19 research outputs found

    Faktori rizika od karcinoma larinksa u Crnoj Gori

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    Laryngeal cancer is the most common head and neck cancer. There might be many risk factors for laryngeal cancer. Smoking, especially cigarette smoking and alcohol are indisputable risk factors. The authors of this paper assessed the presumed risk factors in order to identify possible aetiological agents of the disease. A hospital-based case-control study was conducted. The study group consisted of 108 histologically verified laryngeal cancer patients and 108 hospital controls matched by sex, age (Ā±3 years) and place of residence. Laryngeal cancer patients and controls were interviewed during their hospital stay using a structured questionnaire. According to multiple logistic regression analysis six variables were independently related to laryngeal cancer: hard liquor consumption (Odd Ratio /OR/=2.93, Confidence Interval /CI/ 95 % = 1.17 to 7.31), consumption more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day (OR=4.96, CI 95 % = 2.04 to12.04), cigarette smoking for more than 40 years (OR=4.32, CI 95 % = 1.69 to 11.06), smoking more than 30 cigarettes per day (OR=4.24, CI 95 % = 1.75 to 10.27), coffee consumption more than 5 cups per day (OR=4.52, CI 95 % = 1.01 to 20.12) and carbonated beverage consumption (OR=0.38, CI 95 %= 0.16 to 0.92). The great majority of laryngeal cancers could be prevented by eliminating tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption.Maligni tumori larinksa najčeŔći su tumori glave i vrata. Glavni faktori rizika od razvoja malignih tumora grkljana su puÅ”enje i konzumiranje alkoholnih pića. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje potencijalnih faktora rizika od nastanka malignih tumora larinksa. Sprovedena je studija slučaj-kontrola. Studijsku grupu činilo je 108 pacijenata s histoloÅ”ki verificiranim rakom larinksa i 108 kontrola individualno izjednačenih po spolu, dobi (Ā± 3 godine) i mjestu stanovanja. Svi ispitanici su anketirani ciljanim epidemioloÅ”kim upitnikom a u analizi podataka koriÅ”tena je multivarijantna logistička regresijska analiza. Koristeći se multivarijantnom logističkom regresijskom analizom, statistički značajnu povezanost s rakom larinksa dobili smo za sljedeće varijable: konzumiranje žestokih pića (omjer izgleda /OR/=2.93, interval pouzdanosti /CI/ 95 % = 1.17 do 7.31), konzumiranje viÅ”e od 2 alkoholna pića na dan (OR = 4.96, CI 95 % = 2.04 do 12.04), konzumiranje cigareta duže od 40 godina (OR = 4.32, CI 95 % = 1.69 do 11.06), konzumiranje viÅ”e od 30 cigareta na dan (OR = 4.24, CI 95 % = 1.75 do 10.27), konzumiranje viÅ”e od 5 Å”alica kave na dan (OR = 4.52, CI 95 % = 1.01 do 20.12) i konzumiranje gaziranih pića (OR = 0.38, CI 95 % = 0.16 do 0.92). Obolijevanje zbog malignih tumora larinksa moglo bi se značajno smanjiti prestankom konzumiranja duhana i alkohola

    Risk and Safety Program Performance Evaluation and Business Process Modeling

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    Development of a Novel In Vitro Assay (ALS Assay) for Evaluation of Vaccine-Induced Antibody Secretion from Circulating Mucosal Lymphocytes

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    We describe here a novel method for measuring in vitro antibody secretion from the tissue culture of human B lymphocytes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) after oral vaccination with a killed cholera vaccine. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) titers of the antibody secreted in the cell supernatant were determined. The validation results demonstrated that human PBMC remained viable and continued to secrete antibodies (total immunoglobulin A [IgA] and IgG) for up to 4 days of incubation at 37Ā°C with 5% CO(2) in cell cultures. The secreted antibody concentration correlated positively with the PBMC concentration and incubation time in the tissue culture and correlated negatively with the storage time of the whole blood at room temperature. In vitro assay of secreting antibody in the lymphocyte supernatant (i.e., the ALS assay) is capable of the detecting specific antibody response after oral vaccination with a killed whole-cell-plus-B-subunit cholera vaccine (WC-B) in healthy adults in a phase I clinical trial. Postimmunization PBMC secreted antibodies to cholera toxin in the cell supernatants. Antibody production did not require any in vitro antigen stimulation. In the ALS assay, antigen-specific antibody titers of prevaccination samples were barely detectable, whereas serum antitoxin ELISA titers in background of prevaccine samples were significantly higher than the ALS titers. We conclude that, without any in vitro antigen stimulation after vaccination, PBMC secrete antibodies into the supernatants in the ALS assay. This assay can quantitatively measure the antigen-specific antibody production from the PBMC culture in postvaccination blood samples

    Psychopharmacology in Oncology and Palliative Care: General Issues

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    At least 25ā€“30 % of patients with cancer and even a higher percentage of those in an advanced phase of illness meet the criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis, including depression, anxiety, stress-related syndromes, including severe adjustment disorders, sleep disorders, and delirium. A number of studies in psychooncology have accumulated over the last 35 years on the use of psychotropic drugs as a pillar in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Major advances in research have also shown the efficacy of psychotropic drugs as adjuvant treatment of cancer-related symptoms, such as pain, hot flashes, pruritus, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. The knowledge about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical use, safety, side effects, and efficacy of drugs in cancer care is essential. The aims of this chapter are to consider the need for an integrated psychological and psychopharmacological intervention, as the concept of psychopharmoncology specifies, favoring the vision of an integrated and multidimensional approach in oncology, and palliative care services as well as in community-based cancer centers