1,029 research outputs found

    Collimation of extragalactic radio jets in compact steep spectrum and larger sources

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    We study the collimation of radio jets in the high-luminosity Fanaroff-Riley class II sources by examining the dependence of the sizes of hotspots and knots in the radio jets on the overall size of the objects for a sample of compact steep-spectrum or CSS and larger-sized objects. The objects span a wide range in overall size from about 50 pc to nearly 1 Mpc. The mean size of the hotspots increases with the source size during the CSS phase, which is typically taken to be about 20 kpc, and the relationship flattens for the larger sources. The sizes of the knots in the compact as well as the larger sources are consistent with this trend. We discuss possible implications of these trends. We find that the hotspot closer to the nucleus or core component tends to be more compact for the most asymmetric objects where the ratio of separations of the hotspots from the nucleus, r_d > 2. These highly asymmetric sources are invariably CSS objects, and their location in the hotspot size ratio - separation ratio diagram is possibly due to their evolution in an asymmetric environment. We also suggest that some soures, especially of lower luminosity, exhibit an asymmetry in the collimation of the oppositely-directed radio jets.Comment: MNRAS in press, 9 pages and 3 figures, MNRAS LaTe

    An Improved Measurement of the Hubble Constant from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect

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    We present a determination of the Hubble constant from measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE) in an orientation-unbiased sample of 7 z < 0.1 galaxy clusters. With improved X-ray models and a more accurate 32-GHz calibration, we obtain H_O = 64+14-11 +/- 14_sys km/s/Mpc. for a standard CDM cosmology, or 66+14-11 +/- 15_sys km/s/Mpc for a flat LambdaCDM cosmology. In combination with X-ray cluster measurements and the BBN value for Omega_B, we find Omega_M = 0.32 +/- 0.05.Comment: 5 pp., Accepted for publication in ApJ

    VLBI Mapping of the Nuclei of Radio Galaxies and Quasars

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    It is now possible, by means of VLBI hybrid mapping, to make maps of radio sources with a resolution of ~ 1 milliarcsecond. This enables us for the first time to compare the morphologies of the small- and large-scale structures of extragalactic radio sources, and they are strikingly different

    A New Component in the Radio Continua of PNe

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    A byproduct of experiments designed to map the CMB is the recent detection of a new component of foreground galactic emission. The anomalous foreground at 10–30 GHz, unexplained by traditional emission mechanisms, correlates with 100 mum dust emission, and is thus presumably due to dust.Is the anomalous foreground ubiquitous in the Galaxy? I will present evidence obtained with the CBI and SIMBA+SEST supporting the existence of the new component in the ISM at large, and in specific objects, in the form of a 31 GHz excess over free-free emission in PNe

    A Myelin Proteolipid Protein-LacZ Fusion Protein Is Developmentally Regulated and Targeted to the Myelin Membrane in Transgenic Mice

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    Transgenic mice were generated with a fusion gene carrying a portion of the murine myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) gene, including the first intron, fused to the E. coli LacZ gene. Three transgenic lines were derived and all lines expressed the transgene in central nervous system white matter as measured by a histochemical assay for the detection of β-galactosidase activity. PLP-LacZ transgene expression was regulated in both a spatial and temporal manner, consistent with endogenous PLP expression. Moreover, the transgene was expressed specifically in oligodendrocytes from primary mixed glial cultures prepared from transgenic mouse brains and appeared to be developmentally regulated in vitro as well. Transgene expression occurred in embryos, presumably in pre- or nonmyelinating cells, rather extensively throughout the peripheral nervous system and within very discrete regions of the central nervous system. Surprisingly, beta-galactosidase activity was localized predominantly in the myelin in these transgenic animals, suggesting that the NH_2-terminal 13 amino acids of PLP, which were present in the PLP-LacZ gene product, were sufficient to target the protein to the myelin membrane. Thus, the first half of the PLP gene contains sequences sufficient to direct both spatial and temporal gene regulation and to encode amino acids important in targeting the protein to the myelin membrane

    Interplanetary Scintillation of Radio Sources at Metre Wavelengths--II: Theory

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    Interplanetary scintillation is being used, in a survey of radio sources, to study angular structure in the range 0"·1-1" at a frequency of 81·5 MHz. The application of diffraction theory to scintillation at this frequency is discussed, and the diffracting parameters of the interplanetary medium are derived. The dependence of scintillation index on angular structure and receiver bandwidth is determined
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