5 research outputs found
To define the risk factors of myopia development among the students the authors got acquainted with spreading of the pathology among the students and their parents. 313 students of Tuimaizy medical college (at the age of 16 to 22 ys) and their parents (n = 579) participated in the study. Attention was paid to the internal factors (heredity, family atmosphere, quality of life) and to the external factors (the life, intensity in studying) -the factors promoting development of myopia. Special psychomedico-pedagogical commission has been organized for better health protection of the organ of vision in teenagers in Tuimaizy medical college.С целью определения факторов риска развития миопии среди студентов была изучена распространенность данного заболевания у студентов и их родителей. Проведено исследование студентов Туймазинского медицинского колледжа в возрасте от 16 до 22 лет, всего 313 человек, и их кровных родителей - 579 человек. В процессе исследования были выявлены следующие факторы: внутренние (наследственно-семейная среда, качество жизни) и внешние (образ жизни, интенсивность учебного процесса), способствующие возникновению или дальнейшему развитию миопии. Для укрепления здоровья органа зрения подростков на базе Туймазинского медицинского колледжа организована психолого-медико-педагогическая комиссия. Ведется комплексная работа, в которой участвуют психолог, преподаватели колледжа, фельдшер, офтальмолог, что обеспечивает массовую профилактику близорукости среди студентов
Развитие технологий искусственного интеллекта в онкологии и лучевой диагностике
Introduction. The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies forms the core of the so-called Industrial Revolution 4.0.The aim of this study is to examine qualitative changes occurring over the last two years in the development of AI through an examination of trends in PubMed publications.Materials. All abstracts with keyword “artificial intelligence” were downloaded from PubMed database https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ in the form of .txt files. In order to produce a generalisation of topics, we classified present applications of AI in medicine. To this end, 78,420 abstracts, 5558 reviews, 304 randomised controlled trials, 247 multicentre studies and 4137 other publication types were extracted. (Figure 1). Next, the typical applications were classified.Results. Interest in the topic of AI in publications indexed in the PubMed library is increasing according to general innovation development principles. Along with English publications, the number of non-English publications continued to increase until 2018, represented especially by Chinese, German and French languages. By 2018, the number of non-English publications had started to decrease in favour of English publications. Implementations of AI are already being adopted in contemporary practice. Thus, AI tools have moved out of the theoretical realm to find mainstream application.Conclusions. Tools for machine learning have become widely available to working scientists over the last two years. Since this includes FDA-approved tools for general clinical practice, the change not only affects to researchers but also clinical practitioners. Medical imaging and analysis applications already approved for the most part demonstrate comparable accuracy with the human specialist. A classification of developed AI applications is presented in the article.Введение. Индустриальная революция 4.0 произошла во многом благодаря внедрению методов искусственного интеллекта.Цель исследования. Показать качественные перемены, которые произошли в последние 3 года в реализации методов искусственного интеллекта в здравоохранении путем исследования трендов по публикациям в базе данных PubMed.Материалы. Все резюме статей с ключевым словом “artificial intelligence” были загружены в текстовые файлы из базы данных https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/. Путем обобщения ключевых слов мы классифицировали современные применения искусственного интеллекта в медицине. 78 420 резюме были извлечены из базы данных PubMed, в том числе 5558 обзоров, 304 рандомизированных исследования, 247 многоцентровых исследований. Затем были классифицированы типичные сферы применения.Результаты. Интерес к теме искусственного интеллекта в индексированных в PubMed публикациях растет согласно закону развития инноваций. Количество неанглоязычных публикаций увеличивалось до 2008 года и было представлено на китайском, немецком, французском и русском языках. После 2008 года количество неанглоязычных публикаций снизилось в пользу англоязычных.Выводы. В последние два-три года искусственный интеллект в практике принятия решений в медицине стал иметь реальное практическое применение. Кроме того, инструменты для создания систем принятия решений на базе методик искусственного интеллекта стали уже не диковинными и доступны не только математикам. Американское управление пищевыми продуктами и лекарственными препаратами (FDA) одобрило ряд приложений к клинической практике. Это еще одна перемена, которая затронула не только ученых, но и практиков. Большинство таких приложений используется для анализа медицинских изображений, в том числе и в онкологии, и демонстрирует сравнимую точность с человеком специалистом. В статье представлена разработанная классификация применения технологий искусственного интеллекта
Medico-social characteristics of families and quality of life of teenagers
Studied the social portrait of families and the quality of life of 2240 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years. More than 20% of families of surveyed adolescents can be attributed to the families of medico-demographic risk. Quality of life of adolescents is characterized by high levels of social and physical functioning at a relatively low level of school functioning. Total index of the quality of life of adolescents aged 10-14 years is higher than among adolescents aged 15-17 years
Purpose of the study - searching of new microRNA markers for differential diagnostics of different grade cerebral gliomas. Material and methods. Surgical material is tumor and externally unchanged brain tissue that was obtained from 41 patients with gliomas of different grade anaplasia. In 6 patients with cerebral glioma, a high-throughput Nanostring platform was used to determine the level of expression of 800 microRNAs. 37 patients with a similar pathology were subjected to real-time PCR, microRNA-128, 143, 144, 182, 183, 199b, 204, 7, 99a. Results and discussion: It has been established with the NanoString technology that the level of expression of miRNA 199b was significantly higher in gliomas of grade III and IV than in gliomas of grade II. In contrast, the expression level of miRNA-144 and miRNA-182 was reduced. There was also a significant 10-fold increase in the level of expression of microRNA-7 in tumors of grade IV in comparison with grade II. These differences in the expression of four microRNAs in these types of gliomas can be additional markers that distinguish rapidly growing malignant gliomas (grade III, IV) from slowly growing tumors (grade II) and timely assign an adequate comprehensive treatment
Artificial Intelligence Developments in Medical Visualization and Oncology
Introduction. The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies forms the core of the so-called Industrial Revolution 4.0.The aim of this study is to examine qualitative changes occurring over the last two years in the development of AI through an examination of trends in PubMed publications.Materials. All abstracts with keyword “artificial intelligence” were downloaded from PubMed database https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ in the form of .txt files. In order to produce a generalisation of topics, we classified present applications of AI in medicine. To this end, 78,420 abstracts, 5558 reviews, 304 randomised controlled trials, 247 multicentre studies and 4137 other publication types were extracted. (Figure 1). Next, the typical applications were classified.Results. Interest in the topic of AI in publications indexed in the PubMed library is increasing according to general innovation development principles. Along with English publications, the number of non-English publications continued to increase until 2018, represented especially by Chinese, German and French languages. By 2018, the number of non-English publications had started to decrease in favour of English publications. Implementations of AI are already being adopted in contemporary practice. Thus, AI tools have moved out of the theoretical realm to find mainstream application.Conclusions. Tools for machine learning have become widely available to working scientists over the last two years. Since this includes FDA-approved tools for general clinical practice, the change not only affects to researchers but also clinical practitioners. Medical imaging and analysis applications already approved for the most part demonstrate comparable accuracy with the human specialist. A classification of developed AI applications is presented in the article