One relatively unexplored application domain is medical and water waste. The production of medical/water waste is an integral part of healthcare operations. However, Health care and water waste management methods can also pose a health and environment risk if the various steps in the management process are not carried out correctly. The objective of this paper is to propose conception of a system, based on the Blockchain and IoT, that ensures the control of these wastes in order to effectively manage, coordinate and monitor their disposal. An initial design of this system and an evaluation of the system's performance are also presented
The philosophy of energy consumption in North Africa, contribution of artificial intelligence
Some people in North Africa have been accustomed to getting everything, from the consumption of various goods, to luxurious housing, to travel from one country to another, unaware that the necessities of this way of life are very energy intensive. These countries, too, are unaware of the importance and necessity of opening up to each other in order to work together to raise awareness of energy consumption. Through this research, which is based on a scientific approach combining technology, human and social sciences and statistical studies, we have tried to highlight the importance of logical energy consumption while explaining that the consequences will be unexpected in the future in the event of an energy shortage in North Africa
Cybersecurity in the Context of Moroccan Energy Companies
The aim of this research is to assess the level of maturity of Moroccan companies in the energy sector in terms of cybersecurity and to identify the factors influencing their abilities to implement effective security measures to address the risks associated with cyber-attacks. To achieve this, we have adopted an exploratory approach. A questionnaire was sent to energy sector companies in Morocco to investigate their cybersecurity practices. This entails examining the current security measures in place, security policies and procedures, as well as employee training programs. Furthermore, we are exploring the human and financial factors that can influence the ability of energy companies to implement effective security measures against cyberattacks. The results clearly indicate that most of these companies demonstrate a high level of maturity in terms of cybersecurity. However, several significant factors influence their ability to implement effective security measures. Among these factors, the lack of qualified personnel, the high costs associated with acquiring and implementing security technologies, as well as expenses related to training and awareness, can be mentioned
Intelligent Technology Solutions at the Service of Energy Consumption Management
This project means to contribute in the decrease and justification of power utilization through its administration and control. Numerous examinations have indicated that the degree of the accessible energy stores and energy utilization is somewhat concerning. Consequently, we have built up a modest and accessible arrangement that will fill in as a technique to save this asset by following the person's utilization rate. The created application can be utilized with a basic telephone since it receives cell phone correspondence network innovation that will well impact the utilization of power, it is helpful for residents, the state, and the ages to follow by streamlining as far as utilization and thusly the month to month charges, just as its advantages on the climate