92 research outputs found

    On the Approximation of the Quantum Gates using Lattices

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    A central question in Quantum Computing is how matrices in SU(2)SU(2) can be approximated by products over a small set of "generators". A topology will be defined on SU(2)SU(2) so as to introduce the notion of a covering exponent \cite{letter}, which compares the length of products required to covering SU(2)SU(2) with ε\varepsilon balls against the Haar measure of ε\varepsilon balls. An efficient universal set over PSU(2)PSU(2) will be constructed using the Pauli matrices, using the metric of the covering exponent. Then, the relationship between SU(2)SU(2) and S3S^3 will be manipulated to correlate angles between points on S3S^3 and give a conjecture on the maximum of angles between points on a lattice. It will be shown how this conjecture can be used to compute the covering exponent, and how it can be generalized to universal sets in SU(2)SU(2).Comment: This is an updated version of arxiv.org:1506.0578

    On surface completion and image inpainting by biharmonic functions: Numerical aspects

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    Numerical experiments with smooth surface extension and image inpainting using harmonic and biharmonic functions are carried out. The boundary data used for constructing biharmonic functions are the values of the Laplacian and normal derivatives of the functions on the boundary. Finite difference schemes for solving these harmonic functions are discussed in detail.Comment: Revised 21 July, 2017. Revised 12 January, 2018. To appear in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science

    On the Whitney distortion extension problem for Cm(Rn)C^m(\mathbb R^n) and C(Rn)C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^n) and its applications to interpolation and alignment of data in Rn\mathbb R^n

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    Let n,m1n,m\geq 1, URnU\subset\mathbb R^n open. In this paper we provide a sharp solution to the following Whitney distortion extension problems: (a) Let ϕ:URn\phi:U\to \mathbb R^n be a CmC^m map. If EUE\subset U is compact (with some geometry) and the restriction of ϕ\phi to EE is an almost isometry with small distortion, how to decide when there exists a Cm(Rn)C^m(\mathbb R^n) one-to-one and onto almost isometry Φ:RnRn\Phi:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^n with small distortion which agrees with ϕ\phi in a neighborhood of EE and a Euclidean motion A:RnRnA:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^n away from EE. (b) Let ϕ:URn\phi:U\to \mathbb R^n be CC^{\infty} map. If EUE\subset U is compact (with some geometry) and the restriction of ϕ\phi to EE is an almost isometry with small distortion, how to decide when there exists a C(Rn)C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^n) one-to-one and onto almost isometry Φ:RnRn\Phi:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^n with small distortion which agrees with ϕ\phi in a neighborhood of EE and a Euclidean motion A:RnRnA:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^n away from EE. Our results complement those of [14,15,20] where there, EE is a finite set. In this case, the problem above is also a problem of interpolation and alignment of data in Rn\mathbb R^n.Comment: This is part three of four papers with C. Fefferman (arXiv:1411.2451, arXiv:1411.2468, involve-v5-n2-p03-s.pdf) dealing with the problem of Whitney type extensions of δ>0\delta>0 distortions from certain compact sets ERnE\subset \Bbb R^n to ε>0\varepsilon>0 distorted diffeomorphisms on $\Bbb R^n

    On Whitney extensions, Whitney extensions of small distortions and Laguerre polynomials

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    The Whitney extension problem asks the following: Let ϕ:ER\phi:E\to \mathbb R be a map defined on an arbitrary set ERd,d2E\subset \mathbb R^d, d\geq 2. How to decide whether ϕ\phi extends to a map Φ:RdR\Phi:\mathbb R^d\to \mathbb R which agrees with ϕ\phi on EE and is in Cm(Rd),m1C^m(\mathbb R^d),\, m\geq 1, the space of functions from Rd\mathbb R^d to R\mathbb R whose derivatives of order mm are continuous and bounded. In this paper, we present some of the work in our monograph [D] related to Whitney extensions of small distortions from RdRd\mathbb R^d\to \mathbb R^d. An application to alignment problems of data in Rd\mathbb R^d is given. Whitney's extension theorem, as studied by Hassler Whitney [W],is a partial converse to Taylor's theorem. We explain this and provide a relation of Whitney extensions to certain Laguerre polynomial orthonormal expansions taken from [JP].Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2103.0974

    A Bounded mean oscillation (BMO) theorem for small distorted diffeomorphisms from RD\mathbb R^D to RD\mathbb R^D and PDE

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    This announcement considers the following problem. We produce a bounded mean oscillation theorem for small distorted diffeomorphisms from RD\mathbb R^D to RD\mathbb R^D. A revision of this announcement is in the memoir preprint: arXiv:2103.09748, [1], submitted for consideration for publication.Comment: This paper appears as arXiv:1610.08138 which was submitted as a new work by accident. Thus withdrawal is appropriat

    An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Matroid Representibility

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    We introduce various quantities that can be defined for an arbitrary matroid, and show that certain conditions on these quantities imply that a matroid is not representable over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Mostly, for a matroid of rank rr, we examine the proportion of size-(rk)(r-k) subsets that are dependent, and give bounds, in terms of the cardinality of the matroid and qq a prime power, for this proportion, below which the matroid is not representable over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. We also explore connections between the defined quantities and demonstrate that they can be used to prove that random matrices have high proportions of subsets of columns independent

    The SET and transposase domain protein Metnase enhances chromosome decatenation: regulation by automethylation

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    Metnase is a human SET and transposase domain protein that methylates histone H3 and promotes DNA double-strand break repair. We now show that Metnase physically interacts and co-localizes with Topoisomerase IIα (Topo IIα), the key chromosome decatenating enzyme. Metnase promotes progression through decatenation and increases resistance to the Topo IIα inhibitors ICRF-193 and VP-16. Purified Metnase greatly enhanced Topo IIα decatenation of kinetoplast DNA to relaxed circular forms. Nuclear extracts containing Metnase decatenated kDNA more rapidly than those without Metnase, and neutralizing anti-sera against Metnase reversed that enhancement of decatenation. Metnase automethylates at K485, and the presence of a methyl donor blocked the enhancement of Topo IIα decatenation by Metnase, implying an internal regulatory inhibition. Thus, Metnase enhances Topo IIα decatenation, and this activity is repressed by automethylation. These results suggest that cancer cells could subvert Metnase to mediate clinically relevant resistance to Topo IIα inhibitors