55 research outputs found

    Is it possible to predict the success of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure due to COPD?

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    AbstractThere is now sufficient evidence that non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in selected patients with severe hypercapnic acute respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is more effective than pharmacological therapy alone. The aim of this study was to identify prognostic factors to predict the success of this technique. Fifty-nine consecutive patients with COPD admitted to a respiratory ward for 75 episodes of acute respiratory failure treated with NIPPV were analysed: success (77%) or failure (23%) were evaluated by survival and the need for endotracheal intubation. There were no significant differences in age, sex, cause of relapse and lung function tests between the two groups. Patients in whom NIPPV was unsuccessful were significantly underweight, had an higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, and a lower serum level of albumin in comparison with those in whom NIPPV was successful. They demonstrated significantly greater abnormalities in pH and P a CO2at baseline and after 2 h of NIPPV. The logistic regression analysis demonstrated that, when all the variables were tested together, a high APACHE II score and a low albumin level continued to have a significant predictive effect. This analysis could predict the outcome in 82% of patients. In conclusion, our study suggests that low albumin serum levels and a high APACHE II score may be important indices in predicting the success of NIPPV

    Subcutaneous dissociative conscious sedation (sDCS) an alternative method for airway regional blocks: a new approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Predicted difficult airway is a definite indication for awake intubation and spontaneous ventilation. Airway regional blocks which are commonly used to facilitate awake intubation are sometimes impossible or forbidden. On the other hand deep sedation could be life threatening in the case of compromised airway.</p> <p>The aim of this study is evaluating "Subcutaneous Dissociative Conscious Sedation" (sDCS) as an alternative method to airway regional blocks for awake intubation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this prospective, non-randomized study, 30 patients with predicted difficult airway (laryngeal tumors), who were scheduled for direct laryngoscopic biopsy (DLB), underwent "Subcutaneous Dissociative Conscious Sedation" (sDCS) exerted by intravenous fentanyl 3-4ug/kg and subcutaneous ketamine 0.6-0.7 mg/kg. The tongue and pharynx were anesthetized with lidocaine spray (4%<b>)</b>. 10 minutes after a subcutaneous injection of ketamine direct laryngoscopy was performed. Extra doses of fentanyl 50-100 ug were administered if the patient wasn't cooperative enough for laryngoscopy.</p> <p>Patients were evaluated for hemodynamic stability (heart rate and blood pressure), oxygen saturation (Spo<sub>2</sub>), patient cooperation (obedient to open the mouth for laryngoscopy and the number of tries for laryngoscopy), patient comfort (remaining moveless), hallucination, nystagmus and salivation (need for aspiration before laryngoscopy).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Direct laryngoscopy was performed successfully in all patients. One patient needed extra fentanyl and then laryngoscopy was performed successfully on the second try. All patients were cooperative enough during laryngoscopy. Hemodynamic changes more than 20% occurred in just one patient. Oxygen desaturation (spo<sub>2</sub>< 90%) didn't occur in any patient.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Subcutaneous Dissociative Conscious Sedation (sDCS) as a new approach to airway is an acceptable and safe method for awake intubation and it can be suggested as a noninvasive substitute of low complication rate for regional airway blocks.</p> <p>Registration ID in IRCT</p> <p>IRCT201012075333N1</p

    Commento all'art. 3 d.lgs. 61/02

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    Il lavoro affronta il tema della responsabilità amministrativa delle società per i reati societari dopo la riforma di tale settore. Vengono analizzati, in una prima parte del lavoro, la natura giuridica della responsabilità degli enti, i criteri oggettivi di imputazione e la c.d. “colpa di organizzazione”. Nella seconda parte del lavoro si affronta analiticamente il problema della responsabilità da reato delle società e le relative sanzioni comminate nel caso di commissione dei reati societari presupposto

    Responsabilità dolosa e colposa per le circostanze aggravanti

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    Il lavoro tratta del tema relativo alla imputazione soggettiva delle circostanze aggravanti e, più in generale della colpa in contesto illecito. La trattazione prende le mosse da una analisi storica dell’istituto. Viene poi analizzato il rapporto tra l’imputazione dei fattori aggravanti ed il principio di colpevolezza. Lo studio ha consentito di verificare come la gran parte delle circostanze aggravanti debbano essere, per la loro struttura, necessariamente conosciute da parte del reo. Nella seconda parte del lavoro viene affrontato il tema della responsabilità colposa con particolare attenzione ad ipotesi qualificabili “ a preterintenzionalità allargata”. Nella parte conclusiva sono presentate alcune proposte di riforma del criterio di imputazione delle circostanze aggravanti