23 research outputs found

    Lectures on Gaussian approximations with Malliavin calculus

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    In a seminal paper of 2005, Nualart and Peccati discovered a surprising central limit theorem (called the "Fourth Moment Theorem" in the sequel) for sequences of multiple stochastic integrals of a fixed order: in this context, convergence in distribution to the standard normal law is equivalent to convergence of just the fourth moment. Shortly afterwards, Peccati and Tudor gave a multidimensional version of this characterization. Since the publication of these two beautiful papers, many improvements and developments on this theme have been considered. Among them is the work by Nualart and Ortiz-Latorre, giving a new proof only based on Malliavin calculus and the use of integration by parts on Wiener space. A second step is my joint paper "Stein's method on Wiener chaos" (written in collaboration with Peccati) in which, by bringing together Stein's method with Malliavin calculus, we have been able (among other things) to associate quantitative bounds to the Fourth Moment Theorem. It turns out that Stein's method and Malliavin calculus fit together admirably well. Their interaction has led to some remarkable new results involving central and non-central limit theorems for functionals of infinite-dimensional Gaussian fields. The current survey aims to introduce the main features of this recent theory. It originates from a series of lectures I delivered at the Coll\`ege de France between January and March 2012, within the framework of the annual prize of the Fondation des Sciences Math\'ematiques de Paris. It may be seen as a teaser for the book "Normal Approximations Using Malliavin Calculus: from Stein's Method to Universality" (jointly written with Peccati), in which the interested reader will find much more than in this short survey.Comment: 72 pages. To be published in the S\'eminaire de Probabilit\'es. Mild update: typos, referee comment

    Research priorities in regional anaesthesia: an international Delphi study

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    Background: Regional anaesthesia use is growing worldwide, and there is an increasing emphasis on research in regional anaesthesia to improve patient outcomes. However, priorities for future study remain unclear. We therefore conducted an international research prioritisation exercise, setting the agenda for future investigators and funding bodies. Methods: We invited members of specialist regional anaesthesia societies from six continents to propose research questions that they felt were unanswered. These were consolidated into representative indicative questions, and a literature review was undertaken to determine if any indicative questions were already answered by published work. Unanswered indicative questions entered a three-round modified Delphi process, whereby 29 experts in regional anaesthesia (representing all participating specialist societies) rated each indicative question for inclusion on a final high priority shortlist. If ≥75% of participants rated an indicative question as ‘definitely’ include in any round, it was accepted. Indicative questions rated as ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ by <50% of participants in any round were excluded. Retained indicative questions were further ranked based on the rating score in the final Delphi round. The final research priorities were ratified by the Delphi expert group. Results: There were 1318 responses from 516 people in the initial survey, from which 71 indicative questions were formed, of which 68 entered the modified Delphi process. Eleven ‘highest priority’ research questions were short listed, covering themes of pain management; training and assessment; clinical practice and efficacy; technology and equipment. Conclusions: We prioritised unanswered research questions in regional anaesthesia. These will inform a coordinated global research strategy for regional anaesthesia and direct investigators to address high-priority areas

    Airfoil-shaped filament feed spacer for improved filtration performance in water treatment

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    Abstract Optimal spacer design enhances the filtration performance in spiral-wound modules by controlling the local hydrodynamics inside the filtration channel. A novel airfoil feed spacer design fabricated using 3D-printing technology is proposed in this study. The design is a ladder-shaped configuration with primary airfoil-shaped filaments facing the incoming feed flow. The airfoil filaments are reinforced by cylindrical pillars supporting the membrane surface. Laterally, all the airfoil filaments are connected by thin cylindrical filaments. The performances of the novel airfoil spacers are evaluated at Angle of Attack (AOA) of 10° (A-10 spacer) and 30° (A-30 spacer) and compared with commercial (COM) spacer. At fixed operating conditions, simulations indicate steady-state hydrodynamics inside the channel for A-10 spacer, while an unsteady state is found for A-30 spacer. Numerical wall shear stress for airfoil spacers is uniformly distributed and has a higher magnitude than the COM spacer. A-30 spacer design is the most efficient in ultrafiltration process with enhanced permeate flux (228%) and reduced specific energy consumption (23%) and biofouling development (74%) as characterized by Optical Coherence Tomography. Results systematically demonstrate the influential role of airfoil-shaped filaments for feed spacer design. Modifying AOA allows localized hydrodynamics to be effectively controlled according to the filtration type and operating conditions

    Simultaneous phosphorous and nitrogen recovery from source-separated urine: A novel application for fertiliser drawn forward osmosis

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    Re-thinking our approach to dealing with waste is one of the major challenges in achieving a more sustainable society. However, it could also generate numerous opportunities. Specifically, in the context of wastewater, nutrients, energy and water could be mined from it. Because of its exceptionally high nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) concentration, human urine is particularly suitable to be processed for fertiliser production. In the present study, forward osmosis (FO) was employed to mine the P and N from human urine. Two Mg2+-fertilisers, i.e. MgSO4 and Mg(NO3)(2) were selected as draw solution (DS) to dewater synthetic non-hydrolysed urine. In this process, the Mg2+ reverse salt flux (RSF) were used to recover P as struvite. Simultaneously, the urea was recovered in the DS as it is poorly rejected by the FO membrane. The results showed that, after concentrating the urine by 60%, about 40% of the P and 50% of the N were recovered. XRD and SEM EDX analysis confirmed that P was precipitated as mineral struvite. If successfully tested on real urine, this process could be applied to treat the urine collected in urban areas e.g., high-rise building. After the filtration, the solid struvite could be sold for inland applications whereas the diluted fertiliser used for direct fertigation of green walls, parks or for urban farming. Finally, reduction in the load of N, P to the downstream wastewater treatment plant would also ensure a more sustainable urban water cycle

    Selected physical and chemical cleanings remove biofilm in seawater membrane distillation without causing pore wetting

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    Abstract Membrane distillation (MD) is an emerging process with a proven ability to recover freshwater from streams with a wide range of salinities. However, MD is susceptible to biofouling. This study explores the efficiency of different cleaning strategies in biofilm removal during seawater MD. Hydraulic cleaning and chemical cleanings with 0.3%w w−1 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 0.3%w w−1 NaOCl, and 3%w w−1 citric acid were tested. The results showed that permeate flux recovery increased in the order of hydraulic cleaning <3%w w−1 citric acid <0.3%w w−1 NaOCl ≈0.3%w w−1 EDTA. Membrane cleanings substantially reduced the thickness of the residual biofilm layer and decreased its bacterial concentration and resistance to vapor pressure. The post-cleaning permeate conductivities were low suggesting that employed cleaning protocols did not cause pore wetting of hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene microporous (0.22 μm) membrane, and membrane rejection properties remained stable

    Biocontrol and Plant Growth Promotion Characterization of Bacillus Species Isolated from Calendula officinalis Rhizosphere

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    The phenotypic and genotypic diversity of the plant growth promoting Bacillus genus have been widely investigated in the rhizosphere of various agricultural crops. However, to our knowledge this is the first report on the Bacillus species isolated from the rhizosphere of Calendula officinalis. 15 % of the isolated bacteria were screened for their important antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium cucumerinium and Alternaria alternata. The bacteria identification based on 16S r-RNA and gyrase-A genes analysis, revealed strains closely related to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. velezensis, B. subtilis sub sp spizezenii and Paenibacillus polymyxa species. The electro-spray mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography (ESI-LC MS) analysis showed that most of the Bacillus isolates produced the three lipopeptides families. However, the P. polymyxa (18SRTS) didn't produce any type of lipopeptides. All the tested Bacillus isolates produced cellulase but the protease activity was observed only in the B. amyloliquefaciens species (9SRTS). The Salkowsky colorimetric test showed that the screened bacteria synthesized 6-52 μg/ml of indole 3 acetic acid. These bacteria produced siderophores with more than 10 mm wide orange zones on chromazurol S. The greenhouse experiment using a naturally infested soil with Sclerotonia sclerotiorum showed that the B. amyloliquefaciens (9SRTS) had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the pre-germination of the chickpea seeds. However, it increased the size of the chickpea plants and reduced the stem rot disease (P < 0.05).These results suggested that the Bacillus strains isolated in this work may be further used as bioinoculants to improve the production of C. officinalis and other crop systems. © 2013 Association of Microbiologists of India