809 research outputs found

    Special Phases of Lumber Accounting

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    Wiping the Slate: Maintaining Capital Markets While Addressing the Odious Debt Dilemma

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    In Darwin’s Garden: an evolutionary exploration of augmented reality in practice

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    This book is part of the Springer Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing Series and will be published under Springer's Open Access policy.This chapter discusses the rapid developments in augmented reality and mixed reality technologies, from a practitioner’s perspective of making the augmented reality sculptural work In Darwin’s Garden. From its conception in 2012, to its exhibition at Carbon Meets Silicon II in 2017, the advances in augmented reality technology led to an interplay between the goal of the creators and the technological realisation of that vision. The art, design and technology involved, generated a reactive process that was mired in external influences as the accessibility to augmented reality became commercially valuable and subsequently restricted. This chapter will be of interest to anyone who wants to understand more about the possibilities, technologies and processes involved in realising mixed reality practice and about the commercial culture that supports it

    A Possible Arena for Searching New Physics - the Γ(D0→ρ0Îł)/Γ(D0â†’Ï‰Îł)\Gamma(D^0 \to \rho^0 \gamma)/\Gamma (D^0 \to \omega \gamma) Ratio

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    We propose to investigate flavour changing neutral currents in the c→uÎłc \to u \gamma transition through the measurement of the difference between Γ(D0→ρ0Îł)\Gamma (D^0 \to \rho^0 \gamma) and Γ(D0â†’Ï‰Îł)\Gamma (D^0 \to \omega \gamma). This is based on the observation that D0→(ddˉ)ÎłD^0 \to (d \bar d) \gamma is due to long distance physics while D0→(uuˉ)ÎłD^0 \to (u \bar u) \gamma arises from the c→uÎłc \to u \gamma transition. The effect of ρ−ω\rho - \omega mixing is included. A difference in the decay widths of more than about 30% would be indicative of new physics.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure include

    Retroperitoneoskopische Nierenchirurgie: Indikationen, Technik und eigene Erfahrungen nach 360 Eingriffen

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    Zusammenfassung: Die retroperitoneoskopische Operationstechnik ĂŒberzeugt durch den schnellen, direkten und einfachen Zugang ins Retroperitoneum und zu den NierengefĂ€ĂŸen unter Umgehung des Peritonealraums. Wir beschreiben unsere Operationstechnik und diskutieren Vor- und Nachteile der Retroperitoneoskopie. Unsere Erfahrungen mit dieser Operationstechnik bei insgesamt 360 retroperitoneoskopischen Eingriffen werden vorgestellt: Nephrektomie, Nierenteilresektion, Lebendnierenspende, Kryotherapie von Nierentumoren, Pyelonplastik sowie Adrenalektomie und weitere Indikationen werden dargestellt. Wir zeigen, welche Eingriffe sich zum Einstieg in die Technik eignen und auf was geachtet werden mus

    Development of the self-modulation instability of a relativistic proton bunch in plasma

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    Self-modulation is a beam-plasma instability that is useful to drive large-amplitude wakefields with bunches much longer than the plasma skin depth. We present experimental results showing that, when increasing the ratio between the initial transverse size of the bunch and the plasma skin depth, the instability occurs later along the bunch, or not at all, over a fixed plasma length, because the amplitude of the initial wakefields decreases. We show cases for which self-modulation does not develop and we introduce a simple model discussing the conditions for which it would not occur after any plasma length. Changing bunch size and plasma electron density also changes the growth rate of the instability. We discuss the impact of these results on the design of a particle accelerator based on the self-modulation instability seeded by a relativistic ionization front, such as the future upgrade of the AWAKE experiment

    Benigne zystische Raumforderungen des Hodens: Eine Übersicht

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    Zusammenfassung: Hodenzysten werden im Rahmen der skrotalen Sonographie zunehmend diagnostiziert. Grund hierfĂŒr ist u.a. die flĂ€chendeckende VerfĂŒgbarkeit moderner, hochauflösender UltraschallgerĂ€te. Differentialdiagnostisch und Ă€tiologisch sind benigne und maligne Erkrankungen mit testikulĂ€rer Zystenbildung voneinander zu unterscheiden. Benigne Krankheitsbilder mit zystischen Raumforderungen des Hodens sind die tubulĂ€re Ektasie des Rete testis, die zystische Dysplasie, Epidermoidzysten, einfache intraparenchymatöse Hodenzysten und Zysten der Tunica albuginea. Die testikulĂ€re Dermoidzyste, die lange Zeit zu Unrecht als potentiell maligne angesehen wurde, ist ebenfalls als benigne zu klassifizieren. Bei Diagnose einer benignen zystischen Raumforderung des Hodens kann in den meisten FĂ€llen eine organerhaltende operative Therapie oder ein abwartendes, ĂŒberwachendes Procedere empfohlen werde

    Breath detection algorithms affect multiple-breath washout outcomes in pre-school and school age children.

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    BACKGROUND Accurate breath detection is essential for the computation of outcomes in the multiple-breath washout (MBW) technique. This is particularly important in young children, where irregular breathing is common, and the designation of inspirations and expirations can be challenging. AIM To investigate differences between a commercial and a novel breath-detection algorithm and to characterize effects on MBW outcomes in children. METHODS We replicated the signal processing and algorithms used in Spiroware software (v3.3.1, Eco Medics AG). We developed a novel breath detection algorithm (custom) and compared it to Spiroware using 2,455 nitrogen (N2) and 325 sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) trials collected in infants, children, and adolescents. RESULTS In 83% of N2 and 32% of SF6 trials, the Spiroware breath detection algorithm rejected breaths and did not use them for the calculation of MBW outcomes. Our custom breath detection algorithm determines inspirations and expirations based on flow reversal and corresponding CO2 elevations, and uses all breaths for data analysis. In trials with regular tidal breathing, there were no differences in outcomes between algorithms. However, in 10% of pre-school children tests the number of breaths detected differed by more than 10% and the commercial algorithm underestimated the lung clearance index by up to 21%. CONCLUSION Accurate breath detection is challenging in young children. As the MBW technique relies on the cumulative analysis of all washout breaths, the rejection of breaths should be limited. We provide an improved algorithm that accurately detects breaths based on both flow reversal and CO2 concentration

    Minimal Informationally Complete Measurements for Pure States

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    We consider measurements, described by a positive-operator-valued measure (POVM), whose outcome probabilities determine an arbitrary pure state of a D-dimensional quantum system. We call such a measurement a pure-state informationally complete (PSI-complete) POVM. We show that a measurement with 2D-1 outcomes cannot be PSI-complete, and then we construct a POVM with 2D outcomes that suffices, thus showing that a minimal PSI-complete POVM has 2D outcomes. We also consider PSI-complete POVMs that have only rank-one POVM elements and construct an example with 3D-2 outcomes, which is a generalization of the tetrahedral measurement for a qubit. The question of the minimal number of elements in a rank-one PSI-complete POVM is left open.Comment: 2 figures, submitted for the Asher Peres festschrif
