93,056 research outputs found

    Acyclic orientations on the Sierpinski gasket

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    We study the number of acyclic orientations on the generalized two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG2,b(n)SG_{2,b}(n) at stage nn with bb equal to two and three, and determine the asymptotic behaviors. We also derive upper bounds for the asymptotic growth constants for SG2,bSG_{2,b} and dd-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SGdSG_d.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures and 6 table

    Predictability of reset switching voltages in unipolar resistance switching

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    In unipolar resistance switching of NiO capacitors, Joule heating in the conducting channels should cause a strong nonlinearity in the low resistance state current-voltage (I-V) curves. Due to the percolating nature of the conducting channels, the reset current IR, can be scaled to the nonlinear coefficient Bo of the I-V curves. This scaling relationship can be used to predict reset voltages, independent of NiO capacitor size; it can also be applied to TiO2 and FeOy capacitors. Using this relation, we developed an error correction scheme to provide a clear window for separating reset and set voltages in memory operations

    Chiral Vertex Operators in Off-Conformal Theory: The Sine-Gordon Example

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    We study chiral vertex operators in the sine-Gordon [SG] theory, viewed as an off-conformal system. We find that these operators, which would have been primary fields in the conformal limit, have interesting and, in some ways, unexpected properties in the SG model. Some of them continue to have scale- invariant dynamics even in the presence of the non-conformal cosine interaction. For instance, it is shown that the Mandelstam operator for the bosonic representation of the Fermi field does {\it not} develop a mass term in the SG theory, contrary to what the real Fermi field in the massive Thirring model is expected to do. It is also shown that in the presence of the non-conformal interactions, some vertex operators have unique Lorentz spins, while others do not.Comment: 32 pages, Univ. of Illinois Preprint # ILL-(TH)-93-1

    Stabilizing the forming process in unipolar resistance switching using an improved compliance current limiter

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    The high reset current IR in unipolar resistance switching now poses major obstacles to practical applications in memory devices. In particular, the first IR-value after the forming process is so high that the capacitors sometimes do not exhibit reliable unipolar resistance switching. We found that the compliance current Icomp is a critical parameter for reducing IR-values. We therefore introduced an improved, simple, easy to use Icomp-limiter that stabilizes the forming process by drastically decreasing current overflow, in order to precisely control the Icomp- and subsequent IR-values.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Structure of the Partition Function and Transfer Matrices for the Potts Model in a Magnetic Field on Lattice Strips

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    We determine the general structure of the partition function of the qq-state Potts model in an external magnetic field, Z(G,q,v,w)Z(G,q,v,w) for arbitrary qq, temperature variable vv, and magnetic field variable ww, on cyclic, M\"obius, and free strip graphs GG of the square (sq), triangular (tri), and honeycomb (hc) lattices with width LyL_y and arbitrarily great length LxL_x. For the cyclic case we prove that the partition function has the form Z(Λ,Ly×Lx,q,v,w)=d=0Lyc~(d)Tr[(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)m]Z(\Lambda,L_y \times L_x,q,v,w)=\sum_{d=0}^{L_y} \tilde c^{(d)} Tr[(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d})^m], where Λ\Lambda denotes the lattice type, c~(d)\tilde c^{(d)} are specified polynomials of degree dd in qq, TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} is the corresponding transfer matrix, and m=Lxm=L_x (Lx/2L_x/2) for Λ=sq,tri(hc)\Lambda=sq, tri (hc), respectively. An analogous formula is given for M\"obius strips, while only TZ,Λ,Ly,d=0T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d=0} appears for free strips. We exhibit a method for calculating TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} for arbitrary LyL_y and give illustrative examples. Explicit results for arbitrary LyL_y are presented for TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} with d=Lyd=L_y and d=Ly1d=L_y-1. We find very simple formulas for the determinant det(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)det(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d}). We also give results for self-dual cyclic strips of the square lattice.Comment: Reference added to a relevant paper by F. Y. W

    Exact Potts Model Partition Functions for Strips of the Honeycomb Lattice

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    We present exact calculations of the Potts model partition function Z(G,q,v)Z(G,q,v) for arbitrary qq and temperature-like variable vv on nn-vertex strip graphs GG of the honeycomb lattice for a variety of transverse widths equal to LyL_y vertices and for arbitrarily great length, with free longitudinal boundary conditions and free and periodic transverse boundary conditions. These partition functions have the form Z(G,q,v)=j=1NZ,G,λcZ,G,j(λZ,G,j)mZ(G,q,v)=\sum_{j=1}^{N_{Z,G,\lambda}} c_{Z,G,j}(\lambda_{Z,G,j})^m, where mm denotes the number of repeated subgraphs in the longitudinal direction. We give general formulas for NZ,G,jN_{Z,G,j} for arbitrary LyL_y. We also present plots of zeros of the partition function in the qq plane for various values of vv and in the vv plane for various values of qq. Explicit results for partition functions are given in the text for Ly=2,3L_y=2,3 (free) and Ly=4L_y=4 (cylindrical), and plots of partition function zeros are given for LyL_y up to 5 (free) and Ly=6L_y=6 (cylindrical). Plots of the internal energy and specific heat per site for infinite-length strips are also presented.Comment: 39 pages, 34 eps figures, 3 sty file

    Deconfined fractional electric charges in graphene at high magnetic fields

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    The resistance at the charge neutral (Dirac) point was shown by Checkelsky et al in Phys. Rev. B 79, 115434 (2009) to diverge upon the application of a strong magnetic field normal to graphene. We argue that this divergence is the signature for a Kekule instability of graphene, which is induced by the magnetic field. We show that the strong magnetic field does not remove the zero modes that bind a fraction of the electron around vortices in the Kekule dimerization pattern, and that quenched disorder present in the system makes it energetically possible to separate the fractional charges. These findings, altogether, indicate that graphene can sustain deconfined fractionalized electrons.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure