4 research outputs found

    Protein Crosslinking by Transglutaminase Controls Cuticle Morphogenesis in Drosophila

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    Transglutaminase (TG) plays important and diverse roles in mammals, such as blood coagulation and formation of the skin barrier, by catalyzing protein crosslinking. In invertebrates, TG is known to be involved in immobilization of invading pathogens at sites of injury. Here we demonstrate that Drosophila TG is an important enzyme for cuticle morphogenesis. Although TG activity was undetectable before the second instar larval stage, it dramatically increased in the third instar larval stage. RNA interference (RNAi) of the TG gene caused a pupal semi-lethal phenotype and abnormal morphology. Furthermore, TG-RNAi flies showed a significantly shorter life span than their counterparts, and approximately 90% of flies died within 30 days after eclosion. Stage-specific TG-RNAi before the third instar larval stage resulted in cuticle abnormality, but the TG-RNAi after the late pupal stage did not, indicating that TG plays a key role at or before the early pupal stage. Immediately following eclosion, acid-extractable protein from wild-type wings was nearly all converted to non-extractable protein due to wing maturation, whereas several proteins remained acid-extractable in the mature wings of TG-RNAi flies. We identified four proteins—two cuticular chitin-binding proteins, larval serum protein 2, and a putative C-type lectin—as TG substrates. RNAi of their corresponding genes caused a lethal phenotype or cuticle abnormality. Our results indicate that TG-dependent protein crosslinking in Drosophila plays a key role in cuticle morphogenesis and sclerotization

    Oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis in Xenopus egg extracts.

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    Addition of M13mp18 single-stranded DNA annealed with an oligonucleotide to a Xenopus egg extract results in a rapid and efficient incorporation of the oligonucleotide in a complete double-stranded supercoiled molecule. Both the efficiency of DNA synthesis and the recovery of complete double-stranded molecules are increased relative to the reaction carried out by the classical technique using the E. coli Klenow DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, dNTPs, ATP and ions. Site specific mutagenesis was assayed by reverting a point mutation in the lacz region of M13mp18. The color assay described by Messing and sequencing of the DNA extracted from isolated plaques was used to check for the reversion. A 2 hr incubation of the heteroduplex carrying the mutagenic oligonucleotide in the Klenow-ligase-dNTP mixture allows a recovery of 6% mutant phage after transformation of competent cells with the reaction products. Using the Xenopus egg extract, 83% mutant phage were recovered after the same incubation time, in reactions entirely performed in parallel. The Xenopus extract is stable and contains all components required for the assay, including all ionic and protein factors; thus the only addition is the annealed DNA. Such an eukaryotic system is therefore an attractive alternative to the reconstituted prokaryotic DNA polymerase-DNA ligase system for site specific mutagenesis