993 research outputs found

    Influence of the contacts on the conductance of interacting quantum wires

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    We investigate how the conductance G through a clean interacting quantum wire is affected by the presence of contacts and noninteracting leads. The contacts are defined by a vanishing two-particle interaction to the left and a finite repulsive interaction to the right or vice versa. No additional single-particle scattering terms (impurities) are added. We first use bosonization and the local Luttinger liquid picture and show that within this approach G is determined by the properties of the leads regardless of the details of the spatial variation of the Luttinger liquid parameters. This generalizes earlier results obtained for step-like variations. In particular, no single-particle backscattering is generated at the contacts. We then study a microscopic model applying the functional renormalization group and show that the spatial variation of the interaction produces single-particle backscattering, which in turn leads to a reduced conductance. We investigate how the smoothness of the contacts affects G and show that for decreasing energy scale its deviation from the unitary limit follows a power law with the same exponent as obtained for a system with a weak single-particle impurity placed in the contact region of the interacting wire and the leads.Comment: 10 page, 4 figures included, minor changes in the summary, version accepted for publication in PR

    Probing the intrinsic state of a one-dimensional quantum well with a photon-assisted tunneling

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    The photon-assisted tunneling (PAT) through a single wall carbon nanotube quantum well (QW) under influence an external electromagnetic field for probing of the Tomonaga Luttinger liquid (TLL) state is suggested. The elementary TLL excitations inside the quantum well are density (ρ±\rho_{\pm}) and spin (σ±\sigma_{\pm} ) bosons. The bosons populate the quantized energy levels ϵnρ+=Δn/g\epsilon^{\rho +}_n =\Delta n/ g and ϵnρ(σ±)=Δn\epsilon^{\rho -(\sigma \pm)}_n = \Delta n where Δ=hvF/L\Delta = h v_F /L is the interlevel spacing, nn is an integer number, LL is the tube length, gg is the TLL parameter. Since the electromagnetic field acts on the ρ+\rho_{+} bosons only while the neutral ρ\rho_{-} and σ±\sigma_{\pm} bosons remain unaffected, the PAT spectroscopy is able of identifying the ρ+\rho_{+} levels in the QW setup. The spin ϵnσ+\epsilon_n^{\sigma+} boson levels in the same QW are recognized from Zeeman splitting when applying a d.c. magnetic field H0H \neq 0 field. Basic TLL parameters are readily extracted from the differential conductivity curves.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Study of the charge correlation function in one-dimensional Hubbard heterostructures

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    We study inhomogeneous one-dimensional Hubbard systems using the density matrix renormalization group method. Different heterostructures are investigated whose configuration is modeled varying parameters like the on-site Coulomb potential and introducing local confining potentials. We investigate their Luttinger liquid properties through the parameter K_rho, which characterizes the decay of the density-density correlation function at large distances. Our main goal is the investigation of possible realization of engineered materials and the ability to manipulate physical properties by choosing an appropriate spatial and/or chemical modulation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Luttinger liquids with curvature: Density correlations and Coulomb drag effect

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    We consider the effect of the curvature in fermionic dispersion on the observable properties of Luttinger liquid (LL). We use the bosonization technique where the curvature is irrelevant perturbation, describing the decay of LL bosons (plasmon modes). When possible, we establish the correspondence between the bosonization and the fermionic approach. We analyze modifications in density correlation functions due to curvature at finite temperatures, T. The most important application of our approach is the analysis of the Coulomb drag by small momentum transfer between two LL, which is only possible due to curvature. Analyzing the a.c. transconductivity in the one-dimensional drag setup, we confirm the results by Pustilnik et al. for T-dependence of drag resistivity, R_{12} ~ T^2 at high and R_{12} ~ T^5 at low temperatures. The bosonization allows for treating both intra- and inter-wire electron-electron interactions in all orders, and we calculate exact prefactors in low-T drag regime. The crossover temperature between the two regimes is T_1 ~ E_F \Delta, with \Delta relative difference in plasmon velocities. We show that \Delta \neq 0 even for identical wires, due to lifting of degeneracy by interwire interaction, U_{12}, leading to crossover from R_{12} ~ U_{12}^2 T^2 to R_{12} \~ T^5/U_{12} at T ~ U_{12}.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, REVTE

    The mean energy, strength and width of triple giant dipole resonances

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    We investigate the mean energy, strength and width of the triple giant dipole resonance using sum rules.Comment: 12 page

    Sense of Self in Baby Chimpanzees

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    Philippe Rochat and his colleague tentatively proposed that young infants' propensity to engage in self-perception and systematic exploration of the perceptual consequences of their own action plays and is probably at the origin of an early sense of self: the ecological self. Rochat and Hespos (1997) reported that neonates discriminate between external and self-stimulation. Neonate tended to display significantly more rooting responses (i.e., head turn towards the stimulation with mouth open and tonguing) following external compared to self-stimulation. Rochat et al. (1998) also reported that 2-month-olds showed clear sign of modulation of their oral activity on the pacifier as a function of analog versus non-analog condition. Rochat and his colleague concluded that these observations are interpreted as evidence of self-exploration and the emergence of a sense of self-agency by 2-month-olds. We tried to replicate these findings in infant chimpanzees. We observed rooting responses of three baby chimpanzees in two condition, self-stimulation and external stimulation. In external stimulation condition, the index finger of the experimenter or small stick touched one of the infant's cheeks. In self-stimulation condition, the experimenter took infant's hand and touched his or her cheek with their fingers. In Rochat and Hespos, they recorded and analyzed several measures such as state, head movement, mouth activity and so on. How ever, we analyzed only mouth activities tentatively. We found infant chimpanzees tended to show more rooting responses following external stimulation compared to self-stimulation as well as human infants. We also carried out sucking experiment with two baby chimpanzees. The experimenter held the pacifier and put the artificial nipple into the infant's mouth. A session started when the infant take the nipple inside the his or her mouth. Auditory stimulus, which was a complex tone comprised of six harmonics with equal intensity, was given to the chimpanzee according to the test condition during their sucking. There were four test conditions and each condition consisted with three types of feedback as follows: 1) silent baseline, contingent, and steady, 2) contingent baseline, 1-sec delay, and 3-sec delay, 3) contingent baseline, 6-sec delay, and 12-sec delay, 4) contingent baseline, 1/2 efficiency, and 1/4 efficiency. In test 1, one infant chimpanzee showed decrease of the minimum pressure of sucking in the contingent condition. In test 2, one subject showed shorter intervals of sucking in 3-sec delay condition. This seems to be similar to human infant's. We may be able to postulate ecological self in baby chimpanzees according to the self-exploration. In test 3 and 4, we did not obtain any effects of stimulus conditions. Results of these studies. These studies were conducted as the parts of the chimpanzee development project in Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, organized by Professor Tetsuro Matsuzawa

    Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid correlations and Fabry-Perot interference in conductance and finite-frequency shot noise in a single-walled carbon nanotube

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    We present a detailed theoretical investigation of transport through a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) in good contact to metal leads where weak backscattering at the interfaces between SWNT and source and drain reservoirs gives rise to electronic Fabry-Perot (FP) oscillations in conductance and shot noise. We include the electron-electron interaction and the finite length of the SWNT within the inhomogeneous Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) model and treat the non-equilibrium effects due to an applied bias voltage within the Keldysh approach. In low-frequency transport properties, the TLL effect is apparent mainly via power-law characteristics as a function of bias voltage or temperature at energy scales above the finite level spacing of the SWNT. The FP-frequency is dominated by the non-interacting spin mode velocity due to two degenerate subbands rather than the interacting charge velocity. At higher frequencies, the excess noise is shown to be capable of resolving the splintering of the transported electrons arising from the mismatch of the TLL-parameter at the interface between metal reservoirs and SWNT. This dynamics leads to a periodic shot noise suppression as a function of frequency and with a period that is determined solely by the charge velocity. At large bias voltages, these oscillations are dominant over the ordinary FP-oscillations caused by two weak backscatterers. This makes shot noise an invaluable tool to distinguish the two mode velocities in the SWNT.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized Tomonaga-Schwinger equation from the Hadamard formula

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    A generalized Tomonaga--Schwinger equation, holding on the entire boundary of a {\em finite} spacetime region, has recently been considered as a tool for studying particle scattering amplitudes in background-independent quantum field theory. The equation has been derived using lattice techniques under assumptions on the existence of the continuum limit. Here I show that in the context of continuous euclidean field theory the equation can be directly derived from the functional integral formalism, using a technique based on Hadamard's formula for the variation of the propagator.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Phonon Effects on Spin-Charge Separation in One Dimension

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    Phonon effects on spin-charge separation in one dimension are investigated through the calculation of one-electron spectral functions in terms of the recently developed cluster perturbation theory together with an optimized phonon approach. It is found that the retardation effect due to the finiteness of phonon frequency suppresses the spin-charge separation and eventually makes it invisible in the spectral function. By comparing our results with experimental data of TTF-TCNQ, it is observed that the electron-phonon interaction must be taken into account when interpreting the ARPES data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, minor differences with the published version in Physical Review Letter

    Tails of the dynamical structure factor of 1D spinless fermions beyond the Tomonaga approximation

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    We consider one-dimensional (1D) interacting spinless fermions with a non-linear spectrum in a clean quantum wire (non-linear bosonization). We compute diagrammatically the 1D dynamical structure factor, S(\om,q), beyond the Tomonaga approximation focusing on it's tails, |\om| \gg vq, {\it i.e.} the 2-pair excitation continuum due to forward scattering. Our methodology reveals three classes of diagrams: two "chiral" classes which bring divergent contributions in the limits \om \to \pm vq, {\it i.e.} near the single-pair excitation continuum, and a "mixed" class (so-called Aslamasov-Larkin or Altshuler-Shklovskii type diagrams) which is crucial for the f-sum rule to be satisfied. We relate our approach to the T=0 ones present in the literature. We also consider the T0T\not=0 case and show that the 2-pair excitation continuum dominates the single-pair one in the range: |q|T/k_F \ll \om \mp vq \ll T (substantial for qkFq \ll k_F). As applications we first derive the small-momentum optical conductivity due to forward scattering: \sigma \sim 1/\om for T \ll \om and \sigma \sim T/\om^2 for T \gg \om. Next, within the 22-pair excitation continuum, we show that the attenuation rate of a coherent mode of dispersion Ωq\Omega_q crosses over from γqΩq(q/kF)2\gamma_q \propto \Omega_q (q/k_F)^2, {\it e.g.} γqq3\gamma_q \sim |q|^3 for an acoustic mode, to γqT(q/kF)2\gamma_q \propto T (q/k_F)^2, independent of Ωq\Omega_q, as temperature increases. Finally, we show that the 22-pair excitation continuum yields subleading curvature corrections to the electron-electron scattering rate: \tau^{-1} \propto V^2 T + V^4 T^3/\eps_F^2, where VV is the dimensionless strength of the interaction.Comment: (v4) Published version. Details of calculations given (/ referee's comments). No change in previous results. 13 pages, 4 figures. (v3) Extended version (/ referee's comments and recent literature). No change in previous results. 8 pages, 4 figures. (v2) 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted version (rapid note in EPJB). Kinetic arguments reduced to a footnote. 2 references adde