340 research outputs found

    Adjuvant therapy for early uterine high-grade leiomyosarcoma

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    TO THE EDITOR: The article by Hensley et al1 recently published in Journal of Clinical Oncology was interesting, even if apparently negative (Gynecology Oncology Group [GOG]-0277 randomized phase III trial). The study investigated the activity and safety of gemcitabine plus docetaxel followed by doxorubicin versus observation in patients with uterus-limited, highgrade leiomyosarcoma (LMS) in an adjuvant setting. Although the study was closed for accrual futility, available survival results (disease-free survival, overall survival) failed to show better outcomes in the experimental arm. This is probably, for different reasons, the typical study that should not have been started or completed. Adjuvant therapy for early-stage uterine LMS remains controversial, and at the moment, cannot be recommended

    Association between diverticulosis and colonic neoplastic lesions in individuals with a positive faecal immunochemical test

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    Background The association between diverticulosis and colonic neoplastic lesions has been suggested, but data in literature are conflicting. This study aimed to investigate such a relationship in patients participating in a colorectal cancer screening program who underwent high-quality colonoscopy.Methods Data from consecutive individuals 50-75 years of age with a positive faecal immunological test were considered. Diverticulosis was categorised as present or absent. The prevalence of neoplastic lesions (adenoma, advanced adenoma, and cancer) between individuals with and those without diverticula was compared. A multivariate analysis was performed.Results Overall, data from 970 consecutive individuals were evaluated, and diverticulosis was detected in 354 (36.5%) cases. At least one adenoma was detected in 490 (50.5%) people, at least one advanced adenoma in 264 (27.2%), multiple adenoma in 71 (7.3%), whilst a cancer was diagnosed in 48 (4.9%) cases. At univariate analysis, the adenoma detection rate in patients with diverticula was significantly higher than in controls (55.9% vs 47.4%; p=0.011). At multivariate analysis, presence of diverticulosis was an independent risk factor for both adenoma detection rate (OR=1.58; 95% CI=1.14-2.18; p=0.006) and advanced adenoma (OR=1.57; 95% CI=1.10-2.24; p=0.013), but not for colorectal cancer.Conclusions In a colorectal screening setting, the adenoma detection rate was significantly higher in individuals with diverticulosis than in controls

    Breast metastasis and lung large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: first clinical observation

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    The lung Large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) is a very rare aggressive neuroendocrine tumor with a high propensy to metastasize and very poor prognosis. We report an atypical presentation of lung large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was diagnosed from a metastatic nodule on the breast. Our patient is a 59 years-old woman that presented in March 2014 non productive cough. A CT scan showed multiple brain, lung, adrenal gland and liver secondary lesions; moreover, it revealed a breast right nodule near the chest measuring 1.8 cm. The breast nodule and a lung lesions were biopsied and their histology and molecular diagnosis were LCNEC of the lung. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of breast metastasis from LCNEC of the lung. Furthermore, breast metastasis from extramammary malignancy is uncommon and its diagnosis is difficult but important for proper management and prediction of prognosis. Therefore, a careful clinical history with a thorough clinical examination is needed to make the correct diagnosis. Moreover, metastasis to the breast should be considered in any patient with a known primary malignant tumor history who presents with a breast lump. Anyhow, pathological examination should be performed to differentiate the primary breast cancer from metastatic tumor. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of breast metastases may not only avoid unnecessary breast resection, more importantly it is crucial to determine an appropriate and systemic treatment

    Therapeutic approach in glioblastoma multiforme with primitive neuroectodermal tumor components: case report and review of the literature

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive malignant glioma that is treated with first-line therapy, using surgical resection followed by local radiotherapy and concomitant/adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) treatment. GBM is characterised by a high local recurrence rate and a low response to therapy. Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) of the brain revealed a low local recurrence rate; however, it also exhibited a high risk of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination. PNET is treated with surgery followed by craniospinal irradiation (CSI) and platinum-based chemotherapy in order to prevent CSF dissemination. GBM with PNET-like components (GBM/PNET) is an emerging variant of GBM, characterised by a PNET-like clinical behaviour with an increased risk of CSF dissemination; it also may benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy upfront or following failure of GBM therapy. The results presented regarding the management of GBM/PNET are based on case reports or case series, so a standard therapeutic approach for GBM/PNET is not defined, constituing a challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. In this report, a case of a recurrent GBM/PNET treated with surgical resection and radiochemotherapy as Stupp protocol, and successive platinum-based chemotherapy due to the development of leptomeningeal dissemintation and an extracranial metastasis, is discussed. A review of the main papers regarding this rare GBM variant and its therapeutic approach are also reported. In conclusion, GBM/PNET should be treated with a multimodal approach including surgery, chemoradiotherapy, and/or the early introduction of CSI and platinum-based chemotherapy upfront or at recurrence

    Planning coastal Mediterranean stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) reforestations as a green infrastructure: combining GIS techniques and statistical analysis to identify management options

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    Mediterranean stone pine reforestations are common characteristics of the Italian Tyrrhenian coast, which mostly maintain uniform and monolayered stand structures. However, improving structural diversity is an effective climate change adaptation strategy in forest management. The aim of this study was to implement a methodology which allows distinct reforested areas such as a single green infrastructure to be managed according to the surrounding land use and the characteristics of the forest stands. 240 hectares of Mediterranean stone pine forests located along a 16 km strip of the Lazio coast (Central Italy) were mapped. Twelve attributes describing the pine stands and showing possible constraints for future management decisions were associated to each forest patch. A hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to group the pinewood patches according to their similarity level and five different groups were identified. For each group, different silvicultural methods were proposed to guide the compositional and structural evolution of the stands, in order to make them suitable for providing services required locally and increasing overall diversity at landscape scale. The results of the study highlight how coastal land uses can offer effective inputs to differentiate the management of forest systems and therefore achieve greater variety and resilience in the landscape over time. This approach is particularly useful in the case of very homogeneous stands such as the stone pine reforestations under study

    Capecitabine and Temozolomide (CAPTEM) in advanced neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs): a systematic review and pooled analysis

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    Background Retrospective studies and single center experiences suggest a role of capecitabine combined with temozolomide (CAPTEM) in neuroendocrine tumors (NENs). Methods We performed a systematic review to assess the efficacy and safety of CAPTEM in patients affected with NENs, with the aim to better clarify the role of this regimen in the therapeutic algorithm of NENs. Results A total of 42 articles and 1818 patients were included in our review. The overall disease control rate was 77% (range 43.5%-100%). The median progression free survival ranged from 4 to 38.5 months, while the median overall survival ranged from 8 to 103 months. Safety analysis showed an occurrence of G3-G4 toxicities in 16.4% of the entire population. The most common toxicities were hematological (27.2%), gastrointestinal (8.3%,) and cutaneous (3.2%). Conclusion This systematic review demonstrated that CAPTEM was an effective and relatively safe treatment for patients with advanced well-moderate differentiated NENs of gastroenteropancreatic, lung and unknown origin

    Endometriosis and pregnancy. a single institution experience

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    Endometriosis may compromise the physiological course of pregnancy. The aim of this prospective observational study was to evaluate whether endometriosis causes a higher prevalence of obstetric and neonatal complications as well as a higher risk of caesarean section and to detect a possible correlation between the presence, type, and location of endometriosis and obstetric complications, previous surgery, and pregnancy outcome, as well as the influence of pregnancy on the course of the disease. We compared two cohorts of women with spontaneous pregnancy, with and without endometriosis. Obstetric and neonatal outcomes, mode of delivery, presence, type, and location of endometriotic lesions and the effect of pregnancy on the disease were analyzed. A total of 425 pregnancies were evaluated: 145 cases and 280 controls. Patients with endometriosis showed a higher incidence of miscarriage, threatened miscarriage, threatened preterm labor, preterm delivery, placental abruption, and a higher incidence of caesarean section. A significant correlation with pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia was found in the presence of adenomyosis. No difference in fetal outcome was found. One case of hemoperitoneum during pregnancy was observed. Pregnancy in women with endometriosis carries a higher risk of obstetric complications, such as miscarriage, threatened miscarriage, preterm labor, preterm birth, and a higher caesarean section rate. Endometriosis does not seem to influence fetal well-being

    Is there a benefit by the Sequenze anastrozole-formestane for postmenopausal metastatic breast cancer women?

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    The value of the multidisciplinary team in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: paving the way for precision medicine in toxicities management

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    The new landscape of treatments for metastatic clear cell renal carcinoma (mRCC) is constantly expanding, but it is associated with the emergence of novel toxicities, adding to up to those observed in the tyrosine-kinase inhibitor (TKI) era. Indeed, the introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) alone or in combination has been associated with the development of immune-related adverse events (irAEs) involving multiple-organ systems which, even if rarely, had led to fatal outcomes. Moreover, due to the relatively recent addition of ICIs to the previously available treatments, the potential additive adverse effects of these combinations are still unknown. A prompt recognition and management of these toxicities currently represents a fundamental issue in oncology, since it correlates with the outcome of cancer patients. Even if clinical guidelines provide indications for the management of irAEs, no specific protocol to evaluate the individual risk of developing an adverse event during therapy is currently available. A multidisciplinary approach addressing appropriate interventions aimed at reducing the risk of any insidious, severe, and/or dose-limiting toxicity might represent the most efficacious strategy to timely prevent and manage severe irAEs, allowing indirectly to improve both patients' cancer-specific survival and quality of life. In this review, we reported a five-case series of toxicity events that occurred at our center during treatment for mRCC followed by the remarks of physicians from different specialties, pinpointing the relevant role of an integrated and extended multidisciplinary team in a modern model of mRCC patient management
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