265 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pedesaan Melalui Pengenalan Akuntansi Di Kabupaten Kediri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan akuntansi di pedesaan. Lemahnya kapasitas masyarakat pedesaan untuk mengakses pembiayaan dari lembaga keuangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi eksplorasi, yang dilakukan dengan menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan dari responden secara langsung dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Penguasaan dalam mengelola dan mencatat arus keuangan secara terorganisir dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan relatif rendah akibatnya tingkat kepercayaan stakehorder berpengaruh negative. Praktik akuntansi pada USAha perekonomian masyarakat pedesaan di Kabupaten Kediri masih rendah, sehingga menyebabkan belum optimalnya pemanfaatan informasi akuntansi dalam pengembangan perekonomian masyaraka

    Sumber Inokulum, Respons Varietas, Dan Efektivitas Fungisida Terhadap Penyakit Karat Putih Pada Tanaman Kris

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    . Suhardi. 2009. Inoculum Source, Variety Response, and Fungicide Efficacy to Rust Disease ofChrysanthemum. Studies to evaluate the role of cutting as an inoculum source, variety resistance, and fungicideapplication interval were done at Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute. Survey of cutting health wascarried out at farmer's fields as seed producer on July 2002. A study under plastichouse to evaluate the response ofsome cultivars and determine the efficacy of fungicide applications was carried out from July-September 2002. Theresults indicated that cuttings were the inoculum source of rust on chrysanthemum. On individual plant, both underplastic and glasshouse, the development of white rust was suppressed. Phuma White cultivar relatively more resistantthan cv. Reagent Ungu and cv. Town Talk. Benomyl (benzimidazole) fungicide was not effective yet in controllingchrysanthemum white rust (P. horiana)

    Pemanfaatan Penasihat Akademik Oleh Mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA

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    This study described the consultation opportunity, consultation materials,reasons, academic advisors' (AAs) responses, students' responses, and effects ofAAs' guidance on students' achievement. The research subjects comprised studentsof the Faculty of Languages and Arts, the Yogyakarta State University, consistingof two groups, namely those who were interviewed (selected by the snow balltechnique) and those who were given an open questionnaire (selected by thestratified random technique). The data were analyzed using the qualitativedescriptive technique. The data credibility was enhanced by the participationlengthening, interview details, triangulation, and peer checking. The results wereas follows. (1) In general, the students consulted with their AAs during theconsultation period. (2) On the average, the consultation frequency was once ortwice a semester. (3) They consulted with not only their AAs but also otherlecturers. (4) They consulted with their AAs when they needed their AAs and theAAs responded to them; they consulted with other lecturers when they found itdifficult to see their AAs, they felt scared and hesitant, and the AAs did notrespond to them. (5) Most consultation materials were academic in nature. (6) MostAAs gave the students positive responses and only few AAs were not responsiveor indifferent. (7) Most of the AAs' suggestions were positive and only few wereuseless and irrelevant. (8) The students suggested that AAs should be easy to see,have schedules, and conduct the consultation not in public. (9) Constraints in theconsultation included the difficulty to see AAs because they were busy, therelationship which was not close, the students who were not open, shy, scared andhesitant to see their AAs, and the large number of students. (10) Most studentsrealized the contribution of the consultation with their AAs to their achievement

    Preferensi Peminum Alkohol Di Indonesia Menurut Riskesdas 2007

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    The problem of alcohol drinking has become public issues in some parts of Indonesia. The National Household Health Survey (NHHS) 1995 and 2001 only showed low prevalence at national level. In 2007, NHHS with a new name 'Riskesdas ' had enough sample size to elaborate health indicators even up to district levels. Riskesdas 2007 used the sample of National Socio Economic Survey (NSES) 2007. The interviewers of Riskesdas 2007 had revisited and reinterviewed 258,284 (93.0 %) out of 277,630 households with 986,532 (85.9 %) out of 1,148,418 household members of NSES 2007. Database consisted of 664,190 individual records aged 15 years and above, of which 660,349 (99.4 %) answered the questions about alcohol drinking. Individual weight and complex samples approach procedures were applied in the analysis. The objective of the study was to reveal preferences of alcohol drinkers by provinces and domiciles. The prevalence of alcohol drinking in the past month were 4.9 % in males and 0.3 % in females; while among males, 4.5 % in urban and 5.2 % in rural areas. There were 13 out of 33 provinces, all out side Jawa island, with high prevalence in males. The prevalence ranged in urban areas from 13.4 % in South East Sulawesi to 31.5 % in North Sulawesi, while in rural areas from 11.1 % in South Sulawesi to 32.9 % in North Sulawesi. The types of beverages consumed by males in urban areas were beer 33.6 %, liquor 14.4 %, wine 27.1 % and traditional alcohol 25.0 % ; while in rural areas were beer 18.6 %, liquor 6.6 %, wine 19.4 % and traditional alcohol 55.4 %. The proportions of traditional alcohol predominantly consumed in provinces with high prevalence varied in urban areas from 42.8 % in North Sulawesi to 66.2 % in North Sumatera; while in rural areas from 41.2 % in Papua to 90.7% in West Kalimantan. The findings confirmed the presence of provincial clusters and preferences of alcohol drinker

    Efektivitas Fungisida Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Berdasarkan Curah Hujan Pada Mawar

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    . Suhardi. 2007. The Efficacy of Fungicide for Diseases Control, Based on Rain Fall on 2 Rose Cultivars. A trial to find out the efficacy of fungicide application after rain to control the diseases on roses was carried out at Experimental Station Segunung on September 2002 and January 2003 using a split plot design. The main factor was rose cultivar (cv. Holland and Cherry Brandy) and the subplot was fungicide application (twice a week, once a week, and after rain). The results indicated that on dry period (September 2002) both black spot and powdery mildew occurred on cv. Holland and Cherry Brandy. Both cultivars were susceptible to black spot and powdery mildew. Fungicide application after the rain occurred was effective to suppress black spot and powdery mildew only on dry periode. On rainy period (January 2003) fungicide applications after the rain occurred was not effective to suppress black spot. The efficacy of fungicide application was not only determined by rain precipitation but also on number of rainy days as well

    Transformasi Nominalisasi Bentuk Verbal Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa

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    Transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu masalah yang perlu dipahami oleh pemakai bahasa pada umumnya dan guru atau calon guru bahasa Indonesia pada khususnya. Pada umumnya pembicaraan masalah tersebut masih sangat elementer sehingga tidak mustahil jika sering terjadi kekacauan pemisahan antara transformasi nominalisasi dengan transformasi penyisipan (embedding). Oleh sebab itu, hal tersebut perlu dikemukakan dalam tulisan ini secara lebih mendalam dengan landasan teori Tata Bahasa Generatif Transformasi agar pemakai bahasa, guru dan calon guru bahasa Indonesia memiliki gambaran yang jelas akan masalah tersebut. Secara garis besar, transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal bahasa Indonesia dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat tipe: (1) transformasi nominaiisasi bentuk verbal dengan penambahan afiks penominal, misalnya peN-, pe-, per-an, pen-an, ke-an dan lain sebagainya pada bentuk verbal; (2) transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal dengan Perubahan struktur yaitu dengan mengubah posisi bentuk verbal dari posisi tengah (pada kalimat dasarnya) ke posisi awal (pada bentuk pentransformasiannya); (3) transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal dengan penambahan kata tugas tertentu. Dalam hal ini kata tugas yang dipergunakan berperan sebagai tumpuan atau preposisi; (4) transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal dengan penambahan atau Perubahan kata ganti yang sebelumnya sebagai pelaku (pada bentuk dasarnya) menjadi kata ganti milik yang berperan sebagai penunjuk milik atau hanya sebagai penentu (determinator) pada bentuk pentransformasiannya. Semua penanda nominal pada transformasi nominalisasi tersebut bersifat wajib dan pada umumnya semua bentuk transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal ini disertai Perubahan struktur posisi unsur-unsurnya. Di samping itu, khusus untuk transformasi nominalisasi bentuk verbal dengan penambahan kata tugas pada umumnya melalui transformasi antara

    Struktur Dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Lokal Khas Dayak Bagi Pengembangan Dan Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah Ternak Unggas

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    Local chicken is a chicken typical Dayak native of East Kalimantan Province from Berau District, subdistrict Segah and developed by the Dayak Kenyah and Ga' ai. Typical Dayak good local chicken to be developed as free-range chicken layer. The purpose of this research was to determine the structure and composition of chicken eggs as well as the its typical for evaluating the quality and nutrient content. The study was conducted from December 2010 to April 2011 at Department of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mulawarman. The material observed in this study were 100 local chicken eggs typical Dayak. The parameters observed included: egg weight, egg length, egg width, egg index, egg shell color, egg shell weight, egg shell percentage, weight of egg white/albumen, high egg white/albumen, percentage of egg white/albumen, weight of egg yolk/yolk, yolk height, percentage of egg yolk/yolk, yolk color, hough unit, grade/USDA score, egg hatchability and fertility. These results have shown that the average weight of a typical local chicken eggs was 34.49 ± 4.17 g. In addition, there were 46.86 ± 2.41 mm of egg length, 34.99 ± 2.03 mm of egg width, 1.34 ± 0,07 of egg indices, 5.24 ± 0.98 g of egg shell weight, 15.19 % of egg shell percentage , 14.78 ± 2.39 grams of weight of egg white/albumen, 8.36 ± 1.08 mm of high egg white/albumen, 42.85% of, the percentage of egg white/albumen, 11.7 ± 2.42 g of the egg yolk/yolk, 19.71 ± 1.19 mm of egg yolk egg, 33.92% of the percentage of egg yolk/yolk, 98.17 ± 4.64 Hought unit of yellow dark yellow eggs, 12 score of 8,80% egg hatchability of grade/USDA, and 100% of fertility. Based on the findings, it is concluded that local chickens typical Dayak has a potensial for egg production
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