87 research outputs found

    The Actual Knowledge of the Student Youth About the Opportunities for Health-Improving Resources Exploitation and Self-Preservation Behaviour Motivation

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    The article helms the reader to the results of the investigation conducted to reveal the actual knowledge of the student youth about the opportunities they have at their disposal to preserve their health and their self-preservation behaviour motivation. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey of the samples of young students of a regional polytechnic training college has shown that in spite of the well-known ample opportunities for health resources exploitation the student youth can experience problems associated with social, cultural and geographical specifics as well as with the level of education

    Formation of Self-Preservation Behavior in Russian and Foreign Students with Health Risk Factors

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    The article presents the results of a study carried out with the purpose of identifying motivation for self-preservation in Russian and foreign students with correctable and non-correctable health risk factors. The results of a representative survey of Russian and foreign students show that despite the abundance of health risk factors, most of them are correctable. At the same time, many students have some unsolved problems in the formation of self-preservation behavior, caused by both the presence of risk factors themselves, and also by the students' life-style, social and cultural peculiarities

    Health management: scientific approaches to the study of students’ health and self-preservation behavior

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the main scientific approaches to the study of students’ attitudes towards health and self-preservation behavior. The authors analyze the sociologically relevant theories and approaches to the formation of healthy lifestyles and self-preservation behavior. The paper states that the sociological approach to the self-preservation behavior is the most promising way to the promotion of healthy living. Despite the students diverse motivation for self-preservation behavior there are still serious problems in its formation due to both social and cultural factors

    Fossil ostracoda : papers form the first all-union symposium on fossil Ostracoda (Lvov, 1963) /

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    On the cover: Academy of sciences of the Ukrainian SS

    Acceleration of the adaptation processes in foreign students with cronic associated viral infection: perspective and possibility (as a result of study in programme «Health»)

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    The study was research high frequency of chronic associated pathology in the adopted students. These diseases caused delay of adaptation processes, decrease of immunity and increase of morbidity. It was offered the methods of adaptation processes acceleration and morbidity reduction methods in students with chronic pathologic conditions

    New possibility of the latent disease detection in students using the screening method in programme «health»: introduction and efficacy

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    The new method of the latent chronic disease detection in students using the screening was invented in programme «Health». It was research in students from the different climatogeographic regions for the detection of gastrointestinal disease. The special screening questionnaire designed by us was used in the study. The perceptibility and the diagnostic specificity was studied and estimated. The efficacy of screening use for gastrointestinal disease early diagnostic was ascertained as a result of study. It was marked the significant spread of intestinal dysbacteriosis in students form different climatogeographic regions in adaptation period
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