9 research outputs found

    Определение неэтерифицированных жирных кислот в биологических образцах: различные способы пробоподготовки

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    Approaches to sample preparation for estimation of free fatty acids composition by gas chromatography are presented. These fatty acids are included in the total lipid extract of human plasma.В данной работе представлены подходы к пробоподготовке для определения неэтерифициро-ванных жирных кислот в составе суммарного липидного экстракта плазмы крови человека методом газовой хроматографии

    The environmental aspect of the Eurasian integration of trans-border regions of Siberia and the Far East

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    The article considers the environmental problems of the trans-border regions of Siberia and the Far East in the conditions of the Eurasian integration. The environmental consequences of functioning of the economies of the near-border East Asian countries for the Russian trans-border regions are shown. Russian trans-border Siberian and Far Eastern regions perform economic cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in various sectors of the economy: mining and manufacturing, agriculture and forestry, nuclear energy, transport and other industries. At the same time, the environmental risks of such cooperation are not always evaluated. This is evidenced by the deteriorating environmental situation in the regions under consideration. The article proposes measures to improve the state environmental regulation of the Eurasian integration process: the development of low-carbon energy and energy-efficient technologies, the use of modern agricultural technologies, focus on the formation of a green economy, coordination of environmental legislation of the cooperating Eurasian states

    Determination of free fatty acids in biological samples: Different ways to preparing samples

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    Approaches to sample preparation for estimation of free fatty acids composition by gas chromatography are presented. These fatty acids are included in the total lipid extract of human plasma

    Prospective clinical applications of nanosized drugs

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