24 research outputs found
Acoustic breathers in two-dimensional lattices
The existence of breathers (time-periodic and spatially localized lattice
vibrations) is well established for i) systems without acoustic phonon branches
and ii) systems with acoustic phonons, but also with additional symmetries
preventing the occurence of strains (dc terms) in the breather solution. The
case of coexistence of strains and acoustic phonon branches is solved (for
simple models) only for one-dimensional lattices.
We calculate breather solutions for a two-dimensional lattice with one
acoustic phonon branch. We start from the easy-to-handle case of a system with
homogeneous (anharmonic) interaction potentials. We then easily continue the
zero-strain breather solution into the model sector with additional quadratic
and cubic potential terms with the help of a generalized Newton method. The
lattice size is . The breather continues to exist, but is dressed
with a strain field. In contrast to the ac breather components, which decay
exponentially in space, the strain field (which has dipole symmetry) should
decay like . On our rather small lattice we find an exponent
On the Existence of Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Lattices
We consider time-periodic nonlinear localized excitations (NLEs) on
one-dimensional translationally invariant Hamiltonian lattices with arbitrary
finite interaction range and arbitrary finite number of degrees of freedom per
unit cell. We analyse a mapping of the Fourier coefficients of the NLE
solution. NLEs correspond to homoclinic points in the phase space of this map.
Using dimensionality properties of separatrix manifolds of the mapping we show
the persistence of NLE solutions under perturbations of the system, provided
NLEs exist for the given system. For a class of nonintegrable Fermi-Pasta-Ulam
chains we rigorously prove the existence of NLE solutions.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures will be mailed upon request (Phys. Rev. E,
in press
Representations of solutions of the wave equation based on relativistic wavelets
A representation of solutions of the wave equation with two spatial
coordinates in terms of localized elementary ones is presented. Elementary
solutions are constructed from four solutions with the help of transformations
of the affine Poincar\'e group, i.e., with the help of translations, dilations
in space and time and Lorentz transformations. The representation can be
interpreted in terms of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave
equation in a half-plane. It gives the solution as an integral representation
of two types of solutions: propagating localized solutions running away from
the boundary under different angles and packet-like surface waves running along
the boundary and exponentially decreasing away from the boundary. Properties of
elementary solutions are discussed. A numerical investigation of coefficients
of the decomposition is carried out. An example of the field created by sources
moving along a line with different speeds is considered, and the dependence of
coefficients on speeds of sources is discussed.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 20 pages, 6 figure