7 research outputs found

    The immune system and the impact of zinc during aging

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    The trace element zinc is essential for the immune system, and zinc deficiency affects multiple aspects of innate and adaptive immunity. There are remarkable parallels in the immunological changes during aging and zinc deficiency, including a reduction in the activity of the thymus and thymic hormones, a shift of the T helper cell balance toward T helper type 2 cells, decreased response to vaccination, and impaired functions of innate immune cells. Many studies confirm a decline of zinc levels with age. Most of these studies do not classify the majority of elderly as zinc deficient, but even marginal zinc deprivation can affect immune function. Consequently, oral zinc supplementation demonstrates the potential to improve immunity and efficiently downregulates chronic inflammatory responses in the elderly. These data indicate that a wide prevalence of marginal zinc deficiency in elderly people may contribute to immunosenescence

    Cost Containment in Vascular Surgery

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    In the last decade, the delivery of health care and the role of the physician have undergone radical change. With the ad vent of managed care and the tightening of restrictions by Medicare and insurance companies, physicians have been required to review, re-engineer, and revitalize their role. Increasing financial pressures at the hospital level have caused administrators to cut costs at all levels. It is imper ative that physicians take an active role in cost containment so that the quality of care is not sacrificed. Cost containment in vascular surgery is an urgent priority in health care. Copyright © 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company