4 research outputs found

    ANALISIS TERJADINYA KARIES GIGI BERDASARKAN PEMERIKSAAN KADAR MUC7 DAN ENZIM GLUKOSILTRANSFERASE (GTF) SALIVA PADA ANAK-ANAKKARYAWAN PTPN VIII YANG BERUMUR 12-13 TAHUN - Dental Caries Analysis Based On Salivary Examination Of Muc7 Levels and Enzyme Glucosyltransferase (gtf) In 12-13 Years Old Children PTPN VIII Employees

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    AbstrakKaries gigi merupakan penyakit infeksi multifaktorial, faktor etiologi tersebut saling berkaitan satu sama lainnya dan digambarkan sebagai empat lingkaran yang saling berimpitan satu sama lainnya. Protein saliva MUC7 yang terdapat dalam saliva berperan penting dalam melindungi jaringan lunak dan keras rongga mulut dari infeksi bakteri patogen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kaitan antara MUC7 dan glukosiltransferase dengan karies gigi, yang dapat menimbulkan dugaan bahwa MUC7 dan glukosiltransferase berperan penting terjadi karies gigi. Motode penelitian ini bersifat cross sectional study di lapangan dan laboratorium. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 138 orang anak karyawan PTPN VIII Pengalengan usia 12-13 tahun. Pada penelitian ini digunakan analisis chi kuadrat, korelasi rank Spearman, analisis regresi logistik ganda dan kurva ROC.  Hasil penelitian terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara MUC7 dengan karies gigi, nilai koeffisien korelasi 0,209* dengan p 0,014, dan tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara glukosiltransferase dengan karies gigi. Hasil perhitungan dengan regresi logistic ganda diperoleh hubungan yang signifikan antara MUC7, glukosiltransferase (GTF) dengan karies gigi. Hasil kurva ROC diperoleh bahwa kadar MUC7  ≤604,02 ng/ml akan berrisiko terjadinya karies gigi 2,085 kali bila dibandingkan dengan kadar MUC7 >604,02.ng/ml. Sedangkan kadar Gtf ≤5,247 ng/ml juga berrisiko terjadi karies gigi sebesar 2,273 kali dibandingkan dengan kadar Gtf >5,247 ng/ml. Simpulan penelitian ini adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara MUC7, GTF dengan karies gigi. Menunjukkan pula bahwa rendahnya kadar MUC7 dan glukosiltrans ferase (GTF) lebih berrisiko terhadap terjadinya karies gigi. Kata kunci; MUC7, glukosiltransferase (GTF), karies gigiAbstractDental caries is a multifactorial infectious disease, which the etiologic factors are related each other and are shown as four interlocking circles coincide with each other. MUC7 salivary proteins plays an important role in protecting the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity from bacterial pathogen infection. The aim of this research was to each other between MUC7 and glucosyltransferase to dental caries, which can give rise to allegations that the MUC7 and glucosyltransferase plays an important role occur of dental caries. Method of this study is a cross sectional in the field and laboratory. The samples were 138 the children of employees of PTPN VIII Pengalengan 12-13 years old. Analyses of this study are χ2, Spearman's rank test, multiple regression, logistic regression, and ROC curve. The results there was a significant correlation between MUC7 with dental caries, the value of the correlation coefficient 0.209* and p= 0.014, and there was no significant correlation between the glucosyltransferase to dental caries. Calculation of logistic regression obtained significant relationship between MUC7, glucosyltransferase (GTF) with dental caries. The result of ROC curve was obtained that MUC7 levels ≤ 604.02 ng/ml will be at risk 2,085 times dental caries levels when compared with MUC7> 604.02 ng/ml. While the GTF levels ≤ 5,247 ng/ml are also at risk of dental caries occurs 2,273 times compared to the GTF levels> 5,247 ng / ml. The conclusions of this study are significant correlation between MUC7, GTF to dental caries. Also showed that low level of MUC7 and glucosyltransferase (GTF) is more at risk for dental caries.Key word: MUC7, glucosyltransferase, dental caries

    Wanita, kerajinan anyaman pandan dan rumah tangga : kasus Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat

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    viii, 61 p. : il.; 24 cm