39 research outputs found

    Intelligent Identification of Childhood Musical Murmurs

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    Heart murmurs are often the first signs of heart valvular disorders. However, most heart murmurs detected in children are innocent musical murmurs (also called Still's murmurs), which should be distinguished from other murmur types that are mostly pathological, such as regurgitant, obstructive, and flow murmurs. In order to reduce both unnecessary healthcare expenditures and parental anxiety, this study aims to develop algorithms for intelligently identifying musical murmurs in children. Discrete wavelet transform was applied to phonocardiographic signals to extract features. Singular value decomposition was applied on the matrix derived from continuous wavelet transform to extract extra features. The sequential forward feature selection algorithm was then utilized to select significant features. Musical murmurs were subsequently differentiated via a classification procedure consisting of three classification techniques: discriminant analysis, support vector machine, and artificial neural network. The results of 89.02% sensitivity, 84.76% specificity and 87.36% classification accuracy were achieved

    New street scene for pedestrians and drivers

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    In the last twenty years all cities throughout the world have faced a continual increase in traffic demand. Neither a simple increase in physical capacities of the traffic network nor introduction of new traffic control systems nor similar isolated actions can be the right response to the increased traffic demands. New approaches to traffic management and application of complex new technological solutions in traffic control are called for. Besides improving safety for all participants, their main objectives are to increase the capacity of the existing infrastructure to enable its efficient exploitation in accordance with the current traffic demand and to protect urban environment from unnecessary traffic aggressive influence. It is clear that to achieve traffic flow the following issues should be taken into consideration: (1) Traffic conditions (to reduce duration and scope of traffic jams, to increase capacity and level of safety); (2) Physical surroundings (less noise and less pollution), and (3) Economic conditions (efficient usage of time, energy, space and other resources). Management of traffic means the possibility to choose an adequate management algorithm and the possibility to adapt it to the constant changes in traffic demand and not so dynamic changes in urban surrounding demand

    La téléxérographie du crùne : étude clinique et radiologique

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    Les auteurs dĂ©montrent, sur 70 clichĂ©s comparatifs, la supĂ©rioritĂ© de la tĂ©lĂ©xĂ©rographie pour la cĂ©phalomĂ©trie orthodontique ou chirurgicale. Le squelette et les tissus mous sont toujours Ă©galement lisibles sur le mĂȘme clichĂ© dont la rĂ©alisation technique est simple. L'irradiation nĂ©cessaire a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e. Elle est actuellement un peu plus Ă©levĂ©e en xĂ©rographie, mais devrait ĂȘtre infĂ©rieure Ă  l'avenir

    An Underappreciated Problem with Auscultation

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