200 research outputs found

    Engaging for-profit providers in TB control: lessons learnt from initiatives in South Asia.

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    There has been a huge expansion in the private health-care sector over the past two decades, particularly in South Asia, resulting in over 80% of patients seeking care from private health providers. Despite concerns about the quality and equity of private sector service provision, most government public health bodies recognize that the private sector reaches individuals that public institutions cannot cater to, thereby being important in moving closer to universal health coverage. Numerous initiatives have been launched and are being planned to involve private practitioners in effectively diagnosing, reporting and managing infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. However, there is a notable dearth of papers discussing which elements of private sector engagement strategies are more or less successful and the ethical issues that arise when engagement strategies are operationalized. This article brings together the authors' experiences of working on projects to engage private allopathic health providers in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India for improved tuberculosis control. Motivations of and strategies required to engage private allopathic heath providers, specifically doctors, diagnostic laboratories and pharmacies, and some of the ethical issues that arise when designing programmes for engagement are discussed

    Conducting rapid health needs assessments in the cluster era: experience from the Pakistan flood.

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    Due to its unprecedented scale, the Pakistan flood disaster tested the limits of disaster management and coordination. Under the leadership of the World Health Organization, the Global Health Cluster system for coordinating activities improved collaboration and efficiency in conducting rapid needs assessments. However, the involvement of non-Cluster members was lacking, and information on existing service provision was not collected adequately. The present rapid health needs assessment process under the Cluster system will be discussed, using the recent floods in Pakistan as an example

    "For how long are we going to take the tablets?" Kenyan stakeholders' views on priority investments to sustainably tackle soil-transmitted helminths.

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    Recent global commitments to shift responsibility for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) control to affected countries reflect a renewed emphasis on sustainability, away from aid-dependency. This calls for a better understanding of how domestic stakeholders perceive investments in different strategies for NTD control. Soil transmitted helminths (STH) are among the NTDs targeted for elimination as a public health problem by international agencies through mass drug administration, provided periodically to at-risk population groups, often using drugs donated by pharmaceutical companies. This study was conducted in Kenya at a time when responsibilities for long running STH programmes were transitioning from external to national and sub-national agencies. Following an initial assessment in which we identified key domestic stakeholders and reviewed relevant scientific and government documents, the perspectives of stakeholders working in health, education, community engagement and sanitation were investigated through semi-structured interviews with national level policymakers, county level policymakers, and frontline implementers in one high-STH burden county, Kwale. Our conceptual framework on sustainability traced a progression in thinking, from ensuring financial stability through the technical ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and ultimately to a situation where a programme is prioritised by domestic policymakers because empowered communities demand it. It was clear from our interviews that most Kenyan stakeholders sought to be at the final stage in this progression. Interviewees criticised long-term investment in mass drug administration, the approach favoured predominantly by external agencies, for failing to address underlying causes of STH. Instead they identified three synergistic priority areas for investment: changes in institutional structures and culture to reduce working in silos; building community demand and ownership; and increased policymaker engagement on underlying socioeconomic and environmental causes of STH. Although challenging to implement, the shift in responsibility from external agencies to domestic stakeholders may lead to emergence of new strategic directions

    Societal preferences for gender of surgeons: A cross-sectional study in the general population of Pakistan

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    Background: Sociocultural norms and gender biases may result in surgeon gender preferences among the general public. This study aimed to understand preferences and perceptions related to surgeon gender among the general population in Pakistan, a lower-middle-income country.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by the Aga Khan University, Karachi, among the adult general population in Pakistan. Sequential mixed-mode data collection was performed via online dissemination on social media platforms and in-person surveying at different geographic locations in Karachi.Results: Among 1604 respondents, 50% did not report having surgeon gender preferences in general. Among respondents with gender preferences, there was a highly significant preference for gender concordance across all surgical subspecialties (p Conclusion: While around half of respondents do not have gender preferences, a significant proportion prefers a gender concordant surgeon across subspecialties. In a society where conservative sociocultural norms play a significant role when seeking health care, this makes yet another compelling argument for gender parity in surgery

    Investments in tuberculosis research - what are the gaps?

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    Through decades of research, numerous studies have generated robust evidence about effective interventions for tuberculosis control. Yet, the global annual decline in incidence of approximately 1 % is evidence that current approaches and investment strategies are not sufficient. In this article, we assess recent tuberculosis research funding and discuss two critical gaps in funding and in scientific evidence from topics that have been left off the research priority agenda.We first examine research and development funding goals in the 2011-2015 Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis and analyze disbursements to different research areas by funders worldwide in 2014. We then summarize, through a compilation of published literature and consultation with 35 researchers across multiple disciplines in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine TB Centre, priorities identified by the tuberculosis research community. Finally, we compare researchers' priority areas to the global funding agendas and activities.Our analysis shows that, among the five key research areas defined in the 2011-2015 Global Plan - namely drugs, basic science, vaccines, diagnostics and operational research - drug discovery and basic science on Mycobacterium tuberculosis accounted for 60 % of the $2 billion annual funding target. None of the research areas received the recommended level of funding. Operational research, which had the lowest target, received 66 % of its target funding, whereas new diagnostics received only 19 %. Although many of the priority research questions identified by researchers fell within the Global Plan categories, our analysis highlights important areas that are not explicitly mentioned in the current plan. These priority research areas included improved understanding of tuberculosis transmission dynamics, the role of social protection and social determinants, and health systems and policy research.While research priorities are increasingly important in light of the limited funding for tuberculosis, there is a risk that we neglect important research areas and encourage the formation of research silos. To ensure that funding priorities, researchers' agendas and national tuberculosis control policies are better coordinated, there should be more, and wider, dialogue between stakeholders in high tuberculosis burden countries, researchers, international policymakers and funders

    Quantitatively evaluating the effect of social barriers: a case-control study of family members' opposition and women's intention to use contraception in Pakistan.

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    BACKGROUND: Uptake of family planning services in Pakistan has remained slow over the past decade despite a rapid increase in availability and awareness, indicating that social barriers may be preventing uptake. Social barriers such as opposition by family members have largely been studied qualitatively; there is a lack of quantitative evidence about the effect of different family members' opposition on women's intention to use contraceptives. The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the effect of family members' opposition to family planning on intention to use contraception amongst poor women in Pakistan who have physical access to family planning services. METHODS: An unmatched case control study (nested within a larger cohort study) was conducted in two public hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to compare risk factors between women that were not intending to use any contraceptive methods in the future (cases) and women that were planning to use contraceptive methods (controls). RESULTS: 248 cases and 496 controls were included in the study. Negative contraceptive intent was associated with no knowledge of contraception (AOR = 3.79 [2.43-5.90]; p < 0.001), husband's opposition (AOR = 21.87 [13.21-36.21]; p < 0.001) and mother-in-law's opposition (AOR = 4.06 [1.77-9.30]; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to quantitatively assess the effect of opposition by different family members on women's contraceptive intent in Pakistan. Our results indicate that of all family members, husband's opposition has the strongest effect on women's intention to use contraception, even when the women have knowledge of and physical access to family planning services

    Economic interventions to improve population health: a scoping study of systematic reviews.

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    BACKGROUND: Recognizing the close relationship between poverty and health, national program managers, policy-makers and donors are increasingly including economic interventions as part of their core strategies to improve population health. However, there is often confusion among stakeholders about the definitions and operational differences between distinct types of economic interventions and financial instruments, which can lead to important differences in interpretation and expectations. METHODS: We conducted a scoping study to define and clarify concepts underlying key economic interventions - price interventions (taxes and subsidies), income transfer programs, incentive programs, livelihood support programs and health-related financial services - and map the evidence currently available from systematic reviews. RESULTS: We identified 195 systematic reviews on economic interventions published between 2005 and July 2015. Overall, there was an increase in the number of reviews published after 2010. The majority of reviews focused on price interventions, income transfer programs and incentive programs, with much less evidence available from systematic reviews on livelihood support programs and health-related financial services. We also identified a lack of evidence on: health outcomes in low income countries; unintended or perverse outcomes; implementation challenges; scalability and cost-effectiveness of economic interventions. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that while more research is clearly needed to assess suitability and effectiveness of economic interventions in different contexts, before interventions are tested and further systematic reviews conducted, a consistent and accurate understanding of the fundamental differences in terminology and approaches is essential among researchers, public health policy makers and program planners


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    Background: Acute pelvic pain can result from the gynecological, urological systems and/or gastrointestinal. Ultrasound can be used as an initial imaging modality in the evaluation of acute pelvic pain. To determine sonographic findings in females of reproductive age coming with acute pelvic pain. Objective: To determine Sonographic findings in females of reproductive age with acute pelvic pain. Methodology: Toshiba Xario ultrasound machine with a standard gray scale and Doppler ultrasound convex probe of 3.5 MHz – 7.5 MHz or trans-vaginal probe of 5 MHz - 7.5MHz is used. Both transvaginal and trans-abdominal probes were used in this study. The study was conducted at Ultrasound University Clinic, Township, Lahore. Data of 163 patients was collected through convenient sampling. Statistical software for social sciences (SPSS version 22.0) is used for the analysis of data. Results: A total of 163 patients were examined in the study. The age incidence of the cases in this study varied between 15 years to 45 years. The mean age of the patients in the study was 29.8712 years. The uterine fibroid is most commonly involved in acute pelvic pain and is seen in 30.1% cases followed by simple ovarian cyst in 20.2% cases, hemorrhagic cyst in 14.1% cases. 8.6% cases with pelvic pain have no abnormal sonographic findings. Adenomyosis, PID and endometrial polyp in 4.3% each. Endometrial hyperplasia in 3.1%. Follicular cyst, simple adnexal cyst and complex adnexal cyst in 1.8% each, followed by ovarian endometrioma in 0.6% cases and dermoid cyst in 0.6%. In obstetric patients of acute pelvic pain; RPOCs are most common, constituting 1.8% of total acute pelvic pain, molar pregnancy in 1.2%, ectopic pregnancy in 0.6% patients, subchorionic bleed in 0.6% cases. Conclusion: Ultrasound is a very good modality for acute pelvic pain, as it can easily diagnose and characterize the causes of pelvic pain. The wide availability, radiation free and cost effectiveness makes it a first line investigation in acute pelvic pain. In the present study, the most common cause of pelvic pain is uterine fibroid. Key words: Ultrasound (US), Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), acute pelvic pain, retained products of contraceptives (RPOCs), pouch of Douglas (POD). DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/71-14 Publication date: February 29th 202