1,069 research outputs found

    Quantum Phase Interference for Quantum Tunneling in Spin Systems

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    The point-particle-like Hamiltonian of a biaxial spin particle with external magnetic field along the hard axis is obtained in terms of the potential field description of spin systems with exact spin-coordinate correspondence. The Zeeman energy term turns out to be an effective gauge potential which leads to a nonintegrable pha se of the Euclidean Feynman propagator. The phase interference between clockwise and anticlockwise under barrier propagations is recognized explicitly as the Aharonov-Bohm effect. An additional phase which is significant for quantum phase interference is discovered with the quantum theory of spin systems besides the known phase obtained with the semiclassical treatment of spin. We also show the energ y dependence of the effect and obtain the tunneling splitting at excited states with the help of periodic instantons.Comment: 19 pages, no figure, to appear in PR

    Periodic Bounce for Nucleation Rate at Finite Temperature in Minisuperspace Models

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    The periodic bounce configurations responsible for quantum tunneling are obtained explicitly and are extended to the finite energy case for minisuperspace models of the Universe. As a common feature of the tunneling models at finite energy considered here we observe that the period of the bounce increases with energy monotonically. The periodic bounces do not have bifurcations and make no contribution to the nucleation rate except the one with zero energy. The sharp first order phase transition from quantum tunneling to thermal activation is verified with the general criterions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 postscript figures include

    Coexistence of Itinerant Electrons and Local Moments in Iron-Based Superconductors

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    In view of the recent experimental facts in the iron-pnictides, we make a proposal that the itinerant electrons and local moments are simultaneously present in such multiband materials. We study a minimal model composed of coupled itinerant electrons and local moments to illustrate how a consistent explanation of the experimental measurements can be obtained in the leading order approximation. In this mean-field approach, the spin-density-wave (SDW) order and superconducting pairing of the itinerant electrons are not directly driven by the Fermi surface nesting, but are mainly induced by their coupling to the local moments. The presence of the local moments as independent degrees of freedom naturally provides strong pairing strength for superconductivity and also explains the normal-state linear-temperature magnetic susceptibility above the SDW transition temperature. We show that this simple model is supported by various anomalous magnetic properties and isotope effect which are in quantitative agreement with experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; an expanded versio

    Quantum-Classical Phase Transition of Escape rate in Biaxial Spin Particles

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    The escape rates of the biaxial single domain spin particles with and without an applied magnetic field are investigated. Using the strict potential field description of spin systems developed by Ulyanov and Zaslavskii we obtain new effective Hamiltonians which are considered to be in exact spin-coordinate correspondence unlike the well studied effective Hamiltonians with the approximate correspondence. The sharp first-order transition is found in both cases. The phase diagram of the transitions depending on the anisotropy constant and the external field is also given.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Macroscopic quantum coherence in mesoscopic ferromagnetic systems

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    In this paper we study the Macroscopic Quantum Oscillation (MQO) effect in ferromagnetic single domain magnets with a magnetic field applied along the hard anistropy axis. The level splitting for the ground state, derived with the conventional instanton method, oscillates with the external field and is quenched at some field values. A formula for quantum tunneling at excited levels is also obtained. The existence of topological phase accounts for this kind of oscillation and the corresponding thermodynamical quantities exhibit similar interference effects which resembles to some extent the electron quantum phase interference induced by gauge potential in the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the Θ\Theta -vacuum in Yang-Mills field theory..Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of intermetallic compounds R2Fe17 (R=Pr,Gd)

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    In this paper we report comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of magnetic and electronic properties of the intermetallic compounds Pr2Fe17 and Gd2Fe17. For the first time electronic structure of these two systems was probed by optical measurements in the spectral range of 0.22-15 micrometers. On top of that charge carriers parameters (plasma frequency and relaxation frequency) and optical conductivity s(w) were determined. Self-consistent spin-resolved bandstructure calculations within the conventional LSDA+U method were performed. Theoretical interpetation of the experimental s(w) dispersions indicates transitions between 3d and 4p states of Fe ions to be the biggest ones. Qualitatively the line shape of the theoretical optical conductivity coincides well with our experimental data. Calculated by LSDA+U method magnetic moments per formula unit are found to be in good agreement with observed experimental values of saturation magnetization.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Spin Tunneling in Magnetic Molecules: Quasisingular Perturbations and Discontinuous SU(2) Instantons

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    Spin coherent state path integrals with discontinuous semiclassical paths are investigated with special reference to a realistic model for the magnetic degrees of freedom in the Fe8 molecular solid. It is shown that such paths are essential to a proper understanding of the phenomenon of quenched spin tunneling in these molecules. In the Fe8 problem, such paths are shown to arise as soon as a fourth order anisotropy term in the energy is turned on, making this term a singular perturbation from the semiclassical point of view. The instanton approximation is shown to quantitatively explain the magnetic field dependence of the tunnel splitting, as well as agree with general rules for the number of quenching points allowed for a given value of spin. An accurate approximate formula for the spacing between quenching points is derived

    Mean first-passage times of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement

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    The first-passage time (FPT), defined as the time a random walker takes to reach a target point in a confining domain, is a key quantity in the theory of stochastic processes. Its importance comes from its crucial role to quantify the efficiency of processes as varied as diffusion-limited reactions, target search processes or spreading of diseases. Most methods to determine the FPT properties in confined domains have been limited to Markovian (memoryless) processes. However, as soon as the random walker interacts with its environment, memory effects can not be neglected. Examples of non Markovian dynamics include single-file diffusion in narrow channels or the motion of a tracer particle either attached to a polymeric chain or diffusing in simple or complex fluids such as nematics \cite{turiv2013effect}, dense soft colloids or viscoelastic solution. Here, we introduce an analytical approach to calculate, in the limit of a large confining volume, the mean FPT of a Gaussian non-Markovian random walker to a target point. The non-Markovian features of the dynamics are encompassed by determining the statistical properties of the trajectory of the random walker in the future of the first-passage event, which are shown to govern the FPT kinetics.This analysis is applicable to a broad range of stochastic processes, possibly correlated at long-times. Our theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for several examples of non-Markovian processes including the emblematic case of the Fractional Brownian Motion in one or higher dimensions. These results show, on the basis of Gaussian processes, the importance of memory effects in first-passage statistics of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement.Comment: Submitted version. Supplementary Information can be found on the Nature website : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v534/n7607/full/nature18272.htm

    Crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling in Mn_{12}Ac

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    The crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling is studied. We show that the decay rate Γ\Gamma with dissipation can accurately be determined near the crossover temperature. Besides considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) exponent, we also calculate contribution of the fluctuation modes around the saddle point and give an extended account of a previous study of crossover region. We deal with two dangerous fluctuation modes whose contribution can't be calculated by the steepest descent method and show that higher order couplings between the two dangerous modes need to be taken into considerations. At last the crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling in the molecular magnet Mn_{12}Ac is studied.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Two-dimensional amine and hydroxy functionalized fused aromatic covalent organic framework

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    Ordered two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have generally been synthesized using reversible reactions. It has been difficult to synthesize a similar degree of ordered COFs using irreversible reactions. Developing COFs with a fused aromatic ring system via an irreversible reaction is highly desirable but has remained a significant challenge. Here we demonstrate a COF that can be synthesized from organic building blocks via irreversible condensation (aromatization). The as-synthesized robust fused aromatic COF (F-COF) exhibits high crystallinity. Its lattice structure is characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray diffraction pattern. Because of its fused aromatic ring system, the F-COF structure possesses high physiochemical stability, due to the absence of hydrolysable weak covalent bonds