1,553 research outputs found

    Heavy quark induced effective action for gauge fields in the SU(N_c) x U(1) model and the low-energy structure of heavy quark current correlators

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    We calculate the low-energy limit of heavy quark current correlators within an expansion in the inverse heavy quark mass. The induced low-energy currents built from the gluon fields corresponding to the initial heavy quark currents are obtained from an effective action for gauge fields in the one-loop approximation at the leading order of the 1/m expansion. Explicit formulae for the low-energy spectra of electromagnetic and tensor heavy quark current correlators are given. Consequences of the appearance of a nonvanishing spectral density below the two-particle threshold for high precision phenomenology of heavy quarks are discussed quantitatively.Comment: 21 pages in LaTeX, 2 PostScript figures included in the tex

    An interpolation of the vacuum polarization function for the evaluation of hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    We propose a simple parameterization of the two-point correlator of hadronic electromagnetic currents for the evaluation of the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The parameterization is explicitly done in the Euclidean domain. The model function contains a phenomenological parameter which provides an infrared cutoff to guarantee the smooth behavior of the correlator at the origin in accordance with experimental data in e+ e- annihilation. After fixing a numerical value for this parameter from the leading order hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment the next-to-leading order results related to the vacuum polarization function are accurately reproduced. The properties of the four-point correlator of hadronic electromagnetic currents as for instance the so-called light-by-light scattering amplitude relevant for the calculation of the muon anomalous magnetic moment are briefly discussed.Comment: 23 pages in LaTeX, 11 PostScript figures included in the tex

    Analytical calculation of heavy baryon correlators in NLO of perturbative QCD

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    We present analytical next-to-leading order results for the correlator of baryonic currents at the three-loop level with one finite mass quark. We obtain the massless and the HQET limits of the correlator as particular cases from the general formula, we also give explicit expressions for the moments of the spectral density. Calculations have been performed with an extensive use of the symbolic manipulation programs MATHEMATICA and REDUCE.Comment: 16 pages in LaTeX, including 7 Postscript figures, contribution to the "VII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT2000)", Oct 16-20, 2000, Fermi National Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, to appear in the proceeding

    Perturbative relations between e+ee^+e^- annihilation and τ\tau decay observables including resummation effects

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    By exploiting the analyticity properties of the two-point current-current correlator we obtain numerical predictions for the e+ee^+e^- moments in terms of the τ\tau decay rate. We perform a partial resummation of the pertinent perturbative series expansion by solving the renormalization group equation for Adler's function. Our predictions are renormalization scheme independent but depend on the order of the perturbative β\beta-function expansion. The analysis involves the unknown five-loop coefficient k3k_3 for which we give some new estimates.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 postscript figure

    Next-to-Leading Order perturbative QCD corrections to baryon correlators in matter

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    We compute the next-to-leading order perturbative QCD corrections to the correlators of nucleon interpolating currents in relativistic nuclear matter. The main new result is the calculation of the O(alpha_s) perturbative corrections to the coefficient functions of the vector quark condensate in matter. This condensate appears in matter due to the violation of Lorentz invariance. The NLO perturbative QCD corrections turn out to be large which implies that the NLO corrections must be included in a sum rule analysis of the properties of both bound nucleons and relativistic nuclear matter.Comment: 19 pages in LaTeX, including 5 Postscript figure

    Landau equations and asymptotic operation

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    The pinched/non-pinched classification of intersections of causal singularities of propagators in Minkowski space is reconsidered in the context of the theory of asymptotic operation as a first step towards extension of the latter to non-Euclidean asymptotic regimes. A highly visual distribution-theoretic technique of singular wave fronts is tailored to the needs of the theory of Feynman diagrams. Besides a simple derivation of the usual Landau equations in the case of the conventional singularities, the technique naturally extends to other types of singularities e.g. due to linear denominators in non-covariant gauges etc. As another application, the results of Euclidean asymptotic operation are extended to a class of quasi-Euclidean asymptotic regimes in Minkowski space.Comment: 15p PS (GSview), IJMP-A (accepted