728 research outputs found


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    Novel alkyl ring-substituted octyl phenylcyanoacrylates (OPCA), RPhCH=C(CN)CO2CH2(CH2)6CH3, where R is H, 2-methyl, 3-methyl, 4-methyl, 4-ethyl, 4-propyl, 4-i-propyl, 4-butyl, 4-t-butyl, 4-i-butyl) were prepared and copolymerized with styrene. The ethylenes were synthesized by the piperidine catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation of ring-substituted benzaldehydes and octyl cyanoacetate, and characterized by CHN analysis, IR, 1H and 13C NMR. All the ethylenes were copolymerized with styrene in solution with radical initiation (ABCN) at 70°C. The compositions of the copolymers were calculated from nitrogen analysis. Compositions of ST-OPCA copolymers ranged from 18.6 % to 27.4% of the OPCA monomer. This composition was calculated via nitrogen elemental analysis with alternating sequences of styrene. The order of relative reactivity (1/r1) with the radical end of the ST-polymer with OPCA was H (1.82) \u3e 4-buytl (1.80) \u3e 4-i-butyl (1.75) \u3e 4-t-butyl (1.61) \u3e 4-ethyl (1.46) \u3e 3-methyl (1.44) \u3e 4-methyl (1.31) \u3e 4-i-propyl (1.20) \u3e 2-methyl (1.1) and finally, 4-propyl (1.04).The copolymers were characterized by nitrogen analysis, IR, DSC and TGA. The thermal decomposition of the copolymers occurred in two steps: the first step between 200 °C to 400 °C with a slow decomposition from 400 °C to 800 °C and residue (1.8% to 6.5%)

    The Addition Spectrum of a Lateral Dot from Coulomb and Spin Blockade Spectroscopy

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    Transport measurements are presented on a class of electrostatically defined lateral dots within a high mobility two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The new design allows Coulomb Blockade(CB) measurements to be performed on a single lateral dot containing 0, 1 to over 50 electrons. The CB measurements are enhanced by the spin polarized injection from and into 2DEG magnetic edge states. This combines the measurement of charge with the measurement of spin through spin blockade spectroscopy. The results of Coulomb and spin blockade spectroscopy for first 45 electrons enable us to construct the addition spectrum of a lateral device. We also demonstrate that a lateral dot containing a single electron is an effective local probe of a 2DEG edge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures submitted to Physical Review

    The visibility study of S-T+_+ Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg oscillations without applied initialization

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    Probabilities deduced from quantum information studies are usually based on averaging many identical experiments separated by an initialization step. Such initialization steps become experimentally more challenging to implement as the complexity of quantum circuits increases. To better understand the consequences of imperfect initialization on the deduced probabilities, we study the effect of not initializing the system between measurements. For this we utilize Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg oscillations in a double quantum dot circuit. Experimental results are successfully compared to theoretical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum noise limited and entanglement-assisted magnetometry

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    We study experimentally the fundamental limits of sensitivity of an atomic radio-frequency magnetometer. First we apply an optimal sequence of state preparation, evolution, and the back-action evading measurement to achieve a nearly projection noise limited sensitivity. We furthermore experimentally demonstrate that Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entanglement of atoms generated by a measurement enhances the sensitivity to pulsed magnetic fields. We demonstrate this quantum limited sensing in a magnetometer utilizing a truly macroscopic ensemble of 1.5*10^12 atoms which allows us to achieve sub-femtoTesla/sqrt(Hz) sensitivity.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letters, April 9 issue (provisionally

    Enhanced charge detection of spin qubit readout via an intermediate state

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    We employ an intermediate excited charge state of a lateral quantum dot device to increase the charge detection contrast during the qubit state readout procedure, allowing us to increase the visibility of coherent qubit oscillations. This approach amplifies the coherent oscillation magnitude but has no effect on the detector noise resulting in an increase in the signal to noise ratio. In this letter we apply this scheme to demonstrate a significant enhancement of the fringe contrast of coherent Landau-Zener-Stuckleberg oscillations between singlet S and triplet T+ two-spin states.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Non-linear exciton spin-splitting in single InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum structures in ultrahigh magnetic fields

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    We report on the magnetic field dispersion of the exciton spin-splitting and diamagnetic shift in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) and dot molecules (QDMs) up to BB = 28 T. Only for systems with strong geometric confinement, the dispersions can be well described by simple field dependencies, while for dots with weaker confinement considerable deviations are observed: most importantly, in the high field limit the spin-splitting shows a non-linear dependence on BB, clearly indicating light hole admixtures to the valence band ground state

    Optical readout of charge and spin in a self-assembled quantum dot in a strong magnetic field

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    We present a theory and experiment demonstrating optical readout of charge and spin in a single InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot. By applying a magnetic field we create the filling factor 2 quantum Hall singlet phase of the charged exciton. Increasing or decreasing the magnetic field leads to electronic spin-flip transitions and increasing spin polarization. The increasing total spin of electrons appears as a manifold of closely spaced emission lines, while spin flips appear as discontinuities of emission lines. The number of multiplets and discontinuities measures the number of carriers and their spin. We present a complete analysis of the emission spectrum of a single quantum dot with N=4 electrons and a single hole, calculated and measured in magnetic fields up to 23 Tesla.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Experimental demonstration of entanglement-enhanced classical communication over a quantum channel with correlated noise

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    We present an experiment demonstrating entanglement-enhanced classical communication capacity of a quantum channel with correlated noise. The channel is modelled by a fiber optic link exhibiting random birefringence that fluctuates on a time scale much longer than the temporal separation between consecutive uses of the channel. In this setting, introducing entanglement between two photons travelling down the fiber allows one to encode reliably up to one bit of information into their joint polarization degree of freedom. When no quantum correlations between two separate uses of the channel are allowed, this capacity is reduced by a factor of more than three. We demonstrated this effect using a fiber-coupled source of entagled photon pairs based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion, and a linear-optics Bell state measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Exciton lifetime in InAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules

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    The exciton lifetimes T1T_1 in arrays of InAs/GaAs vertically coupled quantum dot pairs have been measured by time-resolved photoluminescence. A considerable reduction of T1T_1 by up to a factor of \sim 2 has been observed as compared to a quantum dots reference, reflecting the inter-dot coherence. Increase of the molecular coupling strength leads to a systematic decrease of T1T_1 with decreasing barrier width, as for wide barriers a fraction of structures shows reduced coupling while for narrow barriers all molecules appear to be well coupled. The coherent excitons in the molecules gain the oscillator strength of the excitons in the two separate quantum dots halving the exciton lifetime. This superradiance effect contributes to the previously observed increase of the homogeneous exciton linewidth, but is weaker than the reduction of T2T_2. This shows that as compared to the quantum dots reference pure dephasing becomes increasingly important for the molecules

    Quantum phase estimation with lossy interferometers

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    We give a detailed discussion of optimal quantum states for optical two-mode interferometry in the presence of photon losses. We derive analytical formulae for the precision of phase estimation obtainable using quantum states of light with a definite photon number and prove that maximization of the precision is a convex optimization problem. The corresponding optimal precision, i.e. the lowest possible uncertainty, is shown to beat the standard quantum limit thus outperforming classical interferometry. Furthermore, we discuss more general inputs: states with indefinite photon number and states with photons distributed between distinguishable time bins. We prove that neither of these is helpful in improving phase estimation precision.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure