956 research outputs found

    New massive gravity, extended

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    We consider gravity in three dimensions with an arbitrary number of curvature corrections. We show that such corrections are always functions of only three independent curvature invariants. Demanding the existence of a holographic c-theorem we show how to fix the coefficients in the action for an arbitrarily high order, recovering the new massive gravity lagrangian at quadratic order. We calculate the central charge cc and show that using Cardy's formula it matches the entropy of black hole solutions, which we construct. We also consider fluctuations about an AdS background, and find that it is possible to obtain two derivative equations by imposing a single constraint, thereby lifting the pathologic massive modes of new massive gravity. If we do not impose this, there is a set of ghosty massive modes propagating in the bulk. However, at c=0c=0 these become massless and it is expected that these theories encode the dynamics of the spin two sector of strongly coupled logarithmic CFT's.Comment: 4 page

    Attractors and first order formalism in five dimensions revisited

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    The attractor mechanism in five dimensional Einstein-Maxwell Chern-Simons theory is studied. The expression of the five dimensional rotating black object potential depending on Taub-NUT, electric and magnetic charges as well as on all the scalar and gauge fields, is investigated. The first order formalism in d=5 is constructed and analyzed. We derive a general expression defining the fake superpotential which is valid for all charge configurations. An explicit expression for the fake superpotential is constructed, for all very special geometries, in the case of vanishing Taub-NUT charge. We carry out an analogous construction in the very special geometries corresponding to t3t^3 and stustu models, for the most general charge configurations. The attractor flows and horizon values of all fields are given.Comment: 33 pages, PACS numbers: 04.65.+e, 04.50.Gh, 04.70.Bw, 04.70.Dy, keywords: five dimensional supergravity, black objects, entropy, attractor flows, first order formalism, fake superpotential. Several typos corrected; one reference added; section 6 (conclusions) expande

    Hyper-Kaehler geometry and dualization

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    We demonstrate that in N=8 supersymmetric mechanics with linear and nonlinear chiral supermultiplets one may dualize two auxiliary fields into physical ones in such a way that the bosonic manifold will be a hyper-Kaehler one. The key point of our construction is about different dualizations of the two auxiliary components. One of them is turned into a physical one in the standard way through its replacement by the total time derivative of some physical field. The other auxiliary field is dualized through a Lagrange multiplier. We clarify this choice of dualization by presenting the analogy with a three-dimensional case.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file, PACS numbers: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.-

    Superfield Formulation of Nonlinear N=4 Supermultiplets

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    We propose a unified superfield formulation of N=4 off-shell supermultiplets in one spacetime dimension using the standard N=4 superspace. The main idea of our approach is a "gluing" together of two linear supermultiplets along their fermions. The functions defining such a gluing obey a system of equations. Each solution of this system provides a new supermultiplet, linear or nonlinear, modulo equivalence transformations. In such a way we reproduce all known linear and nonlinear N=4, d=1 supermultiplets and propose some new ones. Particularly interesting is an explicit construction of nonlinear N=4 hypermultiplets.Comment: 16 pages, no figure