1,812 research outputs found

    Quantitative structural mechanobiology of platelet-driven blood clot contraction.

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    Blood clot contraction plays an important role in prevention of bleeding and in thrombotic disorders. Here, we unveil and quantify the structural mechanisms of clot contraction at the level of single platelets. A key elementary step of contraction is sequential extension-retraction of platelet filopodia attached to fibrin fibers. In contrast to other cell-matrix systems in which cells migrate along fibers, the "hand-over-hand" longitudinal pulling causes shortening and bending of platelet-attached fibers, resulting in formation of fiber kinks. When attached to multiple fibers, platelets densify the fibrin network by pulling on fibers transversely to their longitudinal axes. Single platelets and aggregates use actomyosin contractile machinery and integrin-mediated adhesion to remodel the extracellular matrix, inducing compaction of fibrin into bundled agglomerates tightly associated with activated platelets. The revealed platelet-driven mechanisms of blood clot contraction demonstrate an important new biological application of cell motility principles

    Foam-like compression behavior of fibrin networks

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    The rheological properties of fibrin networks have been of long-standing interest. As such there is a wealth of studies of their shear and tensile responses, but their compressive behavior remains unexplored. Here, by characterization of the network structure with synchronous measurement of the fibrin storage and loss moduli at increasing degrees of compression, we show that the compressive behavior of fibrin networks is similar to that of cellular solids. A non-linear stress-strain response of fibrin consists of three regimes: 1) an initial linear regime, in which most fibers are straight, 2) a plateau regime, in which more and more fibers buckle and collapse, and 3) a markedly non-linear regime, in which network densification occurs {{by bending of buckled fibers}} and inter-fiber contacts. Importantly, the spatially non-uniform network deformation included formation of a moving "compression front" along the axis of strain, which segregated the fibrin network into compartments with different fiber densities and structure. The Young's modulus of the linear phase depends quadratically on the fibrin volume fraction while that in the densified phase depends cubically on it. The viscoelastic plateau regime corresponds to a mixture of these two phases in which the fractions of the two phases change during compression. We model this regime using a continuum theory of phase transitions and analytically predict the storage and loss moduli which are in good agreement with the experimental data. Our work shows that fibrin networks are a member of a broad class of natural cellular materials which includes cancellous bone, wood and cork

    Weak antilocalization and zero-field electron spin splitting in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with a polarization induced two-dimensional electron gas

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    Spin-orbit coupling is studied using the quantum interference corrections to conductance in AlGaN/AlN/GaN two-dimensional electron systems where the carrier density is controlled by the persistent photoconductivity effect. All the samples studied exhibit a weak antilocalization feature with a spin-orbit field of around 1.8 mT. The zero-field electron spin splitting energies extracted from the weak antilocalization measurements are found to scale linearly with the Fermi wavevector with an effective linear spin-orbit coupling parameter 5.5x10^{-13} eV m. The spin-orbit times extracted from our measurements varied from 0.74 to 8.24 ps within the carrier density range of this experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure


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    The article presents the results of the discovery of violation of concentration of prostaglandins and endothelial factors in the blood of pregnant women with gestational diabetes, depending on the nature of the compensation of the disease.The article presents the results of the discovery of violation of concentration of prostaglandins and endothelial factors in the blood of pregnant women with gestational diabetes, depending on the nature of the compensation of the disease

    A Banach Principle for Semifinite von Neumann Algebras

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    Utilizing the notion of uniform equicontinuity for sequences of functions with the values in the space of measurable operators, we present a non-commutative version of the Banach Principle for L∞

    The Experimental WSN Network for Underground Monitoring H2 Abundance in the Mine Atmosphere Karnasurt Mine Lovozero Layered Alkaline Intrusion

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    We have developed specialized equipment based on mini-MDM hydrogen sensors and the WSN telecommunication technology for long-term monitoring of hydrogen content in the environment. Unlike existing methods, the developed equipment makes it possible to carry out measurements directly in the explosion zone with high discreteness in time. This equipment was tested at a large rare-earth deposit of the Lovozero Alkaline Pluton Karnasurt in the underground mining tunnel. We observed a short time very high concentration of hydrogen in the atmosphere (more than 3 orders of normal atmosphere concentration). This discovery is very important because at the time of the explosion one can create abnormally high concentrations of explosive mixtures of hydrocarbon gases that can lead to accidents. The high resolving power of the measurement equipment makes it possible to determine the shape of the anomaly hydrogen of such a concentration and to calculate the volumes of hydrogen released from the rocks, at first time in the practice. The shape of the anomaly usually consists of 2-3 additional peaks of the shape - "dragon-head-like peak". We make an first attempt is made to explain this form of anomaly in the article. The aim of the work in the estimation hydrogen emission in mining ore deposit rare earth elements

    On differential equation on four-point correlation function in the Conformal Toda Field Theory

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    The properties of completely degenerate fields in the Conformal Toda Field Theory are studied. It is shown that a generic four-point correlation function that contains only one such field does not satisfy ordinary differential equation in contrast to the Liouville Field Theory. Some additional assumptions for other fields are required. Under these assumptions we write such a differential equation and solve it explicitly. We use the fusion properties of the operator algebra to derive a special set of three-point correlation function. The result agrees with the semiclassical calculations.Comment: 5 page