28 research outputs found

    Атопический фенотип и микоплазменная инфекция у детей

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    Catedra Pediatrie, Facultatea Rezidenţiat şi Secundariat Clinic, USMF „Nicolae Testimiţanu”, Conferinţa naţională ştiinţifico-practică în domeniul otorinolaringologiei pediatrice, 30 octombrie 2009, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThe authors examined the influence of the Mycoplasma infection on the manifestation of an atopic phenotype in a study of 54 children aged 5 months to 7 years of age diagnosed bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis. In the infected group the level of the serum immunoglobulin Е (175.8±70.4 UI/ml) and the circulating immune complexes (74.8±7.5 UDO) exceeded the levels of IgE (94.9±53.7 UI/ml) and CIC (32.6±8.1 UDO) in a conrol group of children without the Mycoplasma infection.В работу было включено 54 ребёнка, в возрасте 5 месяцев – 7 лет, с диагнозом бронхиальная астма и обструктивный бронхит, для изучения влияния микоплазменной инфекции на проявление атопического фенотипа. В группе детей с микоплазменной инфекцией уровень сывороточного иммуноглобулина Е (175,8±70,4 UI/ml) и циркулирующих иммунных комплексов (74,8±7,5 UDO) превышал уровень IgE (94,9±53,7 UI/ml) и ЦИК (32,6±8,1 UDO) по сравнению с группой детей без микоплазменной инфекции

    Новые подходы в лечении паховых грыж

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    Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, România, Spitalul clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, Chişinău, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaToday, the surgical treatment of an inguinal hernia can not be considered just a simple suture of the edges of the parietal defect. Considering the data presented in the literature, we emphasize the main features of the most frequently used interventions of treating inguinal hernias. An academic classification of the surgical techniques would be: open surgical procedures with tension suture (open “tension” repair); “no tension” open surgical procedures (open “tension-free” repair); mini-invasive surgical procedures; and laparoscopic interventions. Each of these procedures can be further classified as prosthetic or non-prosthetic depending on whether synthetic or biological prostheses are used. В настоящее время хирургическое лечение паховой грыжи не может заключаться в простом ушивании краев дефекта. Учитывая данные, представленные в литературе, мы уделяем внимание основным особенностям вмешательств, наиболее часто используемых, для лечения паховых грыж. Академическая классификация хирургических методов включает: открытые хирургические вмешательства, миниинвазивные и лапароскопические оперативные приемы. Каждая из этих процедур может быть выполнена с использованием синтетических или биологических протезов

    Влияние озонотерапии на показатели гуморального и клеточного иммунитета у больных с дуоденальной язвой

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    Catedra Medicină internă nr. 6, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu, România, Spitalul Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, Chişinău, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThe study included 180 patients with chronic duodenal ulcer H. pylori associated in exacerbation. The patients underwent: physical examination, laboratory diagnosis fibrogastroscopy and laboratory exams for H. pylori. Under the influence of ozonotherapy both cellular and humoral components of the immune status were stimulated. Sometimes the effects of ozonotherapy occured 6 weeks after the treatment. It was established that the inclusion of ozonotherapy with the standard treatment contributed to the increase of H. pylori eradication. В исследование были включены 180 больных хронической язвой двенадцатиперстной кишки в стадии обострения и положительной H. pylori. Изучено влияние озонотерапии на клеточные и гуморальные звенья иммунитета. При исследовании иммунного статуса наблюдалась активация T- и B-клеточного ответа. Эффективность озонотерапии наблюдалась через 6 недель после окончания лечения. Было установлено, что включение озонотерапии в базисное лечение способствовало увеличению эрадикации H. pylori

    A Dynamic Model of Unemployment with Migration and Delayed Policy Intervention

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    The purpose of this paper is to build and analyse a model of unemployment, where jobs search is open to both natives and migrant workers. Markets and government intervention respond jointly to unemployment when creating new jobs. Full employment of resources is the focal point of policy action, stimulating vacancy creation. We acknowledge that policy is implemented with delays, and capture labour market outcomes by building a non-linear dynamic system. We observe jobs separation and matching, and extend our model to an open economy with migration and delayed policy intervention meant to reduce unemployment. We analyse the stability behaviour of the resulting equilibrium for our dynamic system, including models with Dirac and weak kernels. We simulate our model with alternative scenarios, where policy action towards jobs creation considers both migration and unemployment, or just unemployment

    Carbon uptake and distribution in Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) processed Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z

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    Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) rapidly consolidates high-melting point powders between carbon dies, but carbon can pose a risk for many materials. Carbon uptake in SPS and conventional, pressure-less sintered (CS) Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z has been analysed using Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) to produce high-detail elemental distribution maps. Field's metal was used as mounting material to avoid introducing carbon into the samples. The distribution maps show high surface carbon levels in the SPS-processed Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z to a depth of 10 μm. Much less carbon was observed in CS Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z. Furthermore, elemental carbon analysis (LECO-C) confirmed carbon was most abundant at the surface in SPS-processed Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z but also at higher levels internally, when compared to the CS sample. It is inferred that the carbon contamination is due to the contact between the powder and the graphite die/paper at elevated temperatures during SPS process. The measured levels of carbon in the SPS-processed sample are not expected to significantly impact the magnetic properties of Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z. These results may have implications for other powder materials processed by SPS with properties sensitive to carbon

    Stability Analysis of a Feedback Model for the Action of the Immune System in Leukemia

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    A mathematical model, coupling the dynamics of short-term stem-like cells and mature leukocytes in leukemia with that of the immune system, is investigated. The model is described by a system of seven delay differential equations with seven delays. Three equilibrium points E0, E1, E2 are highlighted. The stability and the existence of the Hopf bifurcation for the equilibrium points are investigated. In the analysis of the model, the rate of asymmetric division and the rate of symmetric division are very important

    Isobolographic analysis of the interaction of tramadol with anticonvulsant drugs in mice

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    Experimental research followed by clinical studies have demonstrated the existence of several types of pain, thus the pain classification according to the mediation has widely extended. In addition, the study of the interactions with pharmacodynamic mechanism expanded very much during the last years; therefore in the new theories appear significant changes concerning synergism, addition and subadditivity in binary combinations. The investigations in this paper were aimed the demonstration of the antinociceptive of some drugs with anticonvulsant action and the analysis of their binary combinations with tramadol, using isobolar analysis. As model of nociception has been used the test of abdominal constrictive response in mouse induced by Zymosan A. the test substances were administered orally alone or in fixed proportion combinations. The data obtained were subjected to isobolar analysis. According to the statistical analysis the following have been observed: the binary combination tramadol-VA has proven to be synergistic (Zmix < Zadd, f = 0,5, p1 = 677, Tc =3.936, Tt = 3,529, c = 12.78, Ft = 4.46, p < 0.05), while the binary combination tramadol-CBZ has proven to be borderline additive (Z mix < Zadd)

    Serious games in mechanical engineering education

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities and limits of using serious computer games in mechanical engineering education. Mechanical engineering has long struggled around the world due to a shortage of students, so it is necessary to constantly look for opportunities to make learning more attractive. Contemporary students are equipped with sufficient competences and technical equipment for effective learning in the virtual environment of computer games, so a whole range of sub-projects in the field of gaming education are being carried out throughout the world. A serious game or applied game is a game designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment, most likely for education. A reference serious game called ‘Manager Simulator’ was developed over three years. The technical means of development were verified through this. In addition, another serious game, ‘Workshop’, was developed, that guides the student through a virtual production process. The student has to produce machine parts according to the specified production processes and blueprints. Machines and tools are available for the purpose. Some of the machine equipment have commentary within the interactive tutorial. The student then tries their own production. The game responds to their activities and actions (for example, if the product is forgotten when turning or milling, then the part may be rendered unusable, etc.)