153 research outputs found

    Master equation approach to computing RVB bond amplitudes

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    We describe a "master equation" analysis for the bond amplitudes h(r) of an RVB wavefunction. Starting from any initial guess, h(r) evolves (in a manner dictated by the spin hamiltonian under consideration) toward a steady-state distribution representing an approximation to the true ground state. Unknown transition coefficients in the master equation are treated as variational parameters. We illustrate the method by applying it to the J1-J2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Without frustration (J2=0), the amplitudes are radially symmetric and fall off as 1/r^3 in the bond length. As the frustration increases, there are precursor signs of columnar or plaquette VBS order: the bonds preferentially align along the axes of the square lattice and weight accrues in the nearest-neighbour bond amplitudes. The Marshall sign rule holds over a large range of couplings, J2/J1 < 0.418. It fails when the r=(2,1) bond amplitude first goes negative, a point also marked by a cusp in the ground state energy. A nonrigourous extrapolation of the staggered magnetic moment (through this point of nonanalyticity) shows it vanishing continuously at a critical value J2/J1 = 0.447. This may be preempted by a first-order transition to a state of broken translational symmetry.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Variational ground states of 2D antiferromagnets in the valence bond basis

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    We study a variational wave function for the ground state of the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the valence bond basis. The expansion coefficients are products of amplitudes h(x,y) for valence bonds connecting spins separated by (x,y) lattice spacings. In contrast to previous studies, in which a functional form for h(x,y) was assumed, we here optimize all the amplitudes for lattices with up to 32*32 spins. We use two different schemes for optimizing the amplitudes; a Newton/conjugate-gradient method and a stochastic method which requires only the signs of the first derivatives of the energy. The latter method performs significantly better. The energy for large systems deviates by only approx. 0.06% from its exact value (calculated using unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations). The spin correlations are also well reproduced, falling approx. 2% below the exact ones at long distances. The amplitudes h(r) for valence bonds of long length r decay as 1/r^3. We also discuss some results for small frustrated lattices.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 5 figures, significantly expanded, new optimization method, improved result

    Microscopic Model for High-spin vs. Low-spin ground state in [Ni2M(CN)8][Ni_2{M(CN)_8]} (M=MoV,WV,NbIVM=Mo^V, W^V, Nb^{IV}) magnetic clusters

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    Conventional superexchange rules predict ferromagnetic exchange interaction between Ni(II) and M (M=Mo(V), W(V), Nb(IV)). Recent experiments show that in some systems this superexchange is antiferromagnetic. To understand this feature, in this paper we develop a microscopic model for Ni(II)-M systems and solve it exactly using a valence bond approach. We identify the direct exchange coupling, the splitting of the magnetic orbitals and the inter-orbital electron repulsions, on the M site as the parameters which control the ground state spin of various clusters of the Ni(II)-M system. We present quantum phase diagrams which delineate the high-spin and low-spin ground states in the parameter space. We fit the spin gap to a spin Hamiltonian and extract the effective exchange constant within the experimentally observed range, for reasonable parameter values. We also find a region in the parameter space where an intermediate spin state is the ground state. These results indicate that the spin spectrum of the microscopic model cannot be reproduced by a simple Heisenberg exchange Hamiltonian.Comment: 8 pages including 7 figure

    Nematic Structure of Space-Time and its Topological Defects in 5D Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    We show, that classical Kaluza-Klein theory possesses hidden nematic dynamics. It appears as a consequence of 1+4-decomposition procedure, involving 4D observers 1-form \lambda. After extracting of boundary terms the, so called, "effective matter" part of 5D geometrical action becomes proportional to square of anholonomicity 3-form \lambda\wedge d\lambda. It can be interpreted as twist nematic elastic energy, responsible for elastic reaction of 5D space-time on presence of anholonomic 4D submanifold, defined by \lambda. We derive both 5D covariant and 1+4 forms of 5D nematic equilibrium equations, consider simple examples and discuss some 4D physical aspects of generic 5D nematic topological defects.Comment: Latex-2e, 14 pages, 1 Fig., submitted to GR

    The fundamental problem of command : plan and compliance in a partially centralised economy

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    When a principal gives an order to an agent and advances resources for its implementation, the temptations for the agent to shirk or steal from the principal rather than comply constitute the fundamental problem of command. Historically, partially centralised command economies enforced compliance in various ways, assisted by nesting the fundamental problem of exchange within that of command. The Soviet economy provides some relevant data. The Soviet command system combined several enforcement mechanisms in an equilibrium that shifted as agents learned and each mechanism's comparative costs and benefits changed. When the conditions for an equilibrium disappeared, the system collapsed.Comparative Economic Studies (2005) 47, 296–314. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ces.810011

    Uncertainty Principle Enhanced Pairing Correlations in Projected Fermi Systems Near Half Filling

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    We point out the curious phenomenon of order by projection in a class of lattice Fermi systems near half filling. Enhanced pairing correlations of extended s-wave Cooper pairs result from the process of projecting out s-wave Cooper pairs, with negligible effect on the ground state energy. The Hubbard model is a particularly nice example of the above phenomenon, which is revealed with the use of rigorous inequalities including the Uncertainty Principle Inequality. In addition, we present numerical evidence that at half filling, a related but simplified model shows ODLRO of extended s-wave Cooper pairs.Comment: RevTex 11 pages + 1 ps figure. Date 19 September 1996, Ver.

    A q-deformed Aufbau Prinzip

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    A building principle working for both atoms and monoatomic ions is proposed in this Letter. This principle relies on the q-deformed chain SO(4) > G where G = SO(3)_q

    Renormalization, duality, and phase transitions in two- and three-dimensional quantum dimer models

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    We derive an extended lattice gauge theory type action for quantum dimer models and relate it to the height representations of these systems. We examine the system in two and three dimensions and analyze the phase structure in terms of effective theories and duality arguments. For the two-dimensional case we derive the effective potential both at zero and finite temperature. The zero-temperature theory at the Rokhsar-Kivelson (RK) point has a critical point related to the self-dual point of a class of ZNZ_N models in the NN\to\infty limit. Two phase transitions featuring a fixed line are shown to appear in the phase diagram, one at zero temperature and at the RK point and another one at finite temperature above the RK point. The latter will be shown to correspond to a Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) phase transition, while the former will be governed by a KT-like universality class, i.e., sharing many features with a KT transition but actually corresponding to a different universality class. On the other hand, we show that at the RK point no phase transition happens at finite temperature. For the three-dimensional case we derive the corresponding dual gauge theory model at the RK point. We show in this case that at zero temperature a first-order phase transition occurs, while at finite temperatures both first- and second-order phase transitions are possible, depending on the relative values of the couplings involved.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Casimir-Polder force between an atom and a dielectric plate: thermodynamics and experiment

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    The low-temperature behavior of the Casimir-Polder free energy and entropy for an atom near a dielectric plate are found on the basis of the Lifshitz theory. The obtained results are shown to be thermodynamically consistent if the dc conductivity of the plate material is disregarded. With inclusion of dc conductivity, both the standard Lifshitz theory (for all dielectrics) and its generalization taking into account screening effects (for a wide range of dielectrics) violate the Nernst heat theorem. The inclusion of the screening effects is also shown to be inconsistent with experimental data of Casimir force measurements. The physical reasons for this inconsistency are elucidated.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; improved discussion; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (Fast Track Communications