17,643 research outputs found

    Mirror Symmetry of Calabi-Yau Supermanifolds

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    We study super Landau-Ginzburg mirrors of the weighted projective superspace WCP^{3|2} which is a Calabi-Yau supermanifold and appeared in hep-th/0312171(Witten) in the topological B-model. One of them is an elliptic fibration over the complex plane whose coordinate is given in terms of two bosonic and two fermionic variables as well as Kahler parameter of WCP^{3|2}. The other is some patch of a degree 3 Calabi-Yau hypersurface in CP^2 fibered by the complex plane whose coordinate depends on both above four variables and Kahler parameter but its dependence behaves quite differently.Comment: 12pp; the last paragraph of section 1 improved and some clarifications adde

    Quantum N=2 super W3(2)W_3^{(2)} Algebra In Superspace

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    We discuss the N=2 extension of Polyakov-Bershadsky W3(2)W_3^{(2)} algebra with the generic central charge, cc, at the quantum level in superspace. It contains, in addition to the spin 1 N=2 stress tensor, the spins 1/2,21/2, 2 bosonic and spins 1/2,21/2, 2 fermionic supercurrents satisfying the first class nonlinear chiral constraints. In the cc \to \infty limit, the ``classical'' N=2 W3(2)W_3^{(2)} algebra is recovered.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, name of the first author extende

    Perturbing Around A Warped Product Of AdS_4 and Seven-Ellipsoid

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    We compute the spin-2 Kaluza-Klein modes around a warped product of AdS_4 and a seven-ellipsoid. This background with global G_2 symmetry is related to a U(N) x U(N) N=1 superconformal Chern-Simons matter theory with sixth order superpotential. The mass-squared in AdS_4 is quadratic in G_2 quantum number and KK excitation number. We determine the dimensions of spin-2 operators using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The connection to N=2 theory preserving SU(3) x U(1)_R is also discussed.Comment: 21pp; The second and last paragraphs of section 2, the footnotes 1 and 2 added and to appear in JHE

    Geometrically Induced Phase Transitions at Large N

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    Utilizing the large N dual description of a metastable system of branes and anti-branes wrapping rigid homologous S^2's in a non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold, we study phase transitions induced by changing the positions of the S^2's. At leading order in 1/N the effective potential for this system is computed by the planar limit of an auxiliary matrix model. Beginning at the two loop correction, the degenerate vacuum energy density of the discrete confining vacua split, and a potential is generated for the axion. Changing the relative positions of the S^2's causes discrete jumps in the energetically preferred confining vacuum and can also obstruct direct brane/anti-brane annihilation processes. The branes must hop to nearby S^2's before annihilating, thus significantly increasing the lifetime of the corresponding non-supersymmetric vacua. We also speculate that misaligned metastable glueball phases may generate a repulsive inter-brane force which stabilizes the radial mode present in compact Calabi-Yau threefolds.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figure

    Phonons in Nanocrystalline 57Fe

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    We measured the phonon density of states (DOS) of nanocrystalline Fe by resonant inelastic nuclear γ-ray scattering. The nanophase material shows large distortions in its phonon DOS. We attribute the high energy distortion to lifetime broadening. A damped harmonic oscillator model for the phonons provides a low quality factor, Qu, averaging about 5, but the longitudinal modes may have been broadened most. The nanocrystalline Fe also shows an enhancement in its phonon DOS at energies below 15 meV. The difference in vibrational entropy of the bulk and nanocrystalline Fe was small, owing to competing changes in the nanocrystalline phonon DOS at low and high energies

    Complete Nondiagonal Reflection Matrices of RSOS/SOS and Hard Hexagon Models

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    In this paper we compute the most general nondiagonal reflection matrices of the RSOS/SOS models and hard hexagon model using the boundary Yang-Baxter equations. We find new one-parameter family of reflection matrices for the RSOS model in addition to the previous result without any parameter. We also find three classes of reflection matrices for the SOS model, which has one or two parameters. For the hard hexagon model which can be mapped to RSOS(5) model by folding four RSOS heights into two, the solutions can be obtained similarly with a main difference in the boundary unitarity conditions. Due to this, the reflection matrices can have two free parameters. We show that these extra terms can be identified with the `decorated' solutions. We also generalize the hard hexagon model by `folding' the RSOS heights of the general RSOS(p) model and show that they satisfy the integrability conditions such as the Yang- Baxter and boundary Yang-Baxter equations. These models can be solved using the results for the RSOS models.Comment: 18pages,Late

    More on Meta-Stable Brane Configuration

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    We describe the intersecting brane configuration of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua in four dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SU(N_c) gauge theory with an antisymmetric flavor, a conjugate symmetric flavor, eight fundamental flavors, m_f fundamental flavors and m_f antifundamental flavors. This is done by analyzing the N=1 supersymmetric SU(2m_f-N_c+4) magnetic gauge theory with dual matters and the corresponding dual superpotential.Comment: 20 pp, 3 figures; Pages 11,12, and 14 improved; to appear in CQ

    N=8 SCFT and M Theory on AdS_4 x RP^7

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    We study M theory on AdS_4 \times \RP^7 corresponding to 3 dimensional N=8{\cal N}=8 superconformal field theory which is the strong coupling limit of 3 dimensional super Yang-Mills theory. For SU(N) theory, a wrapped M5 brane on \RP^5 can be interpreted as baryon vertex. For SO(N)/Sp(2N)SO(N)/Sp(2N) theory, by using the property of (co-)homology of \RP^7, we classify various wrapping branes and consider domain walls and the baryon vertex.Comment: 17 pages, Changed baryon like operator as M5 branes in M theory rather than D6 brane in IIA theory. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    In situ real-time analysis of alloy film composition and segregation dynamics with parallel detection reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    Real-time measurements of GexSi1 – x/Si(001) composition and segregation dynamics in Sn/Si(001) in molecular beam epitaxy are demonstrated using parallel detection reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy. Parallel detection enables quantitative acquisition of low-loss spectra in a time of < 500 µs and surface composition determination in GexSi1 – x/Si(001) via Ge L2,3 core loss analysis to a precision of approximately 2% in time of order 1 s. Segregation and trapping kinetics of monolayer thickness Sn films during Si epitaxy on Sn-covered Si(100) has also been studied using the Sn M4.5 core loss