5 research outputs found

    Translation of Modal Verbs in Media Texts: Corpus-Based Approach

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    The main modal verbs of the English language (can, could, may, must, should, need, will, would) in media texts have been studied, namely the ways of their translation into Russian. Using the method of continuous sampling, 50 concordances were selected and analyzed for each of the 8 modal verbs. The material of the study was examples in the field of journalism from the National Corpus of the Russian Language, namely, a parallel subcorpus composed of original texts and their translations. Additionally, a ranking was carried out according to the frequency of modal verbs in the parallel corpus NKRYA (language pair Russian-English) and the English web corpus WebCorp. When comparing, the absolute frequencies of modal verbs were used, since the first corpus is static, and the second is dynamic (replenished daily). The need to supplement the parallel corpus was revealed, since the sorting results were not identical. Based on the analysis of translation transformations, the following was found: literal translation, grammatical substitutions and omission were most often used in the translation of modal verbs in media texts. It has been established that impersonal constructions were often used, and modality was transmitted using linguistic means of another level


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    The currently used system of preventive maintenance is not effective enough. Vibration diagnostics is one of the modern methods of non-destructive testing equipment components, allowing to define the appearance of defects in the early stages. The paper identifies the main areas of research, as well as selected research object, selected non-destructive testing method for efficiently determining the actual state of dynamically operating equipment. Is a schematic of vibration sensors. Measuring point vibration parameters were determined experimentally based on the conditions for obtaining the most informative vibroacoustic signal. Determine the behavior of the cutter under which minimizes the occurrence of a wide range of fluctuations that affects the accuracy of the measurements. For vibration analysis method was chosen direct spectral analysis, which involves the detection of repetitive vibrations. Presented graphically vibration spectra and spectra of vibration signals. Analysis of a wide range of vibration spectrum allowed to allocate land on which showed a significant increase in the values of vibration. Processing of the selected portion of the spectrum has led to the conclusion that in the bearing, shock pulses are in contact with each rolling body shell, and as a result, a number of harmonics in the individual frequencies. Was made a comparative analysis of the spectra of working with a defective bearing bearing on the same frequencies and determine the average increase in the values of vibration. Spectral analysis is an effective method to determine not only the extent of the defect and its location, but also allows you to effectively predict its development. The results may be useful for specialists involved in vibration diagnostics, calculation and design of rotary machines