432 research outputs found

    Trivial Constraints on Orbital-free Kinetic Energy Density Functionals

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    Kinetic energy density functionals (KEDFs) are central to orbital-free density functional theory. Limitations on the spatial derivative dependencies of KEDFs have been claimed from differential virial theorems. We point out a central defect in the argument: the relationships are not true for an arbitrary density but hold only for the minimizing density and corresponding chemical potential. Contrary to the claims therefore, the relationships are not constraints and provide no independent information about the spatial derivative dependencies of approximate KEDFs. A simple argument also shows that validity for arbitrary vv-representable densities is not restored by appeal to the density-potential bijection.Comment: 5 page

    Accurate Anisotropic Gaussian Type Orbital Basis Sets for Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    In high magnetic field calculations, anisotropic Gaussian type orbital (AGTO) basis functions are capable of reconciling the competing demands of the spherically symmetric Coulombic interaction and cylindrical magnetic (BB field) confinement. However, the best available {\it a priori} procedure for composing highly accurate AGTO sets for atoms in a strong BB field [Phys.\ Rev. A {\bf 90}, 022504 (2014)] yields very large basis sets. Their size is problematical for use in any calculation with unfavorable computational cost scaling. Here we provide an alternative constructive procedure. It is based upon analysis of the underlying physics of atoms in BB fields that allows identification of several principles for the construction of AGTO basis sets. Aided by numerical optimization and parameter fitting, followed by fine tuning of fitting parameters, we devise formulae for generating accurate AGTO basis sets in an arbitrary BB field. For the hydrogen iso-electronic sequence, a set depends on BB field strength, nuclear charge, and upon orbital quantum numbers. For multi-electron systems, the basis set formulae also include adjustment to account for orbital occupations. Tests of the new basis sets for atoms H through C (1≤Z≤61 \le Z \le 6), and ions Li+^+, Be+^+, and B+^+, in a wide BB field range (0≤B≤20000 \le B \le 2000 a.u.), show an accuracy better than a few μ\muH for single-electron systems, and a few hundredths to a few mHs for multi-electron atoms. The relative errors are similar for different atoms and ions in a large BB field range, from a few to a couple of tens of millionths, thereby confirming rather uniform accuracy across the nuclear charge ZZ and BB field strength values. Residual basis set errors are two to three orders of magnitude smaller than the electronic correlation energies in muti-electron atoms ..

    Revised Thomas-Fermi Approximation for Singular Potentials

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    Approximations to the many-fermion free energy density functional that include the Thomas-Fermi (TF) form for the non-interacting part lead to singular densities for singular external potentials (e.g. attractive Coulomb). This limitation of the TF approximation is addressed here by a formal map of the exact Euler equation for the density onto an equivalent TF form characterized by a modified Kohn-Sham potential. It is shown to be a "regularized" version of the Kohn-Sham potential, tempered by convolution with a finite-temperature response function. The resulting density is non-singular, with the equilibrium properties obtained from the total free energy functional evaluated at this density. This new representation is formally exact. Approximate expressions for the regularized potential are given to leading order in a non-locality parameter and the limiting behavior at high and low temperatures is described. The non-interacting part of the free energy in this approximation is the usual Thomas-Fermi functional. These results generalize and extend to finite temperatures the ground-state regularization by Parr and Ghosh (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 83, 3577 (1986)) and by Pratt, Hoffman, and Harris (J. Chem. Phys. 92, 1818 (1988)) and formally systematize the finite-temperature regularization given by the latter authors.Comment: Version 2 clarifies notation issue identified by reviewer. Arguments and conclusions are unchanged from version

    Deorbitalized meta-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functionals in Solids

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    A procedure for removing explicit orbital dependence from meta-generalized-gradient approximation (mGGA) exchange-correlation functionals by converting them into Laplacian-dependent functionals recently was developed by us and shown to be successful in molecules. It uses an approximate kinetic energy density functional (KEDF) parametrized to Kohn-Sham results (not experimental data) on a small training set. Here we present extensive validation calculations on periodic solids that demonstrate that the same deorbitalization with the same parametrization also is successful for those extended systems. Because of the number of stringent constraints used in its construction and its recent prominence, our focus is on the SCAN meta-GGA. Coded in \textsc{vasp}, the deorbitalized version, SCAN-L, can be as much as a factor of three faster than original SCAN, a potentially significant gain for large-scale ab initio molecular dynamics

    Deorbitalization strategies for meta-GGA exchange-correlation functionals

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    We explore the simplification of widely used meta-generalized-gradient approximation (mGGA) exchange-correlation functionals to the Laplacian level of refinement by use of approximate kinetic energy density functionals (KEDFs). Such deorbitalization is motivated by the prospect of reducing computational cost while recovering a strictly Kohn-Sham local potential framework (rather than the usual generalized Kohn-Sham treatment of mGGAs). A KEDF that has been rather successful in solid simulations proves to be inadequate for deorbitalization but we produce other forms which, with parametrization to Kohn-Sham results (not experimental data) on a small training set, yield rather good results on standard molecular test sets when used to deorbitalize the meta-GGA made very simple, TPSS, and SCAN functionals. We also study the difference between high-fidelity and best-performing deorbitalizations and discuss possible implications for use in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of complicated condensed phase systems

    Finite Temperature Scaling, Bounds, and Inequalities for the Non-interacting Density Functionals

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    Finite temperature density functional theory requires representations for the internal energy, entropy, and free energy as functionals of the local density field. A central formal difficulty for an orbital-free representation is construction of the corresponding functionals for non-interacting particles in an arbitrary external potential. That problem is posed here in the context of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of an inhomogeneous system. The density functionals are defined and shown to be equal to the extremal state for a functional of the reduced one-particle statistical operators. Convexity of the latter functionals implies a class of general inequalities. First, it is shown that the familiar von Weizs\"acker lower bound for zero temperature functionals applies at finite temperature as well. An upper bound is obtained in terms of a single-particle statistical operator corresponding to the Thomas-Fermi approximation. Next, the behavior of the density functionals under coordinate scaling is obtained. The inequalities are exploited to obtain a class of upper and lower bounds at constant temperature, and a complementary class at constant density. The utility of such constraints and their relationship to corresponding results at zero temperature are discussed.Comment: submitted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Analysis of over-magnetization of elemental transition metal solids from the SCAN Density Functional

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    Recent investigations have found that the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) meta-GGA exchange-correlation functional significantly over-magnetizes elemental Fe, Co, and Ni solids. For the paradigmatic case, bcc Fe, the error relative to experiment is ≳20%\gtrsim 20 \%. Comparative analysis of magnetization results from SCAN and its \textit{deorbitalized} counterpart, SCAN-L, leads to identification of the source of the discrepancy. It is not from the difference between Kohn-Sham (SCAN-L) and generalized Kohn-Sham (SCAN) procedures. The key is the iso-orbital indicator α\alpha (the ratio of the local Pauli and Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy densities). Its \textit{deorbitalized} counterpart, αL\alpha_L, has more dispersion in both spin channels with respect to magnetization in an approximate region between 0.6 Bohr and 1.2 Bohr around an Fe nucleus. The overall effect is that the SCAN switching function evaluated with αL\alpha_L reduces the energetic disadvantage of the down channel with respect to up compared to the original α\alpha, which in turn reduces the magnetization. This identifies the cause of the SCAN magnetization error as insensitivity of the SCAN switching function to α\alpha values in the approximate range 0.5≲α≲0.80.5 \lesssim \alpha \lesssim 0.8 and oversensitivity for α≳0.8\alpha \gtrsim 0.8.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Density Response from Kinetic Theory and Time Dependent Density Functional Theory for Matter Under Extreme Conditions

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    The density linear response function for an inhomogeneous system of electrons in equilibrium with an array of fixed ions is considered. Two routes to its evaluation for extreme conditions (e.g., warm dense matter) are considered. The first is from a recently developed short-time kinetic equation; the second is from time-dependent density functional theory (tdDFT). The result from the latter approach agrees with that from kinetic theory in the "adiabatic approximation", providing support and context for each. Both provide a connection to the phenomenological Kubo-Greenwood method for calculating transport properties. A brief proof of the van Leeuwen theorem (an essential underpinning of tdDFT) extended to the mixed states of equilibrium ensembles is given.Comment: 21 page

    Finite-temperature orbital-free DFT molecular dynamics: coupling Profess and Quantum Espresso

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    Implementation of orbital-free free-energy functionals in the Profess code and the coupling of Profess with the Quantum Espresso code are described. The combination enables orbital-free DFT to drive ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on the same footing (algorithms, thermostats, convergence parameters, etc.) as for Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT. All the non-interacting free-energy functionals implemented are single-point: the local density approximation (LDA; also known as finite-T Thomas-Fermi, ftTF), the second-order gradient approximation (SGA or finite-T gradient-corrected TF), and our recently introduced finite-T generalized gradient approximations (ftGGA). Elimination of the KS orbital bottleneck via orbital-free methodology enables high-T simulations on ordinary computers, whereas those simulations would be costly or even prohibitively time-consuming for KS molecular dynamics (MD) on very high-performance computer systems. Example MD simulations on H over a temperature range 2,000 K <= T <=4,000,000 K are reported, with timings on small clusters (16-128 cores) and even laptops. With respect to KS-driven calculations, the orbital-free calculations are between a few times through a few hundreds of times faster

    The importance of finite-temperature exchange-correlation for warm dense matter calculations

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    Effects of explicit temperature dependence in the exchange-correlation (XC) free-energy functional upon calculated properties of matter in the warm dense regime are investigated. The comparison is between the KSDT finite-temperature local density approximation (TLDA) XC functional [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{112}, 076403 (2014)] parametrized from restricted path integral Monte Carlo data on the homogeneous electron gas (HEG) and the conventional Monte Carlo parametrization ground-state LDA XC functional (Perdew-Zunger, "PZ") evaluated with TT-dependent densities. Both Kohn-Sham (KS) and orbital-free density functional theory (OFDFT) are used, depending upon computational resource demands. Compared to the PZ functional, the KSDT functional generally lowers the direct-current (DC) electrical conductivity of low density Al, yielding improved agreement with experiment. The greatest lowering is about 15\% for T= 15 kK. Correspondingly, the KS band structure of low-density fcc Al from KSDT exhibits a clear increase in inter-band separation above the Fermi level compared to the PZ bands. In some density-temperature regimes, the Deuterium equations of state obtained from the two XC functionals exhibit pressure differences as large as 4\% and a 6\% range of differences. However, the Hydrogen principal Hugoniot is insensitive to explicit XC TT-dependence because of cancellation between the energy and pressure-volume work difference terms in the Rankine-Hugoniot equation. Finally, the temperature at which the HEG becomes unstable is T≥T\geq 7200 K for TT-dependent XC, a result that the ground-state XC underestimates by about 1000 K
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