971 research outputs found

    Energetics of Open Systems and Chemical Potential From Micro-Dynamics Viewpoints

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    We present the energetic aspect of open systems which may exchange particles with their environments. Our attention shall be paid to the scale that the motion of the particles is described by the classical Langevin dynamics. Along a particular realization of the stochastic process, we study the energy transfer into the open system from the environments. We are able to clarify how much energy each particle carries when it enters or leaves the system. On the other hand, the chemical potential should be considered as the concept in macro scale, which is relevant to the free energy potential with respect to the number of particles. Keywords: open systems, stochastic energetics, chemical potentialComment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Equilibrium Chemical Engines

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    An equilibrium reversible cycle with a certain engine to transduce the energy of any chemical reaction into mechanical energy is proposed. The efficiency for chemical energy transduction is also defined so as to be compared with Carnot efficiency. Relevance to the study of protein motors is discussed. KEYWORDS: Chemical thermodynamics, Engine, Efficiency, Molecular machine.Comment: 5 pages, late

    Fluctuation relations for a driven Brownian particle

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    We consider a driven Brownian particle, subject to both conservative and non-conservative applied forces, whose probability evolves according to the Kramers equation. We derive a general fluctuation relation, expressing the ratio of the probability of a given Brownian path in phase space with that of the time-reversed path, in terms of the entropy flux to the heat reservoir. This fluctuation relation implies those of Seifert, Jarzynski and Gallavotti-Cohen in different special cases

    Jarzynski equality for the transitions between nonequilibrium steady states

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    Jarzynski equality [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 56}, 5018 (1997)] is found to be valid with slight modefication for the transitions between nonequilibrium stationary states, as well as the one between equilibrium states. Also numerical results confirm its validity. Its relevance for nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the operational formalism is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revte

    The Carnot Cycle for Small Systems: Irreversibility and the Cost of Operations

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    We employ the recently developed framework of the energetics of stochastic processes (called `stochastic energetics'), to re-analyze the Carnot cycle in detail, taking account of fluctuations, without taking the thermodynamic limit. We find that both processes of connection to and disconnection from heat baths and adiabatic processes that cause distortion of the energy distribution are sources of inevitable irreversibility within the cycle. Also, the so-called null-recurrence property of the cumulative efficiency of energy conversion over many cycles and the irreversible property of isolated, purely mechanical processes under external `macroscopic' operations are discussed in relation to the impossibility of a perpetual machine, or Maxwell's demon.Comment: 11 pages with 3 figures. Resubmitted to Physical Review E. Many paragraphs have been modifie

    Microscopic heat from the energetics of stochastic phenomena

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    The energetics of the stochastic process has shown the balance of energy on the mesoscopic level. The heat and the energy defined there are, however, generally different from their macroscopic counterpart. We show that this discrepancy can be removed by adding to these quantities the reversible heat associated with the mesoscopic free energy.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figur

    Brownian dynamics around the core of self-gravitating systems

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    We derive the non-Maxwellian distribution of self-gravitating NN-body systems around the core by a model based on the random process with the additive and the multiplicative noise. The number density can be obtained through the steady state solution of the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the random process. We exhibit that the number density becomes equal to that of the King model around the core by adjusting the friction coefficient and the intensity of the multiplicative noise. We also show that our model can be applied in the system which has a heavier particle. Moreover, we confirm the validity of our model by comparing with our numerical simulation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Brownian Motors driven by Particle Exchange

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    We extend the Langevin dynamics so that particles can be exchanged with a particle reservoir. We show that grand canonical ensembles are realized at equilibrium and derive the relations of thermodynamics for processes between equilibrium states. As an application of the proposed evolution rule, we devise a simple model of Brownian motors driven by particle exchange. KEYWORDS: Langevin Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Open SystemsComment: 5 pages, late

    Lithophile element characteristics of acapulcoite-lodranite.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講