16 research outputs found
Optimization Over the Efficient Set of Multi-objective Convex Optimal Control Problems
We consider multi-objective convex optimal control problems. First we state a relationship between the (weakly or properly) efficient set of the multi-objective problem and the solution of the problem scalarized via a convex combination of objectives through a vector of parameters (or weights). Then we establish that (i) the solution of the scalarized (parametric) problem for any given parameter vector is unique and (weakly or properly) efficient and (ii) for each solution in the (weakly or properly) efficient set, there exists at least one corresponding parameter vector for the scalarized problem yielding the same solution. Therefore the set of all parametric solutions (obtained by solving the scalarized problem) is equal to the efficient set. Next we consider an additional objective over the efficient set. Based on the main result, the new objective can instead be considered over the (parametric) solution set of the scalarized problem. For the purpose of constructing numerical methods, we point to existing solution differentiability results for parametric optimal control problems. We propose numerical methods and give an example application to illustrate our approach. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Optimality Conditions for Semivectorial Bilevel Convex Optimal Control Problems
We present optimality conditions for bilevel optimal control problems where the upper level is a scalar optimal control problem to be solved by a leader and the lower level is a multiobjective convex optimal control problem to be solved by several followers acting in a cooperative way inside the greatest coalition and choosing amongst efficient optimal controls. We deal with the so-called optimistic case, when the followers are assumed to choose the best choice for the leader amongst their best responses, as well with the so-called pessimistic case, when the best response chosen by the followers can be the worst choice for the leader. This paper continues the research initiated in Bonnel (SIAM J. Control Optim. 50(6), 3224-3241, 2012) where existence results for these problems have been obtained. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
Stochastic Optimization over a Pareto Set Associated with a Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization Problem
We deal with the problem of minimizing the expectation of a real valued random function over the weakly Pareto or Pareto set associated with a Stochastic Multi-objective Optimization Problem, whose objectives are expectations of random functions. Assuming that the closed form of these expectations is difficult to obtain, we apply the Sample Average Approximation method in order to approach this problem. We prove that the Hausdorff-Pompeiu distance between the weakly Pareto sets associated with the Sample Average Approximation problem and the true weakly Pareto set converges to zero almost surely as the sample size goes to infinity, assuming that our Stochastic Multi-objective Optimization Problem is strictly convex. Then we show that every cluster point of any sequence of optimal solutions of the Sample Average Approximation problems is almost surely a true optimal solution. To handle also the non-convex case, we assume that the real objective to be minimized over the Pareto set depends on the expectations of the objectives of the Stochastic Optimization Problem, i.e. we optimize over the image space of the Stochastic Optimization Problem. Then, without any convexity hypothesis, we obtain the same type of results for the Pareto sets in the image spaces. Thus we show that the sequence of optimal values of the Sample Average Approximation problems converges almost surely to the true optimal value as the sample size goes to infinity. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York