2,849 research outputs found

    Time-dependent transport in interacting and non-interacting mesoscopic systems

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    We consider a mesoscopic region coupled to two leads under the influence of external time-dependent voltages. The time dependence is coupled to source and drain contacts, the gates controlling the tunnel- barrier heights, or to the gates which define the mesoscopic region. We derive, with the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function technique, a formal expression for the fully nonlinear, time-dependent current through the system. The analysis admits arbitrary interactions in the mesoscopic region, but the leads are treated as noninteracting. For proportionate coupling to the leads, the time-averaged current is simply the integral between the chemical potentials of the time-averaged density of states, weighted by the coupling to the leads, in close analogy to the time-independent result of Meir and Wingreen (PRL {\bf 68}, 2512 (1992)). Analytical and numerical results for the exactly solvable non-interacting resonant-tunneling system are presented.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures (available either as ps-files, or as FAX, upon request), RevTex 3.

    Covariant localizations in the torus and the phase observables

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    We describe all the localization observables of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional box in terms of sequences of unit vectors in a Hilbert space. An alternative representation in terms of positive semidefinite complex matrices is furnished and the commutative localizations are singled out. As a consequence, we also get a vector sequence characterization of the covariant phase observables.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, Latex2

    Quantum theory of shuttling instability in a movable quantum dot array

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    We study the shuttling instability in an array of three quantum dots the central one of which is movable. We extend the results by Armour and MacKinnon on this problem to a broader parameter regime. The results obtained by an efficient numerical method are interpreted directly using the Wigner distributions. We emphasize that the instability should be viewed as a crossover phenomenon rather than a clear-cut transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, presented at HCIS-13, Modena, July 200

    Acoustic phonon limited mobility in two-dimensional semiconductors: Deformation potential and piezoelectric scattering in monolayer MoS2 from first principles

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    We theoretically study the acoustic phonon limited mobility in n-doped two-dimensional MoS2 for temperatures T < 100 K and high carrier densities using the Boltzmann equation and first-principles calculations of the acoustic electron-phonon (el-ph) interaction. In combination with a continuum elastic model, analytic expressions and the coupling strengths for the deformation potential and piezoelectric interactions are established. We furthermore show that the deformation potential interaction has contributions from both normal and umklapp processes and that the latter contribution is only weakly affected by carrier screening. Consequently, the calculated mobilities show a transition from a high-temperature \mu T^{-1} behavior to a stronger \mu T^{-4} behavior in the low-temperature Bloch-Gruneisen regime characteristic of unscreened deformation potential scattering. Intrinsic mobilities in excess of 10^5 cm^2 V^{-1} s^{-1} are predicted at T 10^{11} cm^{-2}). At 100 K, the mobility does not exceed ~7 x 10^3 cm2 V^{-1} s^{-1}. Our findings provide new and important understanding of the acoustic el-ph interaction and its screening by free carriers, and is of high relevance for the understanding of acoustic phonon limited mobilities in general.Comment: Substantially revised version. 17 pages, 11 figure

    Policy lessons from a simple open - economy model

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    The authors show how two-sector models can be used to derive policy lessons about adjustment in developing economies. In the past two decades, changes in the external environment and in economic policies have been the key factors in the performance of developing economies. By and large the shocks have involved the external sector: terms-of-trade shocks or cutbacks in foreign capital. The policy responses most commonly proposed have targeted the external sector: depreciating the real exchange rate or reducing distortionary taxes to make the economy more competitive. The authors provide a starting point for analyzing the relation between external shocks and policy responses. Starting from a small, one-country, two-sector, three-good (1-2-3) model, the authors outline how the effects of a foreign capital inflow and terms-of-trade shock can be analyzed. They derive the assumptions underlying the conventional policy recommendation of real exchange rate depreciation in response to adverse shocks. The implications of such trade and fiscal policy instruments as export subsidies, import tariffs, and domestic indirect taxes can also be studied in this framework. The authors show that the standard advice to depreciate the real exchange rate in the wake of an adverse terms-of-trade shock rests on the condition that the income effect of the external shock dominates its substitution effect. But, depending on the characteristics of the economy (for example, the trade elasticities), policy results may run counter to received wisdom. For example, when the substitution effect ofan adverse external shock dominates, real depreciation is inappropriate. An infusion of foreign capital does not necessarily benefit the nontradable sector, as the results of"Dutch disease"models suggest (for example, in the extreme case of nearly infinite substitution elasticity between imports and domestic goods). When import tariffs are significant sources of public revenue, potential revenue losses from tariff cuts must be offset by other revenue sources to maintain the external current account balance. The paper shows a simple way to calculate the necessary tax adjustment. A major advantage of small models is their simplicity. The example in this paper can be solved analytically - either graphically or algebraically. It also can be solved numerically, using such widely available PC-based spreadsheet programs as Excel. The numerical implementation involves only modest data requirements. The data that governments normally release on national income, fiscal, and balance of payments accounts are sufficient.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Economic Stabilization,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Markets and Market Access

    Master-equation analysis of accelerating networks

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    In many real-world networks, the rates of node and link addition are time dependent. This observation motivates the definition of accelerating networks. There has been relatively little investigation of accelerating networks and previous efforts at analyzing their degree distributions have employed mean-field techniques. By contrast, we show that it is possible to apply a master-equation approach to such network development. We provide full time-dependent expressions for the evolution of the degree distributions for the canonical situations of random and preferential attachment in networks undergoing constant acceleration. These results are in excellent agreement with results obtained from simulations. We note that a growing, non-equilibrium network undergoing constant acceleration with random attachment is equivalent to a classical random graph, bridging the gap between non-equilibrium and classical equilibrium networks.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Plasmonic eigenmodes in individual and bow-tie graphene nanotriangles

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    Serving as a new two-dimensional plasmonic material, graphene has stimulated an intensive study of its optical properties which benefit from the unique electronic band structure of the underlying honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. In classical electrodynamics, nanostructured graphene is commonly modeled by the computationally demanding problem of a three-dimensional conducting film of atomic-scale thickness. Here, we propose an efficient alternative two-dimensional electrostatic approach where all the calculation procedures are restricted to the plane of the graphene sheet. To explore possible quantum effects, we perform tight-binding calculations, adopting a random-phase approximation. We investigate the multiple plasmon modes in triangles of graphene, treating the optical response classically as well as quantum mechanically in the case of both armchair and zigzag edge termination of the underlying atomic lattice. Compared to the classical plasmonic spectrum which is "blind" to the edge termination, we find that the quantum plasmon frequencies exhibit blueshifts in the case of armchair edge termination, while redshifts are found for zigzag edges. Furthermore, we find spectral features in the zigzag case which are associated with electronic edge states not present for armchair termination. Merging pairs of such triangles into dimers, the plasmon hybridization leads to energy splitting in accordance with plasmon-hybridization theory, with a lower energy for the antisymmetric modes and a smaller splitting for modes with less confinement to the gap region. The hybridization appears strongest in classical calculations while the splitting is lower for armchair edges and even more reduced for zigzag edges. Our various results illustrate a surprising phenomenon: Even 20 nm large graphene structures clearly exhibit quantum plasmonic features due to atomic-scale details in the edge termination.Comment: 27 pages including 7 figures. Supplementary information available upon request to author

    Electronic transport in Si nanowires: Role of bulk and surface disorder

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    We calculate the resistance and mean free path in long metallic and semiconducting silicon nanowires (SiNWs) using two different numerical approaches: A real space Kubo method and a recursive Green's function method. We compare the two approaches and find that they are complementary: depending on the situation a preferable method can be identified. Several numerical results are presented to illustrate the relative merits of the two methods. Our calculations of relaxed atomic structures and their conductance properties are based on density functional theory without introducing adjustable parameters. Two specific models of disorder are considered: Un-passivated, surface reconstructed SiNWs are perturbed by random on-site (Anderson) disorder whereas defects in hydrogen passivated wires are introduced by randomly removed H atoms. The un-passivated wires are very sensitive to disorder in the surface whereas bulk disorder has almost no influence. For the passivated wires, the scattering by the hydrogen vacancies is strongly energy dependent and for relatively long SiNWs (L>200 nm) the resistance changes from the Ohmic to the localization regime within a 0.1 eV shift of the Fermi energy. This high sensitivity might be used for sensor applications.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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